name this spinoff
name this spinoff
name this spinoff
Star Trek: Picarchber
The Royal Shakespeare Company Presents: My So Called Quantum Enterprise
Star Trek: Peabody Awards
no thats cheating
Pasadena Jones and The Penultimate Crusade.
We have:
This is my favorite but I can't say why.
Three Men and an Android.
Try to guess which is which - I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!
Only recognize Picard, who are the others?
Scott "Jonathan Archer" Bakula, Alex "Guy In Charge of the Franchise" Kurtzman, and Wilson "Hugh Culber" Cruz.
Bakula‽ Jeepers! I thought it was Harrison ford for a hot second.
Jeez, Bakula got real gray.
I still only recognize two people... I'll show myself out.
"Everyone Hates Kurtzman"
It's been a long road...
Star Trek: Cocoon
Star Trek: Special Hospice Unit
If Alex kurtzman is in charge: High School Drama - In Space!
Star Trek: Succession
I really got into Enterprise. They got into a lot of ethnic and cultural issues, and that really engaged me.