Infiltration training
Infiltration training
I'm taking linguistic liberty by not saying "the ICU". People say "sent to or discharged from hospital" all the time, so I'm trying to get away with it because the wording works better.
Infiltration training
I'm taking linguistic liberty by not saying "the ICU". People say "sent to or discharged from hospital" all the time, so I'm trying to get away with it because the wording works better.
O'Brien sends them straight to the pattern buffer
They go in
The joke works because Brits say 'hospital' rather than 'the hospital'
Jesus Christ dad.
Risky click of the day because I thought this said "Inflation Training" and I was suddenly thrust back 20 years reading my friends comedic gay Star Trek erotica.
I'm taking linguistic liberty by not saying "the ICU".
That's okay because in my head I still read it as "the ICU", so I guess I like my linguistic shackles.