Granted. The monkey paw no longer exists in reality. However, every single work of fiction has now been infiltrated to include it as the main plot device. Everything from the Iliad to Mean Girls now unalterably revolves around the paw.
The monkey paw disappears. In its place is now a void in space the same shape and volume as the monkey paw. The crushing implosion and resulting explosive rebound is so loud and violent that it completely ruptures your eardrums and blows apart the hand in which you were holding the paw.
You’ve released the world from the paw, but at the cost of your hand and hearing.
Granted. One of the fingers curl down and the paw vanishes from before your eyes. Your hand that once held the paw moves despite your efforts to stop it. The fingers hook and stiffen until they have taken the shape of the now nonexistent paw. You try to straighten the fingers, but you have no control over anything beyond your wrist. A horrible pain rises from the paralyzed hand. The bones feel like they are being crushed. The joints like they are on fire. The tendons like they are being stretched to the point of snapping. The skin like it is cracking. The pain grows and grows, each sensation fueling the others in an eternal torment. Your whole body shaking violently from the pain, you barely manage to dial emergency services. The operator hears only your screams as you drop the phone. Your mind filled solely with this torment and your desire to make it stop. Desparate, you stumble towards your kitchen. You grab your largest knife and the last thing you remember before blacking out is bringing the blade down on your wrist.
You stir back to conciseness as paramedics move you onto a gurney. The pain from your hand persisting as an all consuming presence. You look down and see a bandaged stump where the hand should be, but then you see it. A paramedic has it. As they move to put the distorted severed hand into a cooler, you hear the only words that have penetrated the static of pain in your head. "I wish this would get easier." The pain finally subsides and you let out a sigh of relief as a finger on your severed hand curls before the unbelieving eyes of the paramedic.