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The penultimate list of Free Linux games, with over 100 titles!

This list is a little old, so some of the links may not work anymore, but overall it's still a pretty solid compendium for any budget concious Linux (or Windows) gamer!

Know of a game that should be added to the list? Leave a comment below! _^

Also check out:


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
CS:GOCounter Strike: Global Offensive, the premier online FPS [Free-to-Play]No
WarforkFork of Warsaw to continue development, Cel-shaded Quake-like online FPSCC-SA
Cube 2Online Quake-like Arena FPS with multiple game modes & level editorzlib
Assault CubeCounterstrike-like FPS in the Cube engineFreeware
XonoticQuake-like arena online FPSGPL
FreeDoomOpen-source implemantation of Doom, best used with Chocolate DoomYes
DystopiaCyberpunk online class-based FPS???
Urban TerrorFast paced online FPS reminiscent of CS???
OpenArenaOnline arena FPS using the id tech engine???
Fistful of FragsOnline Western FPS - Not as good as it used to be???
RavenfieldSingleplayer Battlefield type gameNo
Alien ArenaRetro Sci-Fi Online FPS???
Red EclipseOnline FPS with parkourSRC Available
ET LegacyWolfenstein: Enemy Territory for modern PCsSRC Available
Team Fortress 2Class-based online FPS with many game-modes to choose from (Not suitable for weak PC)No
Team Fortress 2 ClassicSick of hats, nerfs, and other changes to TF2? Than Classic is for you! TF2 Classic is a resurrection of what the game was like in 2013, with restored gamemodes, guns, and classesNo
Open FortressA total conversion of TF2 with unique characters, weapons, gamemodes, and maps!No
Aleph OneOpen Source implementation for Bungie's Marathon seriesGPL
Double Action BoogalooOnline 3rd-person shooter with slow motionNo
Ultrakill PreludeDemo for an ultra violent oldschool FPSNo
OpenSpadesClone of Ace of Spades 0.75, featuring fully destructible terrain and plenty of game modesGPL
Blade of AgonyStory-driven FPS inspired by WWII shooters from the 90's and early 2000's - Extremely polished and funSRC Available


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
Daggerfall UnityTES: Daggerfall recreated in the Unity engine with tons of improvements (Download the base game from here)???
Solarus GamesGame engine for making Zelda-like games w/ many completed games available on their websiteSRC Available
FlareIsometric Diablo-like action-RPGCreative Commons
Dungeon Master CSBModern Engine for the 1987 First-person dungeon crawler???


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
Beneath a Steel SkyClassic point'n'click with great art and voice talent - Available in most distro's reposSource Available
ScummVM's Freeware GamesFantastic point'n'click games here, my favorite being Dreamweb???
Aye Fair LadyPoint'n'click combined with a musicalNo
Heroine's QuestExcellent Point'n'Click/RPG hybrid inspired by the Quest for Glory series from SierraNo
Black Sect 21st-person dungeon mystery game where you play as a monk investigating a cryptNo
Space Quest II RemakeExcellent VGA remake of SQ2 with voice acting, now available for Linux!No


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
FreeCivSid Meier's Civilization II CloneGPL
FreeColSid Meier's Colonization CloneGPL
UnCivCivlilization 5 style empire buillderMPL 2.0
FreeOrionMaster of Orion CloneGPL
OpenRAModern engine for C&C: Red Alert, Tiberian Sun, and Dune 2000GPL
Tanks of FreedomTurn-based strategy, similar to Advance Wars on the GBAMIT
The Battle For WesnothTurn-based fantasy RPG/Strategy hybridGPL
HedgewarsWorms CloneGPL
Argentum AgeFantasy collectable card gameGPL
WyrmsunWarcraft II-like RTSGPL
0 A.D.Superb 3D RTS, professional grade (Not suitable for weak PC)GPL
Total Annihilation PrimeFan-made prequel to the 1999 RTS Total AnnihilationGPL
Zero-KPolished RTS with multiplayer support, available on SteamGPL
Warzone 2100RTS that has campaign, multiplayer & singleplayer skirmish modesGPL
ThriveGame about the evolution of lifeGPL
Scorched 3DTurn-based & real-time artillery strategy gameGPL
UFO2000X-Com-like with Multiplayer functionalitySRC Available
UFO: Alien InvasionTurn-based tactical combat inspired by X-ComSRC Available
OpenApocOpen-source implementation of X-Com 3: ApocalypseGPLv3
The Fertile CrescentRTS set during the Bronze Age in the Ancient Near East. Manage a delicate balance between food surplus and the maintenance of your army - Multiplayer mode availableNo
TripleATurn-based strategy and board game engine inspired by Axis & Allies or RiskGPL
Star Ruler 2Turn-based 4X/RTS Strategy space colonization game - This is a commercial game that was open-sourced, you must compile the game from source code to obtain it for free. Consider buying it on Steam or GOG to support the devsMIT & CC-BY-NC
Beyond All ReasonOpen-source remake of Total Annihilation, a Sci-fi RTSGPL & CC-BY-SA

