Why do people steal the tip of the air compressors?
Maybe the state I live in is just ghetto as shit. It seems like every air pump at the gas station has the top part that attaches to your tire to fill it with air stolen.
I don’t understand the value of this specific part. Why do people steal them?
It's not. Nobody's smoking crack out of the tip of a compressor hose. If people are stealing them for drug reasons the most likely answer is that they're made of solid brass and have a decent scrap value. They're selling them to the same guy they're selling stolen catalytic converters and the copper wire they've stripped out of newly constructed homes to.
That's what I always heard they were used for, they are easy to turn into a pipe so it makes sense. Also those little glass tubes with tiny roses in them that are always right at the checkout of liquor stores in shady areas are also used to smoke crack
No, someone was actually doing it in a case I was in. It’s clear you just made a guess yourself but credited yourself 100%, but look forward to your downvote. 🙄
Are you sure they're being stolen and simply aren't breaking off because they are cheap and/or people are rough with things they don't own? I've had the tip break off twice when airing up my tires, and the gas station didn't even replace them for months.
No. This is a thing. It’s the same in my neighborhood and I came into this thread hoping for answers. There are several needle exchanges around here so I doubt it’s that but idk.
I'm going to innocently guess it's because the tips are small parts put under duress and with more use, the looser they become and just... Fall off? And then they aren't seen on the ground of the station because people drive over them and they get scattered or smashed on the street.
Of course I'm still learning to drive (in my mid-twenties) and my family members who are licensed are more often the ones who get work done on our cars. I also live in a state were self-pumping isn't that common.