‘Engage the enemies in the free market of ideas’
‘Engage the enemies in the free market of ideas’
‘Engage the enemies in the free market of ideas’
When Wolfenstein II The New Colossus came out, the chuds were complaining it was an SJW game because the marketing focused on killing nazis.
BJ debating with fascists the same way Cain debated with Abel
I'm not that huge of fan of the new wolfenstein games, although I love wolf games. I dunno apart from nazi killing, the games themes come off as incoherent and american exceptionalist.
Also wanna add the new games are too large in size for a damn wolf game.
That's the point.... from game 1, kill nazis, America fuck yeah. In that order
Yeah sure. W3d or rtcw or 2009 all have that but the thing that separates them from the new ones like collosus is its more set in USA and its no longer ww2. As it goes on these games try to characterize fascism and america albeit very feebly. I don't mind a generic america fuck yeah, murder nazis game. Its just that they tackle themes that seems out of their narrow range.