Side Scroller

NameDescriptionOpen Source?
Sealed BiteGame-Jam platformer with nice pixel artCC-BY-NC-ND
Mr. RescueRescuing people from burning buildings while putting out firesCC-BY-SA
SiennaFun runner/platformerCC-BY-SA
Super TuxSuper Mario Clone - currently in need of helpGPL
Hurrican2D Platformer Shooter Inspired by Turrican - Mostly forgottenSRC Available
AbuseCommercial 2D shooter turned Public DomainSRC Available
Frogatto & FriendsPlatformer with great music and graphics. Available in Debian/Ubuntu reposNo
Commander Keen 4New engine for classic DOS-era platformerGPL
OpenClonkCommercial 2D Mining game turned freeware, very unique, multiplayerISC
Mari0Mario, but with Portals!SRC Available
Cave StoryCharming platformer, one of the first big indie hitsNo
VVVVVVretro platformer w/ level editorSRC Available
Spelunky ClassicRoguelite platformerNo
OpenSurgeSonic the Hedgehog clone with Level editorGPL
Lost ConstellationTravel into the frozen woods in a folktale from the world of Night In The WoodsNo
HimnoPeaceful 2D platformer game with an infinite number of beautiful procedurally generated mapsNo

City Builder/Tycoon

NameDescriptionOpen Source?
OpenTTDClone of Transport Tycoon DeluxeGPL
Unknown HorizonsVillage builder inspired by the Anno seriesGPL
WidelandsSettlers cloneGPL
SimutransTransportation simulator clone with multiplayer abilitySRC Available
MindustryFactory builder / Tower Defense hybridGPL
Terra NilRelaxing city builder about ecosystem reconstructionNo
Arcane FortuneInspired by Civilization, SimCity and Dwarf Fortress, Arcane Fortune is a game of empire building, diplomacy, conquest, construction, and deconstruction. Whether or not you build a utopia, or a hell on earth is entirely up to youAGPL


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
RyzomOpen-source MMO with a unique world [Free-to-Play]Affero GPL
IslewardBrowser-based MMO Roguelike that's moddable & open-source!LGPL


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
Dwarf FortressFamous RL that has both a City-builder/management sim mode, as well as a more traditional RL experience in adventurer mode (you can even visit the ruins of fortresses you've built in the sim mode)No
Roguebox AdventuresGraphical RL with focus on survivalGPL
Cataclysm: Dark Days AheadUnique zombie survival RL that's quite thrilling to playCC BY-SA
UnReal WorldCrazy In-depth survival-sim RL based in iron age FinlandNo
Dungeon Crawl SoupFairly standard RL to find the Orb of ZotNo
NetHackDungeon crawler RL continually updated since 1987N-GPL
BrogueRL distilled to fundamentals, terminal-like UINo?
Tales of Maj'Eyal (ToME)Very polished graphical-heavy RL/RPGGPL
ASCII SectorExcellent RL Demake of Wing Commander PrivateerNo
ADOM (Ancient Domains of Mystery)Extremely polished graphical RL with multiplayerNo
DoomRLDOOM, but as a Roguelike!No
Sil & AngbandTolkien RoguelikesSRC Available
Pixel DungeonRL with a nice pixel-artGPL
HyperRogueRL built on a mathematically rigorous hyperbolic surface, with an infinite and space-bending worldGPL
BasingstokeUniquely free to Linux users only. A tense roguelike that mixes stealth and arcade action. Explore the smouldering ruins of apocalyptic Basingstoke, UK, a world of extreme peril where reanimated undead and ferocious alien monsters roam!No?

