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Bad-faith criticism of Justin Trudeau overwhelms the public discourse Bad-faith criticism of Justin Trudeau overwhelms the public discourse - Halifax Examiner

I can't tell you how many times I've sat on a barstool, talking to the fellow on the next stool over, who says something like "fuck Trudeau," or "all politicians suck, and Trudeau leads the pack." How so? I ask, and rarely get a sensible response.

Bad-faith criticism of Justin Trudeau overwhelms the public discourse - Halifax Examiner

he's running

  • i mean, yea

    not cos he's good, but 90% of the criticism i hear about him offline is "he's letting people immigrate in and that's why the housing prices r so bad and that's why there's so much unemployment"

    has trudeau done a particularly good job like this article is saying? no lmao, obviously. but a lotta people use their frustration with him to just be racist internet-delenda-est

  • He's a disgrace compared to his father. fidel-cool

  • Honestly, I'll tell ye this...(read the article too)

    Tell me what's to hate of this guy

    I don't feel any much animosity towards Trudeau Jr, even if the gov't is shit. He's just a mere figurehead to me that I've felt numb, compared to someone like Butcher Biden (Israel-Gaza war) or Ursula Von Satan... (NATOist)

    On the other hand

    kept the economy afloat, put money in under- and unemployed workers’ bank accounts, and made sure the vaccines were available to all.

    Maybe, kept the economy afloat (for the landlords and finance-rentiers),

    but the money in workers bank accounts? Yeah... it won't keep up with housing prices and other cost of living, adjusted for inflation

    As for vaccines, that's the bare minimum innit...?

  • Am I out of touch? No, it's the electorate who are wrong.