The state of Texas is questioning the legal rights of an “unborn child” in arguing against a lawsuit brought by a state prison guard who says she had a stillborn baby because of working conditions.
Completely independent of the baby having rights or not it is obviously endangering someone if they do not let them leave to see a doctor when the person has pain.
If she's having a medical emergency, is she capable of supervising the prisoners? Seems to me like they were unsupervised whether she was there or not.
Exactly. Swap out the pregnant woman having pains with a man having a possible heart attack. Saying "sorry, but you can't leave for to go to the hospital for at least 2 hours" would be a massive violation of that worker's civil rights and would open the employer to a huge lawsuit.
Of course, the added "fetus' rights" element just exposes the hypocrisy of the Texas government. When it benefits them, every fetus is a full blown person and doing anything that could hurt said fetus is murder. However, when it doesn't benefit them, then the fetus has no rights and contributing to its death should have no legal repercussions whatsoever.
They don't actually give a shit as long as there is an ass in a chair and a stamp in the logs. Unless something goes wrong, then it would have been her fault.