The difference of stealing yourself vs being stolen from
The difference of stealing yourself vs being stolen from
The difference of stealing yourself vs being stolen from
I'll never understand why people put Steve Jobs on a pedestal. He might have been a very astute businessman , but by all accounts he was a horrible human being and a colossal prick.
From what I’ve read he definitely had a strong personality and I don’t think anyone sees him as flawless. But that made for some very funny moments. And he definitely was the person that Apple needed at that time.
Strong is one way to wash over his narcissism, delusions, and the abuse he doled out. And you're wrong, there's plenty of people who take the washing-over to a degree where they think he was a genius above reproach. Yeah, let's focus on the funny moments and brush all that abuse and whatnot under the rug, that's better. I'm so glad a company got to profit from a sociopath's leadership in the end, gives me the fuzzies. Could you imagine giving up iphones and iOS for some alternative imaginary version of those products? Oh my.
I had a former boss who idolized him. Which was... concerning as his employee.
Steve Jobs was the Elon Musk of his time, he just died too soon for everyone to see him for the villain he was.
Steve Jobs did at least actually do things. Musk just buys things and claims he did them.
This sells Musk short. He is making smart entrepreneurial decisions for the most part. I hate the monkey testing controversy though.
Woah; that's just so wildly inaccurate; I have no idea what to even say.
Are you really saying Jobs was a transphobic right-wing extremist whose father got super rich and helped him to just buy into uprising companies without really doing anything by himself?
did he ever reconcile with his kid? hard to imagine just ignoring your own child like that...
Who, Elon or Steve? /s
he just died too soon for everyone to see him for the villain he was
Oh he died soon enough.
iOS user: "DUDE have you seen [new iOS feature]? This is the bee's knees!" [10 minutes of gushing omitted for brevity]
Android user: "...Yeah, we've had that for 15 years."
Even the iPhone itself was just a more advanced version of a PDA or other handheld PC device that existed years before it. Logically, phones would have advanced similarly with or without Apple.
To be fair, Apple had a PDA, the Newton, back in 1993... Not that it was the 1st again...
KkI wouldn't even say the iphone was more advanced than what came before it haha.
I still have 2 fully functioning Palm TX devices from 20 or so years ago, they were released mid 2005 while iPhone was June 2007 I think?
Looking back, I cannot fathom (aside from marketing) how apple beat palm in that market.
Here are the specs, keep in mind the TX was released several years before the original iPhone Ram: Palm TX: 128 Mb iPhone: 128Mb Screen palm TX: 480×320 iPhone 480×320 Processor TX: 312Mhz iPhone 416 Mhz
So, for a 3 year or so delay, the original iPhone imo still doesn't completely dwarf the TX, but I'm also not through as there are plenty of features that the TX had but the iPhone lacked.
The TX was also touch screen (I find it much more responsive) and was meant for a stylus instead of fingers. To this day, I still love writing and drawing on the TX. Oh, and the stylus fits neatly into the TX on the right side. Also, it has a nice little replaceable flip cover for the screen.
But that's not all, it has an SD card slot for expandable storage, something the iPhone omitted.
It also has wifi 302.11b support and Bluetooth as well, yes, Bluetooth in 2005 and it was very easy to activate and use.
But no, that's not all, it also had an IR transmitter/receiver! Something the iPhone helped to kill. Those things were underrated!
They made the TX the perfect universal remote! I had a program on the TX that listed every T.V/DVD/VCR/Cable etc. Manufacturer you could imagine, you'd just select the manufacturer for the device you wanted to control, aim the TX at it and bam, you had control.
This helped me a lot as essentially I could control almost any device I could see. Lost remote for the DVD player? TX got you. It wasn't just for t.v's and whatnot though, many things run on IR and I miss when smart devices supported it.
Ah, and I'm still not done, the TX had BUTTONS. Actual factual buttons. Not only was it 100% touch screen, but it had 4 buttons and a directional pad with another button in the middle iirc.
Those buttons made it great for emulation and I believe I had a snes emulator on it though that may have just been Nes, either way, the buttons were much more fun to play with than touch screen, it made the device actually feel.. made for what you were using it to do.
In fact, everything on the device felt made for what you were doing, and not just an afterthought. It came preloaded with plenty of useful apps. A web browser that was even YouTube capable for one, which in 2006 or so when I got the TX blew my mind, YouTube in my Palm?
Maybe I went a little overboard in this comment but my point is, damn, some more competition may have been nice.
