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Chapos I'm about to cry some girl I was falling in love with deleted her telegram that i used to talk to her

It was long distance.... we would talk for like 8 hours a day sometimes. One time we talked for 14 hours out of the day. (Had phone sex a few times)

And then poof I long on today and she deleted her telegram account.

Right after giving me a huge list of book reccomendations and everything. To read and listen to

She did speak about getting worried we were getting romantic for each other too quickly and that we were getting too invested in each other. We had a connection she said but that I should focus on my drug treatment and her on her studies

I just don't know why she randomly deleted it... the only thing I can think is that she knew that's the only way she could stop us

Hurts guys it really really hurts. I'm about to cry

  • that sounds really tough, I hope you can do something nice for yourself. The only thing I can offer to you is that there's billions of other people on the planet for you to fall in love with.

    Maybe take some time for yourself, even try reading some of the books she recommended, maybe you'll find a way back into each others lives one day.

    • I'm just trying to figure out why she randomly cut me off? Things were going well. We loved talking so much. She just stated she was afraid we were getting too invested in each other.

      I'm wondering if she knew that's the only way we could stop obsessing over each other or whatever and so she got rid of the temptation to talk to me

      • Did she tell you why she was worried about your guys’ time investment? Was it the distance? Infatuation?

        I'm wondering if she knew that's the only way we could stop obsessing over each other

        I’ve had girls randomly stop talking to me, and I’ve done the same (although I highly doubt they were interested in me to begin with to care about that). But for the former, I took it hard as well. Much of the time it seemed that everything was going well, that we got along, etc. so losing them abruptly was a huge gut punch. And for what? No reason?

        Well, regardless of why, the distance made realize I never knew them. I realized I was so depressed because I had already built a perfect image of her, and a life for us inside my head. Despite all the laughter, jokes, and long conversations, I simply did not ‘know’ who she was truly.

        But as the other commenter said, check out some of the books she recommended. Even though these girls are no longer part of my life or occupy my mind, parts of their personality still follow me because it turns out the things I put them on a pedestal for were things I wanted for myself.

        Sometimes there’s no closure. And if you believe that this relationship didn’t end on an intentionally hostile note, then perhaps it’s better to smile because it happened and take parts of her that moved you so much and move forward.

  • As much as it sucks, this will pass and it will be alright. While it is shitty to drop you nearly entirely cold, she has her reasons whatever they may be.

    Just try as hard as you can to not take it personally, and avoid dwelling on it as much as you can. This is hard, but gets easier every day. Go easy on yourself, it's easy to be hyper critical of ourselves more than anyone else.

    Those good times you had were real and meaningful regardless of the outcome. There will be more and it's pretty obvious to me that you are more than capable of loving and being loved.

    • I just think she was scared of getting too close... she hinted that she was scared of us getting too close. "we are too invested in each other she's afraid and that I should focus on my drug treatment. And she should focus on her studies.

      We had some good times and some really romantic nights talking. Got intimate over the phone a couple times. That felt good, as lame as it is.

      Thanks, I just need friends who can help me examine this and not go crazy

  • There’s no way to know what went through her mind. It can be extremely hurtful when someone decides to cut contact like that, but for the person that is cutting contact it can be hard to see things that way. It’s easier to just ghost someone than it is to explain someone why you want to cut contact, because that way you aren’t confronted with the fact that you’re hurting someone. On her part it was a shitty thing to do.

    At the same time, she wouldn’t cut contact if she felt as strongly about you as it seems that you feel about her. It’s possible that she felt trapped and didn’t know how to tell you. It can be very overwhelming and scary to know that someone feels strongly about you and she might not have known how to deal with that situation. At least it’s a sign that she is not interested in having contact with you, and the best thing for you to do is move on, as difficult as it may be. Sorry that happened to you, as I said it can be extremely painful and it may take a while for you to recover, but you will heal and you will find other people that will matter as much to you as she did.

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