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What are some faster DNSCrypt/DoH servers closer to India?

Some requests seem to take ~1300ms (google) or 700ms(cloudflare). and some are just 4ms.

+non filtering, I run my own pihole.

would cs-india good?

  • cs-india is the only public DNSCrypt server located in India that I can find. There's but it's DoH. Still works with the DNSCrypt client though. Both have filters.

    Have you tried specifying your preferences in the config file and letting DNSCrypt find the best server?

    • Have you tried specifying your preferences in the config file and letting DNSCrypt find the best server?

      Can you elaborate a bit on this? This isbwaht i have been trying to do. When it starts up it checks latency from the lists i have provided and uses them some order.