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3 interviews and a rejection, but had another cool interview yesterday

Job hunting sucks. Got rejected for the one I was posting about after 3 interviews, but I did find a pet care company that needs a project manager. Had a screening call with them yesterday, hope to hear back soon!

Trying not to get too down or worry about things too much.

Whats some cool shit you have going on? Im hanging outside with the pup playing on my Retroid rn

  • nice to see you keeping your spirits up. job hunting was the most soul draining experience i've ever had. i hope one of these works out for you.

    i planted pumpkin, corn, and watermelon seeds last saturday. they've been on a heat pad, under a grow light, and the first sprouts have started popping up as of today. it's pretty exciting. got sunny spots in the yard planned out to plop the biodegradable planter pots into with lots of mulch, earthworm castings, kelp meal, etc ready to feed these beasts.

    • Hell yeah! I would love to have my own pumpkin patch, that sounds lovely! Keep us posted on how they come along!

      And yee much more into the pet care job anyways. It's still "tech" stuff since it's an IT project mgmt job, but like....I dunno if people on hexbear know this, but I like animals. Much more than SAAS systems. Just sucks having to wait more to see if that one pans out. I'm becoming food scarce and behind on bills, so kinda gotta get something going as soon as I can.

  • Best of luck, doing the same thing rn. Hope you get the call back!

    Love that I have my resume posted on indeed, then have to fill it out again on each employer's website, then again in writing before an interview, then go over all the same info verbally for every person at the company one at a time.

    Bright side is the public transit in Chicago is so much better than anywhere I've ever lived before, so that's been cool to check out.

  • I got fired from my last job before I made this account. I actually ran out of unemployment money and can't get more until the end of this year because it's Texas. There are no jobs here and the last 3 remote jobs I applied for all said fuck no even though I was at least qualified, it not overqualified.

    Funny enough, I was telling someone that I'm probably giving up on looking for jobs and gonna start this freelance web dev thing and they had the fucking audacity to suggest I still apply... I've applied for something like 900 god damn jobs since I was fired. I've applied for one job 3 separate times since it keeps coming back up. Shit ass company and the owner was a dick so yeah, but still.

    Hope you get something. I'd rather not have any other people's employment prospects look as bleak as mine.

    Cool shit: I'm getting ready to go on a vacation with my family to Colorado. I got my retro handheld ready to go and will be playing through some old Zelda games and maybe GBA era Metroids. Also gonna do a ton of reading and probably work on building a second AstroJS template I have in mind for web stuff. I'm still working on an over-engineered one meant to be used with Flowbite but I want to set one up with the lightweightness and SEO bullshit that Astro rocks at and have it work as a paid/free HTML template drop in solution. Basically you take any website template a customer wants, and stuff the header and footer into their files and then put the rest in the /pages folder, do some wiggling and in short time you will have a "generic" static site with all the nice stuff that AstroJS can use. It's basically gonna be a template-template.

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