"Why don't you go outside and play?"
"Why don't you go outside and play?"
"Why don't you go outside and play?"
This photo confused my brain, which initially thought it was a green screen wall with trees projected onto the upper half as if looking through a VR headset.
Maybe I need to go and touch some grass.
Good idea. Don't forget to bring your steam deck.
Mosquitoes and flies will drain me if I decide to stop for more than a millisecond. The really is no respite until you're in the sun, which is not ideal
Are you just tiny or is that hammock big as hell?
It's huge, 4m on a side.
Which is why I am laying 4 feet off the ground instead of ON the ground. Also the giant hogweed.
Because a deck OLED is over $1k here 🙄
careful, the DEET in your mosquito spray eats plastic …
I would like to say I am glad I didn't wear any, but I am not glad, I am itchy.
In certain areas, a bug net for hammocks is a must.
I bought a bug bite burner, and my god, does it make the bites stop itching right away. It hurts like hell, but 100% worth it.
Icaridine or IR3535 are so much better than DEET.
We see what you did there 😏
My hammock is my favorite place to play as well! Super comfy
Is that a weird lens, or is your photo stretched?
Just a really wide angle.
And here I was thinking you had a Steam Deck with a 4:3 screen.
I still need to finish that game. All these years later and I still haven't been as far as that guy in white that can snack your sword around. I've seen the name but never remember it since I haven't encountered him yet.