I wish for the magical monkey paw to permanently cease to exist from reality.
I wish for the magical monkey paw to permanently cease to exist from reality.
I wish for the magical monkey paw to permanently cease to exist from reality.
The monkey paw disappears. Your finger curls.
Granted. The monkey paw no longer exists in reality. However, every single work of fiction has now been infiltrated to include it as the main plot device. Everything from the Iliad to Mean Girls now unalterably revolves around the paw.
Everything else ceases to exist along with it due to your generality
The monkey paw disappears. In its place is now a void in space the same shape and volume as the monkey paw. The crushing implosion and resulting explosive rebound is so loud and violent that it completely ruptures your eardrums and blows apart the hand in which you were holding the paw.
You’ve released the world from the paw, but at the cost of your hand and hearing.
The paw would have to be extremely massive to cause that much of a shockwave lol
Just voluminous.
I thought it was going to turn into a black hole