Going to bat for arrowhead here even though they don't deserve it for what they did to my slugger and the eruptor.
The concussive has a stun effect for cc. The penetrator trades damage for armor pen. They aren't interchangeable. The adjudicator is a thing on its own and is basically a better harder hitting penetrator. Should've stayed a DMR for balance reasons.
So this new rifle has a way faster fire rate than any other primary so far. I assume it has a bigger mag than normal, maybe at the cost of damage. It would fill the purpose of a suppression weapon if suppression actually works as it does in other games (more bullets more suppression) so you could very easily cover a retreat or advance. Also works as a bug chaff sprawdown like the stalwart.
Now I could be totally wrong and this thing has 30 rounds and normal damage and that would be the worst idea ever, but we'll see I guess.