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  • Onlyoffice has a better ui in my opinion but libreoffice is good enough

  • The pivot charts and tables drive me kinda nuts. Typically I have a dataset I've prepared in python and find pivot tables faster and easier than matplotlib. In excel I make a Data tab and connect it to an external CSV, then in another tab pick my filters, columns and rows, and then chart type. Then I iterate - run the Python again to make a new CSV and just press refresh in excel and I get updated visualisations. This workflow just doesnt work for me in Libre Office. Can't figure out how to live link CSVs. Pivot tables are OK but oubot charts are not a thing - have to manually point them at a dataset and there's no nice panel to choose columns and rows.

    I dunno, maybe it's just I gotta learn a different way but honestly just easier to use a windows VM for this stuff.

  • Its pretty good for most office users. You can select the office theme and ribbon toolbar layout and it's pretty familiar feeling.

  • Depends what you need. Even more so in a spreadsheet have I been told by my spouse (she is using advanced XL features a lot in her job). It also depends on what OS it's installed. I find it worse on macOS (much less well integrated) and real excellent on Linux.

    I quite like using LO Writer as it's easy to set it up once and for all and have it behave exactly like I want it to be, including the very few extensions I use. Once configured, it's then very easy to backup all settings for quick re-installation or even to copy them onto another machine. It's also great to use different profiles for different pen names (ie having different dictionaries, rules, shortcuts,... depending the type of content one is working on) :)

    I much prefer Writer's management of styles compared to MS Word too. I just think it's better... but it still is not perfect.

    Depending your specific needs Writer may lack a few advanced stuff (stuff I'm confident 99% users will never use). I also don't like how keyboard shortcuts are managed as you can't really modify them freely but at least once can change them.

    I will always make sure to install whatever the latest version is (the one installed with my distro always lags behind) as each update brings its fair share of improvements and bug corrections.

    For writing, I use two different 'workspace': VSCodium (+Markdown and Hugo) for blogging, and LO Writer for anything longer. I consider both apps very reliable tools. I also like how I can easily tweak them to fit my needs and preferences.

    I would not want to go back to using Word even though I never was a hater of Word. I started using Word in the 90s and I've been using it without any serious issue or drama up until I switched to Linux and LO a few years ago. Heck, I even managed to keep working with files I created back in the 90s without any difficulty, despite MSWord few format changes.

  • It's the right side of the java nightmare that it was. Much much better but until that java runtime disappears ..

    It's my daily driver and is the central application with which I work.

  • It’s my suite of choice unless I’m in a context where OneDive/SharePoint is important.