I thought that was sighthounds. Super aloof, only asks for pets when they want them, wants to spend all day stalking a mouse and slowly torturing it, etc.
I always thought people overexaggerated about how dramatic huskys are - until I had one live below me for a few years. Some of those noises just made me laugh from how goofy it was. Dummy got sprayed by a skunk too, twice.
When I was a student, I did an internship in a chemistry lab. On one of the days, someone brought in some samples of skunk secretion for an analysis.
Everyone was like Not again i dont want that, let the intern do this!
I thought how bad could it be?. Turns out really bad. It days to stop that smell. And I mostly handled the sealed phials and only opened a single one for a gas chromatography without spilling something...
Oh boy yeah that sounds awful, it was bad enough with them isolated downstairs and after washing the dog immediately. Both times I could very easily smell it in my room for at least a week, fades over time though, first few days suckkkk.
My husky isn't much like the stereotypes. The only time she really gets loud is if I say "space camp" for some reason. I honestly don't know why that phrase makes her howl; I was just saying random shit one day until she started "wooing" at something and that was it.
I had a not-husky (mixed, I think she was mostly Australian shepherd) who would make "husky" sounds all the time. We always figured she was raised around huskies or something. Anyway, she was silly and adorable, and I hope I get to meet a husky someday because they sound awesome.