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Lots of things have been made easier lately, but I wish barrager tanks were more of a threat instead of oversized firework launchers
  • If drop ships would drop them further away, I could see them being a menace, but when they drop right in front of you, a quick orbital strike or thermite is all it takes

  • Lots of things have been made easier lately, but I wish barrager tanks were more of a threat instead of oversized firework launchers
  • The rockets are much slower moving and a lot easier to see compared to mortars, and a single orbital strike or thermite is all it takes to destroy them

  • Lots of things have been made easier lately, but I wish barrager tanks were more of a threat instead of oversized firework launchers
  • Still is that good, I bring it as my tank eraser, or one thermite usually works too

  • Helldivers must choose where the new Democracy Space Station will be constructed
  • My first guess would be some kind of hub area

    a powerful strategic tool for reshaping the Galactic Map — democratically directed by the Helldivers themselves.

    Sounds like the DSS will be able to move once it is complete, providing buffs/better stratagems to the planet it is orbiting would be cool.

    All complete guesses and speculation, with extra hopium

  • Helldivers must choose where the new Democracy Space Station will be constructed


    Breaking: Today, after intense research, construction of the Democracy Space Station is ready to begin.

    The DSS will be a powerful strategic tool for reshaping the Galactic Map — democratically directed by the Helldivers themselves. To achieve this, an orbital construction site must be secured. Two planets have large enough magnetospheres for safe construction: Gaellivare and Clasa. Both are under Automaton control. The final choice of which to liberate is left to the Helldivers.

    During construction, the DSS will be extremely vulnerable to attack, so long-term defensibility is paramount. The DSS could change the course of the war. Its ultimate success or failure lies in the hands of our greatest heroes: the Helldivers.

    Chemical Agents Warbond
  • This would have been a great opportunity to bring in the much requested gas mortar

  • DeArrow is an open source browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube.
  • I loved the idea of this extension and used it for a few months, but ended up disabling it because it made YouTube take significantly longer to load a page on my daily laptop, which admittedly is pretty old.

  • 60 Day Timeline - Progress Update
  • Im pretty sure they confirmed the commando being able to one shot factories as a bug when the commando was released, unfortunately

  • 60 Day Timeline - Progress Update HELLDIVERS™ 2 - 60 Day Timeline - Progress Update - Steam News

    It’s been a couple of weeks since we committed to our 60-day plan, and our team has been hard at work refining the gameplay experience, addressing your concerns by doing in-depth reviews and adjustment of various systems, from weapon balancing and enemy behavior to the overall game mechanics. We are...

    HELLDIVERS™ 2 - 60 Day Timeline - Progress Update - Steam News

    TLDR: Big balance pass to make weapons more effective and enemies weaker to a degree coming Sept 17

    Complete the new MO to enable production of Orbital Napalm Barrages
  • Gutting fire in the same update as the fire warbond was definitely an interesting choice

  • Brasch Tactics - Team Weapons
  • One of the best extractions I’ve ever had was a level 9 bug mission where three divers had auto cannons, and two or three had auto cannon sentries, so I grabbed a backpack and acted as the loader for one diver while all five or six cannons blasted away at very close bug breaches, it would have made General Brasch proud

  • New Stratagem - Anti-Tank Mines
  • It would be classic Arrowhead if this stratagem that they’ve had ready to release for months now was bugged

  • jump pack, great vs automatons?
  • It would be fun if they had a rare chance of appearing at POIs, I think that big objective with the black hole jetpacks was the most time for many players using a jetpack

  • What is the recommended way to bond a resin-printed part to a PLA part?
  • Brittleness might be a concern, it will be for a costume piece

    Thank you!

  • What is the recommended way to bond a resin-printed part to a PLA part?

    I’m looking for some advice on how to bond a post-processed resin printed piece to a large PLA print. I assume my options are either superglue or maybe brushing resin onto the PLA, attaching the resin print, and hitting it with a UV light?

    Is there a better way? Thanks!

    Escalation of Freedom Update Trailer - August 6
  • Yep, bottom of the article says it should be improved

  • Escalation of Freedom Update Trailer - August 6
    • Difficulty Level 10 “Super Helldive”
    • New mission objectives
    • Bigger enemy outposts
    • New Bugs and Bots
    • New environmental hazards

    Article mentions a new anti grief kicking system:

    > … we have implemented a system where if a player is kicked, they will spawn into a new session as the host with all of the team’s loot from their previous session. All items can now be picked up by the player before extraction. The squad doing the kicking will see a message in the chat widget that a player has been kicked, yet their loot remains unchanged.

    I just got kicked right before extraction
  • The amount of people that don’t realize samples are shared and that super credits/medals picked up are instantly rewarded to everyone is higher than it should be. I had a guy yelling over voice chat a few weeks back that we had to ignore the side objectives and extract immediately so he could keep the super credits he just picked up

  • Helldivers, what are your favorite loadouts?
    • Diligence Counter Sniper for bots, Breaker Incendiary for bugs
    • Grenade pistol never leaves my side
    • Frag grenades for bots/incendiary impact for bugs
      • Haven’t really found a good nade for bots, still working towards getting stun, I use frag for the shorter fuse time than the default HEs
    • Alpha Commander 117 medic armor, the extra stims and stim time are too good to give up


    • Bots: Quasar/POS/Eagle Strike/Shield or Mortar
    • Bugs: Flamethrower/POS/Eagle Strike/Laser Guard Dog

    I’ll probably go back to quasar for bugs when they nerf flamethrowers against chargers, right now it’s just too good to pass up.

