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  • Rich coming from a person who implied Apple innovated, when all they really did was be the first ones to assemble a consumer product out of already invented tech.

  • In the end Samsung would owe Apple around $500 million in US courts and Apple lost (a value I'm not even going to sit here and add up) in international courts.

    The whole US snafu was largely seen around the world as American protectionism. As for Apple and Google, Apple saw their case wasn't as slam dunk internationally and decided to settle with Google in 2014.

    Really though, once Steve Jobs died, the momentum for litigation dropped precipitously. Only Jobs was willing to go thermonuclear.

    • The Samsung lawsuits were kinda different. Samsung has a long history of flat out copying competitors. There are ample examples of icons being taken and reused, and all of their previous phones were clones of blackberry and windows phone. Once they stopped doing that they actually started finding their own UI language and make great products.

  • That top quote doesn’t mean what you think it means.

    The bottom lacks vital context. Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google was on the Apple board during the development of the iPhone and iPad and was privy to insider information all awhile pivoting Android from a blackberry rip off to exactly what Apple was doing. It’s similar to the Xerox thing back in the 80s where people think Jobs is being a hypocrite about ripping off their GUI when Bill Gates did it too. Apple paid Xerox in stock to see it, Microsoft just took it. Not illegal, but Jobs was pissed.