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  • How would this work without breaking cryptography? The whole point of a good cipher is that the algorithm can be public and widely understood, and all that's needed for it to be secure is for the private key to be private. A cipher that has some backdoor -master key- is by design insecure and no sane person should use it. Security through obscurity doesn't work, trying to keep the algorithm private won't work, someone sooner or later will break it.

  • Enough with this shit already! Even the FBI begrudgingly knows better.

  • She drew an analogy between digital encryption and a locked door

    And there’s the proof of someone who doesn’t understand what encryption is.

    The analogy is closer to not knowing which house to go to.

    Once you’ve given someone the address, you can’t stop them telling other people where the house is. And once you’ve given someone the encryption key, you can’t take it back. There is no “master key” that unlocks just for law enforcement.

    • "What do you mean mr computer man? I just turned on my chrome book and am watching tiktok while writting this comment. Mr computer man why cant i just unlock everything. Stop using fancy techno bable like TCIP and AES? I just want a sticky note with the master key, i also want the key to narinia and the ability to teleport. Mr techno man, please and thank you. Mr robit give me the master key like in 1995 hackers with the shitty ass mini glasses and the random terminal output "

      Some people speak of things they dont comprehend and try to give advice beyond there intelligence.

    • I wouldn't criticise the metaphor. I would ask why they ask this again and again. What has changed in the previous decade which justify that they don't change what they request.

      I wouldn't criticise the analogy because it's easy to miss things. For example, the issue I have when their analogy is that because they can't open the door of one house with a search warrant, they ask for the right to open all the doors, of all the city, anywhen, and this right may be abused. Of course this is far less acceptable so.

  • Alternate title: executive director of Europol Catherine De Bolleshit doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.