Every game I've played back to 2015 has screenshots. Some up to a thousand documenting various playthroughs over time.
So far the game screenshot folder is 40gb. Is there something wrong with me? The screenshots compel me. Its like recording and editing playing games with friends but not to get popular on youtube just to document the times i had fun and share with them.
I usually screenshot stuff that makes me laugh or that I want to riff on with friends. I've been playing the Star Ocean remake the past few days and have been taking screenshots of the developers going a little overboard on the fetish dialogue. Like I've only played the second game but I don't remember it being this horny.
It's like taking photos, just because it's digital doesn't mean they aren't real memories worth capturing, I think it's great. This reminded me I have screenshots from the PS3 playing Little Big Planet with my mom who passed away. She never liked having her photo taken but she was proud of her character haha.