Remember, the American Nazi party had a ridiculous amount of traction. Enough to fill Madison Square Garden for Washington's birthday. Those people didn't just vanish after WWII. They didn't denounce their beliefs. They just crawled into the cracks like cockroaches.
Is there any "Memes" community that doesn't post shit like this? We non Americans don't care about this, we just want some fun memes and not being forcefed your culture war crap.
To be honest, a lot of Republicans are still very respectable. The republican platform is fucked up, but if you are talking to your neighbor, don't make his party affliation equal to his personal belief. A Democrat doesn't believe in everything in the Democrat's platform either.
In that sense, insulting a party is not generally helpful for public discourse.
Republicans and Democrats are the same. If Republicans are the Nazis at home, Democrats are funding the Nazis abroad.
i agree, and im so glad it's finally happening. people seem to be finally waking up. if say for example i posted irrefutable proof that that tribe is at fault for so many of the world issues, instead of being refuted it just gets deleted. but before it's deleted, some people open it and read it, and if they have 3 digit iq they then stop being removed and if they have a logical brain they start to connect the dots. and that's called being a nazi.
I've said this many times. Republicans are bad...and democrats are just as bad, the only difference is what they pretend to care about. You might've seen a democrat promise good things, but not a single one of them has ever even tried to get any of those things done
FDR didn't have the votes either. He used his popularity to twist arms for the votes he needed. LBJ did the same thing. AOC and the squad could just as easily do that too, but they've wasted every opportunity they've had to pressure Pelosi and Schumer to do something.
Oh by the way, remember why we couldn't have a vote on medicare for all or raising wages because the current speaker Kevin McCarthy would become speaker? And then when the democrats did nothing at all McCarthy became speaker and the people got nothing?
Did you know that a majority of republican voters want medicare for all once they understand what it is? "We need to go to the center and be against medicare for all to get votes from the other side"
I still don't understand how so many people equate the party that supports free speech with the Nazis, and equate the party that wants to disarm the poor with the freedom fighters.