    I recently switched from rail cannon to POS for both enemy types because the buff was amazing

    Shield lets me get in a few extra headshots at devastators before they hurt me

    Laser guard dog makes cleaning up the lower tier bugs a non-issue so I can focus on bigger threats, it is annoying to get killed by it or for it to accidentally kill teammates, but I still think it’s worth it

  • Thoughts on Gacrux?
  • The trees blocking most of the Eagle stratagems is a bummer, but I guess it makes sense. I have changed my loadout to substitute Eagle strikes with orbital equivalents, or as close as I can get, trees still block, but not as often as before.

  • Thoughts on Gacrux?
  • A lot of fun, but does anyone else have significantly worse performance on it? Usual bot or bug missions I’m usually 70-90 FPS with dips in the 50s, but Gacrux sits in the 50s and dips as low as the 20s.

  • I'm convinced watchOS 11 is hinting at an Apple Watch 10 with better battery life
  • Exactly what I do with my ancient series 3, I have had no issues unless I forget my charger. I can go maybe 36 hours before a charge, closer to 30 if I do a few workouts.

    That all being said, my fiancée and a friend both have series 3s that can’t even stay alive for 12 hours. I had my watch for a year longer than they did, so it’s not an age thing, I just think the batteries are very hit or miss.

  • Am i the ass hole here
  • I had a guy who just kept saying stuff like “we need to run to extract” in all caps as soon as we completed the main objective on a hard mission with probably 20 minutes left to finish up the side objectives, pleennttyy of time. I wasn’t the host, but I probably would have kicked the guy after a while because he was getting mad at the rest of us for going around and cleaning up. He didn’t call extraction, but he sat around the extraction area the entire time.

    When we did finally get extraction going he called in a 120mm barrage centered on the extract point and it killed two of us as the drop ship was coming in. We had time to reinforce, but that would have been my last straw.

  • Roaming bands of Shriekers AND Automaton gunship patrols have been observed.
  • Yep, I’ve had gunship patrols spawn on missions with no towers on difficulty 8 fwiw

  • Roaming bands of Shriekers AND Automaton gunship patrols have been observed.


    > Breaking: Helldivers face deadlier odds! Roaming bands of Shriekers AND Automaton gunship patrols have been observed.

    > But our valiant soldiers stand strong against these airborne adversaries to save our citizens.

    Oh wow another one


    Viper Commandos Warbond Trailer
    Halo Voice Actors | Director's Cut
    Disappointed by the ANC from Bose QC45, 700 and Sony XM4, XM5, is it just the demo units?

    I will be doing a good amount of international travel in a month and have been looking for some headphones in the $300ish range with solid ANC. I have a pair of AirPods Pro, and they are just alright on flights as far as ANC goes, and I don't want to deal with charging them every few hours.

    I went around to multiple local Best Buys to try out the Bose QC45, Sony XM4, and Sony XM5, and was honestly very disappointed. All three of them only had a tiny change between ambient mode and ANC mode. I also had the same experience with a pair of Bose 700s in all ANC modes. I could still clearly hear customer and employee conversations going on around the store, and I could hear my partner talking next to me, all with none of the demo music playing. I tried out my AirPods Pro immediately after each one and was able to cut out significantly more noise. This experience was the same at each of the Best Buys I went to, and I went to multiple hoping that the first Best Buy just had broken demo units maybe.

    One of the Best Buys had a pair of Airpods Max to try, those also cut out significantly more noise.

    I have seen nothing but praise for how good the ANC is on all of these Bose and Sony headphones, I would expect them to at least be as good as AirPods, I have tried a family member's XM3s a few years ago and was absolutely blown away by how good the ANC was. Do these demo units just suck? I don't really want to spend $300 just to find out, but I cannot think of another reason.

    Forge Features - August 4, 2023 Forge Features: August 4, 2023

    <p>It’s that time again for a new issue of Forge Features. We’ve got a new opportunity for you to get your maps into matchmaking and a round-up of some of the latest and greatest 343 Recommended maps. Let’s get right into it!</p>

    Forge Features: August 4, 2023
    Lucky Marks weapon coating Twitch Drops are available this weekend starting now

    How to Claim Twitch Drops — make sure this is all set up before you claim!

    Suban, a new, community-forged map, has been added to the ranked 2v2 playlist;t=VGqOdxWDtLsShLYLikeioQ

    Halo: Outcasts Novel Preview 3 Halo: Outcasts – Preview 3

    <p>In our final preview for HALO: OUTCASTS (releasing August 8), Spartan Olympia Vale heads to Gao to recruit an expert in the effort to locate a Guardian-killing weapon, but the former castoff Vale seeks has her own reasons for returning to Netherop.</p>

    Halo: Outcasts – Preview 3
    GhostlyPixel GhostlyPixel




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