Oh, and one last thing, My TX devices still run like the day I got them, hell, the battery life is insane as well. I left one on for at least 2 weeks and it still had power last I checked. How many original iPhones that were opened in 2007 are still running? Heck, even an iPhone 5 from 2012, how many of those are still up and running?
Yet my 2005 TX runs just the same as it always did. It's insane to look at a device from 2005 and feel like in 2023 we should be taking notes, but we should.
Our devices won't last that long on standby today because they're filled with bloatware processes that refuse to stop running. The TX powers up instantly after it's been sitting for days and will be on 99% battery. My modern smart phone will kill its own battery within a day or two, tops, just sitting on my desk without me touching it.
Palm needs to make a comeback. Devices with SD, IR, buttons, built in stylus etc. Should as well.
Oh, and the OS was perfect. Calendar, web, paint etc, an Aux jack, these little things were and still are badass. If it wasn't for the limited capability due to not being able to access the web like before I'd probably still use them daily.
But I'd never use an original iPhone daily, they just aren't good for anything that I can't do with any other device.
Not that I'm anti IPhone as I realize my comment seems, don't get me wrong I do prefer androids for my uses but iPhones aren't too shabby either. Top notch hardware, all of their devices sharing the same hardware also mean their apps tend to be better optimized and more reliable, etc. They're dependable, reliable devices but.. my Palm from 20 years ago can do things no iPhone can, like still run after 2 decades, control IR devices, have an SD card inserted etc.
The closest thing I've had to a TX was an LG Stylo 6, and for it's day if was a decent device but the screen cracked in my pocket within a year and the battery life had shortened significantly. I was carrying around mophies and chargers like nobody's business. My TX though? 2 decades without even a scratch that I can see on either of the 2 that I own, and when I'm using it the battery almost seems limitless as I can go for quite some time using it without seeing that 99% battery drop a digit.
I know we've changed battery types a time or two since then but can't help but wonder how are modern batteries are so unreliable in comparison? Planned obsolescence is a factor, surely because I'm seeing a year or so tops before major performance reduction with these lithium ions of late. Whereas the TX still outlasts them 20 years later,
Just love my old tech and wish it were updated! I'd love a new palm device built as well as the TX was.
Floating apps. And split screen. I was playing Pokemon Go with reddit open in the corner in 2017 and it was old then. I dunno when iOS got it, but it's recentish.
Copy muthafuckin paste. That was a laugh, listening to explanations of why you didn't need it, until they "invented" that too.
Fun fact: Android is older.
Technically correct, but it was originally aimed at Blackberry.
Apple pioneered a moderately useful mobile browser and fully touch screen UI (except for the home button).
They've been copying each other ever since, to the point where I watch the WWDC keynote thinking "they didn't already have THAT!?" most of the time.
To this day whenever I hear people say Apple invented the smart phone I sigh. Maybe that's technically true or not depending on how you want to count it. But what irks me is how people think it was brilliant. Like bro, I was browsing on the go with my Zune and PSP years before the iPhone came out. The only things we can thank Apple for are the two worst parts of a smart phone. Apps and the phone.
Android was not aimed at blackberry. It was to be a completely new phone OS from the ground up and add extensive capabilities to the phone world over what the blackberry (the most popular phone at the time) could. Yes the G1 had a similar form factor to the most popular phone at the time and it wasn't even the only form. The phone in the picture was from prototype stage and never shipped in that form factor. The shipping go had a screen and button under it. The screen slid sideways to reveal a keyboard. The Motorola droid was the most popular android phone when they actually shipped. I had a droid and a coworker had a G1. Development problems and companies scared to gamble on a radical new product delayed Androids launch behind iPhones. Apple did a fantastic job of developing the iPhone in secret, knowing the Android was coming.
Something something Xerox
If you're not in the know, google "a neighbor named xerox gates jobs"
Dig an inch and you realize woz has more tech talent in his left pinky than jobs ever did.
Eli5 about it? Please?
I think this captures the highlights of the issue.
He died, all right. Never letting go of his bullshit, whether it was alternative medicine or whatever.
He's been raised to divinity almost. Even now, not a month goes by when some major outlet would write a story on what a genius he was, same goes for hackernews.
Odd that had he lived, you'd be seeing him on Joe Rogan or posting some antivax bs.
Holy shit! Imagine if he was alive during fucking COVID, I can totally see what you said lmao
Though he does also have a big reputation for being an idiot.
All the fruit and none of the showers could save him
I miss when Steve Jobs was the most overtly garbage trashman in the tech industry. Well, at least he's resting peacefully in hell.
