Every generation thinks this. Yet adults continue to setup children for failure expecting them to clean up their mess.
No fuck that. Let’s start now and fix issues — climate change, racial disparity, gender wage gap, re-secure abortion rights, housing shortage.
These can be solved long before our children are born. We just refuse to do anything. Governments sit on their ass while O&G pollutes the planet. People refuse to change their lifestyles and accept change is needed (ie, change from inefficient car centric transportation and suburban sprawl in USA, widening highways). With AI making strides towards making a large portion of population jobless, universal basic income needs to be discussed. Investing in the people through more support programs and lifting people out of poverty. Healthcare for all.
We can’t even get this basic shit right. What makes you think children in the future will? Generations of today were setup for failure. Generations of tomorrow are set up for failure.
As someone who is mixed race, I felt this so much ;-;
Even worse when ppl of your generation (gen z) try to make you out as a completely white girl cuz of growing up some what privileged (even despite them knowing that you grew up in a very intensively abusive environment)
Like as if I had a choice in being born lol
It’s like I just can’t win and I’ll never be able to fit in anywhere cuz of these labels and standards ppl have to determine if your mixed race or not and it’s a literal form of ancestral erasure, which is just purely disrespectful and out right offensive imo.
Agreed. I would like to see countries like the US move past the 19th century concept "race" and into a bit more of a nuanced understanding of ethnicity, though.
American? Do you think America invented racism? This is certainly a fire that's been burning for a long time and there isn't a single culture that can yet claim victory over it.
The South African state had some brilliant methodology for determining exactly how black any given person is so they could decide how racist they needed to be.