Anon is part of the brotherhood
Anon is part of the brotherhood
Anon is part of the brotherhood
The deliverhood
Shit, that one's taken!
Other comment mentions cyberpunk...
Nailed it lol.
But is it Christmas pud?
The other day I witnessed two guys from different lawn mowing crews pass each other and excitedly yell greetings over the roar of the engines, it was funny and wholesome
When I started driving a school bus I would wave to everyone driving a vehicle that requires a CDL, thinking we were all part of the same brotherhood. Turns out we're not, unless giving the middle finger is a brotherhood of sorts.
Well stop flipping people off chicken lady
I read Snow Crash when I was delivering for doordash.
Ah a fellow Deliverator
Op lies pizza and mail are not same so not delivered at the same time
There ought to be a law that they're coordinated. I only want to leave my house once/day, so getting my mail and pizza at the same time is essential.