Space Sim/Trader

NameDescriptionOpen Source?
Ur-Quan MastersUpdated version of Star Control II. Be sure to get the Voice Pack! (Alternative HD version available here)SRC Available
Endless Sky2D space trading/combat game similar to Escape VelocityGPL
OoliteElite remake, huge mod supportSRC Available
PioneerFrontier: Elite II RemakeGPL & CC BY-SA
NaevSpace exploration, trade and combat???
Race Into SpaceRe-implementation of 1989's Liftoff!GPL


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
FloboPuyoPuyoPuyo CloneSRC Available
Frozen BubblePuzzle Bobble Clone with level editor & multiplayerGPL
Duck MarinesChu Chu Rocket CloneMulti-License
PingusLemmings CloneSRC Available
Portable Puzzle Collection39 Old-school puzzle gamesMIT
Blockout23D Tetris-like GameGPL
EnigmaInspired by Oxyd on the Atari ST and Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga - The object of the game is to find uncover pairs of identically colored Oxyd stonesGPL
LixAction-puzzle game inspired by Lemmings with over 700 levels, multiplayer, and a level editorCC0 Public Domain

Arcade / 2D

NameDescriptionOpen Source?
AstroMenaceHardcore 3D space scroll-shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilitiesGPL
LeapoundaryArcade-y Puzzle ShooterSRC Available
SSVOpenHexagonSuper Hexagon CloneAFL
LBreakout2Breakout CloneSource Available
Witch BlastBinding of Isaac CloneGPL
TeeWorldsOnline 2D shooterCC BY-SA
OpenTyrianPolished Shmup with excellent visuals and musicSRC Available
Kobo Deluxe8-Way space shooterSRC Available
Altitude2D online plane combatNo
LieroReal-time WormsSRC Available
Frets on FireGuitar Hero cloneGPL
Eat the WhistleSensible Soccer CloneGPL
NeverBallSuper Monkey Ball CloneGPL
NeverPuttMini-Golf with hot-seat multiplayerGPL
Shootout IncIf Hotline Miami and SuperHot had a baby, this would be the result. Also check out Super HotlineNo
Hammer Dongers4-Player top-down party gameNo
C-Dogs SDLa classic overhead run-and-gun from the DOS era updated for modern systems, supports up to 4 players in co-op and deathmatch modes - Installer DownloadsGPL


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
SuperTuxKart3D Kart Racer, similar to e.g. Mario KartMulti-License
YorgTop-down racer in the Micro Machine's styleNo
Speed DreamsRealistic racing simSRC Available
Max DownforceF1 style arcade racing game inspired by Pole PositionSRC Available
Sonic Robo Blast 2 KartMario Kart style racer with characters from Sonic the HedgehogGPL
Pixel WheelsTop-down 2D Racer similar to Micro MachinesCC BY-SA


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
The Dark ModIncredible Fan-made spin-off of the Thief series using the Doom 3 Engine (Not suitable for weak PC)GPL, BSD & CC BY-NC-SA


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
MinetestMinecraft clone written in C++ instead of Java for better performance. Base game is purposefully lacking in features, instead relying on mods from the community to flesh out the experienceCC BY-SA
TrueCraftClean-room implementation of Minecraft 1.7.3MIT
PyCraft2D Terraria-like ASCII game played in the terminalGPLv2
The Powder ToyComplete physics and material simulaton sandbox in a 2D environmentGPLv3


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
Orchids to DustWandering alone on strange worldsNo
Off-PeakSearching for a ticket in a head-trippy worldNo
Emily is AwayBranching narrative in an online chatNo
CHYRZAFirst-person flash-fiction horror story, explore a surreal desert while collecting fragments of a memoirNo
DagdromWeird and colorful platformer thingNo
NautExplore mars in a convertible - Short little exploring gameNo
Leive-OmaWalk through the woods with your grandmaNo
No Players OnlineShort psychological horrorNo
Out of The GameThe self claimed 'Inception' of video gamesNo
SacramentoExplore a watercolor worldNo
David Lynch Teaches TypingIt's exactly what it sounds likeNo
A Museum of Dubious SplendorsExplore a storybook from the world of Somewhere. A visual feast for the eyesNo

Vehicle Combat

NameDescriptionOpen Source?
WarthunderWWII to Cold War Multiplayer Dogfighter/Tanker/Warship Sim (Not suitable for weak PC) [Free-to-Play]No


NameDescriptionOpen Source?
Dota 2Valve's entry into the MOBA genre, with native Linux support [Free-to-Play]No


NameDescription has uploaded over 6000 MS-DOS games to their library for future preservation, all fully playable for free right in your browser!
  • The space sim lidt seems to be missing Vega Strike.

    • Dang, I remember playing that when I was 14 or so. Surprised to see it's still being developed. Looking at gameplay of the latest release... It still looks awfully janky still. Does it play well nowadays?

      • Been a long time since I played it myself, but it was my first introduction to space sims.

        Development of the game picked up again just a year or so ago, after a long time of hiatus.

        Yeah, the game looked nice over 15 years ago, but the graphics haven't updated at all, so the visuals are incredibly dated. Gameplay is still quite solid, though, and the background simulation aspect of the game is still on-par with Elite Dangerous, so I'd say it's a pretty good choice if someone is looking for a FOSS space sim.