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[Spoilers Episode 7] Everyone Dies Stealing a Pickle

Episode 7: Everyone Dies Stealing a Pickle

Tonight! Four heroes descend into the sewers to retrieve a magical artifact. Can they succeed under the maniacal gaze of the Xanathar? No.

DM - Matthew Lillard
Atticus MacMurder (Harengon Rogue) - Seth Green
Dewy (Water Genasi Rogue) - Michelle Nguyen Bradley
Maxine "Max" Damage (Satyr Warlock) - Noura Ibrahim
Pelvis Crusher (Orc Barbarian) - Freddie Wong

The four of you are leaving a party. Last night you each received a message from a Davos Starsong. You each know Davos Starsong as 'the element of force within the Xentarum Network'. He is somebody who has sway and great power in this organization which, each one of you we have previously established ourselves, you have a deep desire to be a part of. He sends you all a message:
"Your party of Initiates was very impressive last week. Accomplishing the task presented went a long way towards making a good impression. Just the sort of ingeuity and industry the Xentarum appreciate. Keep it up and you can find yourself as part of a very exclusive club. Dare I say, family. To that end, tonight I shall be sitting at my usual seat at the Yawning Portal. Join me! But only if you are interested in pursuing our relationship. Meet me at the Yawning Portal."
Waterdeep is a storybook town. Hundreds of thousands of souls and it feels like a proper metropolis. The Yawning Portal is very famous because it's got within its walls, what looks like a well but is not really a well at all, when you look into it, it's the top part of a tower that descends into Undermount and adventurers from all over the world come to go adventuring in the Undermountain and they've come up full of riches and success, some never return at all.
In this particular instance, you walk in, and in the back is a very handsom elven man named Davos Starsong, the man you seek. He sees you come in a raieses a bejeweled hand and waves you over. You see the members of the community watch you as you go and sit down. For the first time ever, each one of you feels like you're being seen. He says:

"Thank you for taking my invitation. Welcome to my table. It is a pleasure, my honor to share wine with you."
He calls over a small boy who pours you each an amazing chalice of honey mead.
"Obviously I have chosen the right collection of adventurers. I must seek your consent, if that's alright. The information I'm about to present to you, the ways and means by which I acquired this, If you were to deny my offer tonight, you would become liabilities. A, how-we-say "a problem".