Here are the stats nowadays. Just to make Steve Jobs roll in his grave, once again! 😂
I think hed be pretty happy with that! That 13% may be less, but its all from 1 manufacturer or brand. They dont need to share a piece of the pie!
Android4Life! But come on, give up that graph that combines mobile + desktop operating systems! They are totally, completely different and should be kept separate. But only based on who buys them, who uses them, who supports them, customer vs corporate customers, etc...
I like that "unknown" is OSX's biggest competitor
Only 1% for Linux? Come on, all of Android is Linux!
Now do revenue and profit generated from those figures - iOS blows android out of the water.
Did he forget about windows mobile pda phones that predated the iPhone? I had one of these before the iPhone was a thing:
I miss when devices came with infrared transmitters.. Also it had a mini sim & built-in Bluetooth/wifi at that time, wow.
Xiaomi phones still come with infrared, mostly used to control TVs, fans, AC units, etc.
He was just Salty 🧂.
iPhone undeniably brought the technology forward by years, even if only in terms of software. I don't even like iOS, but it seems disingenuous to compare iPhone to those, or the Samsung tablets, or anything that came before it.
Here in the UK it took over 3 years, after the initial release of the iPhone, for it to even support MMS messaging. Most people around me had Blackberries until Apple actually gave reason for them to consider switching, which took years. It was largely considered to be like the iPods before it: focused on the fashion/'cool' aspect of it.
I would not say they brought technology forward, and I'd go as far as to say the strive to bring forward functionalities of the iPhones improved after Jobs (I understand this is a hot take and may result in downvotes, just my opinion based on local experience).
While apple did improve the design, they mostly made it “cool”. Before that they were “nerd” phones. The Motorola V3 was a “cooler “phone at the time until the iPhone came out.
Why does this asshole live rent free in all your heads? I never hear Apple fanboys bitch about that creep Andy Rubin.
Because his company was (and continues to be) a powerful force acting against consumer rights.
He was also a self absorbed asshole that's still idolized for some reason.
People like people like them.
Man all this money in the bank and still ranting like a loser. Mfer his company steals all product ideas from other companies right from VR headsets to features from Android and then he says this. Innovate harder bitch 🤣🤣
What are you talking about? He’s dead.
I know. Sorry English is not my first language but i meant everything i said.
At least normal billionaires pretend to be fans of free markets where competition keeps prices in check. Steve Jobs was just honest enough to admit he's a piece of shit
He says great artist steal then says he wants to destroy android for stealing? Like he did anything but hype shit up on stage
He hates artists
It's a good example of how people's morals vary greatly based on their present situation, rather than being some kind of deeply held, unchanging foundation. What people believe is good and bad is largely a function of where they happen to be at the moment.
Yeah Android might have copied IOS. But why not. Android would have been developed any way sooner or later. It is based on Linux. And that is open sourced.
It only took a year for Android to be released after iOS. How long has it taken China to come up with a competing operating system? I'm pretty sure Google was working somewhat in parallel to Apple.
In many way iOS had copied android and sometimes they did it late (multitasking, ...)
If I remember correctly, android was already under development, but huge changes were made after the iPhone came out.
Just about every invention is obvious in hindsight. Take a look at what Android looked like pre-iPhone announcement and then post.
Maybe he should have said "The best artist is the one with the best lawyer."
rofl. apple stole their gui from xerox, so I guess he knew how it worked.
still failed, rather epically
Apple, with the iphone, did pioneering capacitive touch screen and biometric. Android brought smartphone to the mass and trigger the stupid camera war.
I’ve never seen someone shit and vomit so hard into a 5 point list before. Congrats on that one, go grab some water.
Cool username by the way. What’s the origin? Sounds awfully a lot like a specific slur I know of. A trolls MO certainly would line up with whatever your shit post of a comment was.
The "stupid camera war" killed the amount of UFO and ghost sightings, while increasing the sightings of meteors and police brutality, so not all that stupid.
capacitative touch screen
Motorola PDA's form 1999 already had it. I was playing jawbreaker instead of working back in 2001.
You're too young for the stance you want to take. Let the adults talk.
Give the credit where its due. Android was designed to be used on a device similar to BlackBerry (Sooner), the success of the first iPhone made them switch to a touch design from the ground up. Your Motorola didn't start any trend. That's why I use the word "pioneering". Use shit just to claim "first" without making any major impact is called "gimmick", like the 2k screen on my old LG G3 (hate it).
Empty barrel truly make the most noise.
Jsyk I downvoted not because you’re necessarily wrong but because you were a dick when the other dude hadn’t even engaged in anything like that
Not very cash money of u fren