Loblaw Has Become an Everything Company | The Walrus
Loblaw Has Become an Everything Company | The Walrus

The grocery chain is now involved in pharmacare, financial services, and real estate—with no signs of slowing down

Loblaw Has Become an Everything Company | The Walrus
The grocery chain is now involved in pharmacare, financial services, and real estate—with no signs of slowing down
I'm sure that the antitrust legislation will kick in any day now...
Someone is going to lob a law bomb at Loblaw?
Maybe Bob Loblaw should write it in his Law Blog
If a company doesn’t adhere to Unix Philosophy then it should be broken up
You know, I kind of like that. We need a national KISS policy
Loblaw should become the nothing company and blink out of existence for how much they abuse the market, price fix, overpay asshole CEOs and have shitty products.
And treat employees all the way up to and including store level managers like shit
It's almost as if when a company gets to a certain size they should be nationalized if it's in the public's best interests.
Ooooof first Canadian Zaibatsu
it was better when he just had a law blog
Bob Loblaw's Law Blog?
Bob Loblaw's Law Blog lobs low blow
Loblaws can loblow my loballs
Getting rid of the efficiencies defence is a good start.
The article also hints at a deeper problem of land use. Zoning is limiting the space where new competitors can establish themselves. The established conglomerates buy up what little land is available.
Provincial governments need to tax ground rents so the revenue gets used to foster competition, not lining billionaires’ pockets.
Municipalities need to open up the suburbs to become denser mixed use spaces, where small businesses can develop and thrive.