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High pH if possible lol. So weird how people focus on alkaline water. I promise, it doesn’t matter. I remember seeing an interview with Gwyneth Paltrow that she starts her day with alkaline water with some added…. Lemon juice 😂
Obviously a new face is gonna make the biggest difference
Agreed. Alkaline water ranges from absolutely useless to harmful if you somehow got the pH high enough. Your stomach acid would neutralize any alkaline properties of water instantly. If you want to actually reduce acidity levels in your stomach, calcium carbonate (Tums as a brand for instance) is much more effective.
Alkaline water works if u got acidity 😂 ! I add baking soda in water when i get acidity !
Meanwhile I'm old fashioned... if I'm on a health kick I'll eat a salad.
Previous generation living to be 90 powered by cigarettes and cheap brandy.
Fellow acollierastro viewer??
First thing I thought of as well:
Because it totally matters what biiig pH difference I throw into my internal acid pool
I wonder if I ill become superhuman if I switch my water to milk of magnesia
You will take superhuman shits!
Your blood and other body fluids are supposed to have buffers that keep the PH in a very narrow range of acceptable values, so if you could influence your body PH with what you drink, it's time to go to the emergency room and get that severe metabolic disorder checked out immediately.
The only part of your body you could really influence the PH of is your stomach, and even then, assuming you don't have an acid disorder which could benefit from taking antacids, all you're doing is making your stomach work harder to restore its normal (very low) PH for no good reason.
Alkaline water, so based!
make sure to ass some lemon juice!
Is that like one of those butt chugs the kids used to do?
Okay but seriously, working out in any capacity makes you feel so much better. Even if it's just a 10min walk per day.
I'm not so sure about the face, though. Sounds like a rather extreme transition
Well I'm going to try the walk based on your advice, so really you should try my thing.
Well there is this one woman I would love to look like, but only with her voluntary, explicit and informed consent.
Gotta respect that.
So... a new face every day? I mean, it sounds like the first one would be easy, but then it's going to get progressively more difficult each day...
No sugar? Cool, guess I'll die then
Cellular respiration from glucose is prohibited!
Grindset moment
Memes with text count as reading, right?
high ph if possible
let me just grab some hydroxide