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After Ukraine, US readies ‘transnational kill chain’ for Taiwan proxy war After Ukraine, US readies ‘transnational kill chain’ for Taiwan proxy war

Washington approved the dangerous sale of the Link 16 communications system to Taiwan. This is the final link of what the US military calls a

After Ukraine, US readies ‘transnational kill chain’ for Taiwan proxy war
  • The taiwan compradores are gonna lead the people from taiwan astray. Literally the same shit that went in Ukraine, they get armed to the teeth so they actually become a security threat to China and they're forced to demilitarize them. These people are beyond stupid.

  • Ukraine was a shit show for the west and the CPC is even more prepared and practiced for the scenario of having to take Taiwan by force. Idk what it will take to bring China to engage in active warfare but when they do the US is going to find out how under equipped and unprepared they are to it.

    • But Ukraine is only a shit show for the US if you look at it militarily, and the US is certainly no stranger to losing in wars over the past century as a global hegemon.

      The destabilization of Europe during the Ukraine war has effectively created a huge international capital flight into the US, mass de-industrialization and soon mass privatization of European assets as Europe pursues an austerity policy, the destruction of euro as a currency rival to the dollar, as well as the strengthening of the dollar as a result, the disruption of energy supply chain that netted huge profit for the American oil and gas sector, military buildups that grant billions of dollars of contracts to the American military industrial complex, and finally, dozens of billion of aid money to Ukraine that are laundered back to the American politicians and their proxies.

      I’m not even going to go into the more conspiratorial territory like the eventual mass emigration of mostly white Europeans to the US as Europe inevitably sinks into fascism (which ironically is what the right wing conspiracy nuts feared about “The Great Replacement” except it’s a realistic plan under Biden to create a white supremacist state in America) to replace Chinese immigrants as the US prepares a war with China. All of these are projects underway that could eventually lay the groundwork for the Fourth Reich in America.

      The strategy against China is going to be the same. De-stabilize the Asia-Pacific region, the blockade of which is going to block Chinese exports and shut down the global economy. This is why China couldn’t wait to speed up the Belt and Road Initiative and shift their entire transportation chain inland, to prevent the disastrous consequences of an imminent sea route blockade by the US.

      However, the Belt and Road Initiative also has a critical flaw in that most (~70%) of its projects were funded in US dollar, which rendered the entire chain susceptible to US interference through financial warfare. This is why I always say that the only way for China (and the rest of the world) to come out on top is to de-dollarize aggressively. The longer they wait, the more vulnerable the entire system is to the threats posed by the global institutions controlled by the US.

      Do not for a moment think that the US strategists are stupid. They may make mistakes (for example, they miscalculated and failed in defeating Russia), but they certainly have achieved a lot of their strategic goals (destroying Europe is a far bigger fish to fry than to defeat a weak economy like Russia, that is, a Europe-China alliance is far scarier to the US than a Russia-China alliance), and have a lot of cards left in their sleeves which they will ruthlessly dispense to make life harder for everyone else in the world. They’re not going to go down willingly, and if they had to, they’d rather take the whole world down with them.

    • Yeah, it's an absolutely insane idea, not to mention that US economy would collapse overnight.

  • China has had a few years to be prepared for such things and has an idea of what can happen based on Ukraine so they do have a few different approaches, like seting a red line and nuking the US immediately after it's crossed or what I think is more likely, do nothing in regards to this intrusion other than station boats between the yankees and China while increasing decolonization efforts and sending weapons to Yemen and Russia, supporting a possible takeover of Ukraine while trying to push the more trobolesome elements of Ukraine to flee to the EU so they start causing trouble there.

    Taking the opportunity of the colonialists probably not accepting the UNSC cease fire proposal to sanction them and key western industries related to them with the BRICS and Global South, increasing the cost of genocide to the whole west could also be a good move. And although I don't expect China going against the west in a more direct way diplomatically this could be the time for them to get maximum return on whatever they do, specially if they are already going to be blamed for it one way or another.

    • It looks like China's been quietly decoupling from the west and reorienting trade towards the Global South. So, I imagine China will be in a much stronger position to apply pressure on the west than the other way around. The decoupling on this end has been largely rhetorical.

  • Well fuck.

  • Imagine if all life on earth ends due to a nuclear catastrophe over fucking Taiwan.


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