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How do I make my business legally worker-owned?
  • ok but presumably OP thought about all this before asking "how do i make my business worker owned". otherwise they'd be asking "should i make my business worker owned", which is a completely different question

    Death to America

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • coming to the end of my long ass trip though south america and europe in two weeks. originally i'd planned on nine months but i miss my family and money is running out fast so six months will have to be good enough.

    i'm doing well though. figured out pretty definitively that i don't want to get back with my ex and instead i want to get a remote job and then use that to get a visa to move to spain or italy, then buy a house outright (ie without a mortgage) as quick as possible. then once i've got a permanent residency (either through marriage or living long enough in the country) i should be able to start a family and only have to work part time because i wont be paying for housing. a debt-free life in my 30s is looking very possible, and that feels really good, even if there are a lot of steps and what-ifs between now and then.

    also i'm now over 200 days without porn, which used to be a big problem for me. all things considered it's looking good

    Death to America

  • it keeps happening lmao || Boeing plane carrying 85 people catches fire and skids off the runway in Senegal, injuring 10 Boeing plane carrying 85 people catches fire and skids off the runway in Senegal, injuring 10

    Senegal’s transport minister says a Boeing 737 carrying 85 people caught fire and skidded off a runway at an airport near the capital and 10 people were injured.

    Boeing plane carrying 85 people catches fire and skids off the runway in Senegal, injuring 10

    if it's boeing i'm not going

    Death to America

    is there a community somewhere online where you get can advice about looking better without the toxicity of r/looksmaxingadvice? whether or reddit or (preferably) not

    like in my head the four pillars of how you look are diet, exercise, skin care, and clothing/accessories. am i missing any big ones? also, where should i go for advice on how to improve on skin care and especially clothing? (i'm good on diet and exercise lol i used to see a nutritionist and she set me straight)

    sorry if this is rambly and/or weird, im stoned off some weird european pseudo-weed

    Death to America

    i fucking hate uruguay

    shit weather

    average food

    average coffee

    expensive as fuck compared to neighboring countries for no reason at all

    the rudest, most alienated people you've ever met (literally all kkkrakkkers). unironically a worse vibe than the fucking united states of amerikkka, famously the worst country in history

    literally everything is closed at midnight on a friday. they have no idea how shit their country is lmao

    country full of thieves (everyone is richer than you can possibly be without stealing in one way or another)

    fuck off. you drink mate wrong and you're shit at football. viva argentina

    Death to America

    [travel post] i am in santiago in chile and today i saw an exhibit at the national history museum commemorating 50 years since the coup of Sept 11 1973

    i have never hated america more than i do in this moment. our government intentionally and knowingly supported torturers and murderers here for nearly 20 years, for nothing more than cold war posturing and profit for people who already have more money than they could ever spend. over 35000 people were tortured and killed - 35000 families torn apart forever - for no benefit to anyone.

    words can scarcely convey the shame i felt while walking through the museum, reading copies of declassified documents detailing conversations between pinochet and the US state department. not only is the united states government the most evil entity in the history of the world, but also the people of the united states don't even care. most don't know or don't give a shit about the huge number of crimes their government has committed, and most of the rest think said crimes were Good, Actually. they're too satiated and stupified by treats to push for any kind of change in their government, let alone the complete destruction of the death machine the levers of which are in the white house.

    long live salvador allende

    Death to America

    [drunk theory question] do you all think revolutionary masculinity is an oxymoron? if not, what would it consist of

    was discussing this with a friend of mine (she's an anarchist but she actually organizes and shit). she was saying there can be no such thing as revolutionary masculinity because the two things are contradictory. but i'm a marxist so contradictions really butter my bread.

    i think in a utopian, communist world gender identity would be completely different, to the point where it might not even be legible to us today, but my question is more about how we get from here to there. basically, can we men find a way to not be shitheads in such a way as to bring about communism, or does that not even make sense

    feel free to dunk on me if this is a dumb question

    Death to America

    i'm traveling for a while so won't be online much

    for ages now i've been posting on this site about how i'm leaving amerikkka. well todays the day it's actually happening - i've begun a 9 month trip through south america and europe. as a result i probably won't be posting much for a while, but don't worry, i'm ok.

    idk if i'm prominent enough of a poster here to justify this type of message but i know i worry sometimes when i don't see certain people on here for a while so i figured id preemptively mention the reason i wont be active as much. i love you all

    Death to America

    i'm so fucking tired of nuance fetishist liberals acting like any given political issue is just "too complex" to understand

    shut the fuck up. "the israeli-palestinian conflict is centuries long and sooo complicated, none of us americans can understand it" no it isn't, the israelis stole the land that palestinians have lived on for thousands of years, committing a genocide in the process. they are unambiguously evil and all palestinian violence against them is justified self defense. simple as that

    "oh my god climate change is such a complicated problem, how can we possibly balance the health of the planet with the needs of businesses" shut the fuck up, profit is anti-social behavior and should be reduced to zero wherever possible, and literally nothing is more important than the health of the planet we fucking live on. simple as that

    in conclusion, shut the fuck up liberals. sorry to rant like this lol

    Death to America

    whiplash is the only movie better than mulholland drive

    there, i've finally found a take that will piss off literally everyone

    Death to America

    hamilton sucks exactly the amount of ass that you think it does

    immortal technique should have bullied lin manuel miranda more in high school

    Death to America

    every time I hear the word "content" I die a bit inside

    creator: yeah the thing I dedicate most of my waking hours to? the thing I love more than anything in the world? its just content! its simply media contained between ads, and nothing more! the entire universe revolves around ad revenue and this will never change! poggers!!

    me: !sadness-abysmal

    Death to America

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