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To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules.
  • What is the 31st month? Modulo 12 would make it July.

    10th July 2021. Gotcha.

  • What are your thoughts on exposing a tool like dockge to outside of your man?
  • It would mean you're entrusting the entire security of your network to Dockge's authentication system.

    ... and for that reason, I'm out.

  • What is your loo roll of choice?
  • I don't believe that's irony. That's just "good business".

    Irony would be selling you something to reduce the amount of storage space required (e.g. those vacuum bags) but they're sold, in bulk, in massive containers taking up the room they were supposed to create for you.

  • What is your loo roll of choice?
  • Sorry for being thick. Where's the irony there?

  • How to randomly pad files before encryption to prevent file fingerprinting?
  • Just use rclone. It does this natively.

  • My experiences with Pi-hole
  • With Pihole you can restrict or be permissive with different devices, based on MAC or IP address.

  • Why stand in line to board an airplane?
  • I always check my bag and haven't had any go missing in nearly 15 years. It's a lot better with the bar-coded tags and automation.

  • Which alarm clock apps do you use?
  • AMDroid. It's the only app I can find that allows me to create alarms from calendars.

  • Which alarm clock apps do you use?
  • LineageOS.

  • Aurora Store on GrapheneOS: Server not found?
  • I had the same issue but it's working again for me now.

  • Best option to run WhatsApp
  • I do this. However, you need to connect using the WhatsApp client every 12 days just to keep it "alive" otherwise WhatsApp servers sign the bridge out.

  • Jerboa v0.0.37 crashes when hitting back button when reading a post

    When I read a post and want to go back to the main feed,I hit back and Jerboa crashes.

    scott Scott


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