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I finally destroyed space trader.
  • But text games are pretty cool tho

  • 29-euro Deutschlandticket announced for students in Germany
  • Ja, ich habe bisher von keinen dieser Maßnahmen mitbekommen. Ich habe nicht absichtlich Falschinformationen verbreitet, ich habe den Beitrag falsch verstanden, wie ich auch an anderer Stelle eingestehe.

  • 29-euro Deutschlandticket announced for students in Germany
  • oooh okay, yeah that would be amazing.

  • 29-euro Deutschlandticket announced for students in Germany
  • Entschuldigung, kam das als Meckern rüber? Würde mir wünschen, nicht so passiv-aggressiv angesprochen zu werden. Das ist nicht nett.

  • 29-euro Deutschlandticket announced for students in Germany
  • That's the first time I heard about that. Do you have a source?

  • 29-euro Deutschlandticket announced for students in Germany
  • Genau, ich dann 76€. Oder gibt es irgendwo eine Quelle wo steht, dass die 29€ Teil meines Semesterbeitrages werden?

    Edit: I stand corrected. Ich würde mir trotzdem nen freundlicheren Umgang wünschen.

  • 29-euro Deutschlandticket announced for students in Germany
  • Ich versteh nicht so recht, wieso unser Semesterticket nicht schlicht in ein Deutschlandticket umgewandelt wird oder wir nur die Differenz zahlen. Der Mobilitätsbeitrag beträgt 220€ pro Semester, also knapp 37€ im Monat. Somit zahlen wir am Ende mehr als der Otto-Normal Bürger für sein Deutschlandticket.

    Short reply in English: I don't understand why we should pay more than the usual user. We already pay 220€ per semester, which equals to roughly around 37€ per month.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th
  • Magic the Gathering: Arena grabbed my attention again after our friend group picked up the cards again. When I dont play modern stuff I'll boot up my PS2 and play Monster Hunter 2 (DOS) online. Some smart folks brought back a private server for the old PS2 era games. Great Community (MHOLDSCHOOL Discord, also hosts of the Server) and a change of pace.

  • Today I learned Manu
    TIL about Robert Richards, a Du Pont heir who avoided jail time after sexually abusing his 3 year old daughter How A Du Pont Heir Avoided Jail Time For A Heinous Crime

    Robert Richards, an heir to the DuPont company, was convicted of raping his daughter in 2009. He served no jail time, leading many to wonder if his wealth influenced the ultimate sentencing.

    How A Du Pont Heir Avoided Jail Time For A Heinous Crime
    X Social Media is suing X, a social media company
  • Probably because Social Media is their ad platform.

  • Judge in US v. Google trial didn’t know if Firefox is a browser or search engine
  • I did at some point, but I keep mixing it up with my native language rule for quotations. I study both german and english language and should actually know better, lol. The rules of written language are fascinating to me, so I appreciate any corrections!

  • Judge in US v. Google trial didn’t know if Firefox is a browser or search engine
  • That’s good to know, thank you! I‘ll try to keep it in mind from now on.

  • Over 50% of all steam games have never made over $1000
  • There‘s no mention of ingame purchase revenue, so I assume they aren’t included?

  • Judge in US v. Google trial didn’t know if Firefox is a browser or search engine
  • Hey there! Don’t want to nitpick, but it is spelled „you‘re“ in your case. „Your“ is used when you‘re talking about possessive attribution. „Your car“ vs „you‘re (you are) driving a car“.

  • How many people actually dropped Reddit for Lemmy?
  • Dropped Reddit and never went back.

    Edit: Gotta take the flow and promote ! while this post is hot. A community for Bass-Guitar players I've been building since the Reddit blackout. Come join us!

  • PS2 Era Monster Hunter 1, G and DOS are finally online again!
  • Was exactly the same for me. Was so hyped once the DOS server opened up for public access. I‘ve played my fair share of MH1 online back in the days so this was like a dream come true.

  • PS2 Era Monster Hunter 1, G and DOS are finally online again!

    > cross-posted from: > > Thanks to some amazing folks over at we can finally enjoy the online cities of Minegarde and Dundorma in their full glory again. Not only are you able to play online, but Events, Siege quests and special sales from the cities vendors are also back. But the best: The private servers provide full functionality for original hardware as well! > > For anyone curious you can join the discord, I‘m more than happy to help your PS2 setup.

    PS2 Era Monster Hunter 1, G and DOS are finally online again!

    cross-posted from:

    > > Thanks to some amazing folks over at we can finally enjoy the online cities of Minegarde and Dundorma in their full glory again. Not only are you able to play online, but Events, Siege quests and special sales from the cities vendors are also back. But the best: The private servers provide full functionality for original hardware as well! > > For anyone curious you can join the discord, I‘m more than happy to help your PS2 setup.

    What is a hobby you enjoy, but seems too quirky or obscure to bring up in most conversations?
  • I went back to PS2 era games. This was the golden era imo, where games came out in a playable state and an amazing amount of content. Right now I‘m playing a completely English translated version of Monster Hunter 2 on a private server that went live about a month ago, it’s amazing.

  • What is a hobby you enjoy, but seems too quirky or obscure to bring up in most conversations?
  • It’s just part of my personality by now and I don’t feel bad about it any more. I just keep adding skills to my repertoire and thus have a broad spectrum of things I can talk about and relate with other people.

  • Dean Markley Bass Cab: Any experience? Dean Markley Bass Box

    Verkaufe diese alte Bossbox. Denke sie funktioniert noch. Kann gerne ausprobiert werden! Ansonsten...,Dean Markley Bass Box in Nordrhein-Westfalen - Brühl

    Dean Markley Bass Box

    Can‘t find much about their cabs online, especially this specific reflex one.

    Sunn Amplifiers is officially back, with new amps from the legendary brand expected by the end of year Sunn Amplifiers is officially back, with new amps from the legendary brand expected by the end of year

    Mission Engineering and Fender have teamed up to engineer the brand’s return, with historic reproductions and all-new Sunn amp designs being manufactured in the US

    Sunn Amplifiers is officially back, with new amps from the legendary brand expected by the end of year

    >Few details have been shared as to what products will be available but Fender and Mission Engineering have promised a full line priced from $499 to $3,299, with “historic reproductions” joined by new designs “that incorporate modern technology to meet the needs of today’s musicians”.

    Strap lock recommendations?

    cross-posted from:

    > My Warwick strap locks have worn out and snapped off right in the middle of filming a music video.. > > Which strap locks did you find reliable? Afaik Schaller and Dunlop offer some, but I've never seen them in use.

    Strap lock recommendations?

    My Warwick strap locks have worn out and snapped off right in the middle of filming a music video..

    Which strap locks did you find reliable? Afaik Schaller and Dunlop offer some, but I've never seen them in use.

    If you could build a bass in any way you desire, what would it be like?

    I'm contemplating to build a bass after I'm done with my other projects, so I was wondering what specs others are into. Would you go with:

    • A wax finish or color coating?
    • How many strings do you prefer?
    • Fretless, fretted, or even fan-fret?
    • What about scale length?

    So many options there. What would you do if money wouldn't matter?

    Begrenzung bestimmter Communities in /all möglich?

    Ich nutze All gerne um neue Communities zu finden. Zurzeit nimmt aber die Memeflut überhand, so dass ich nahezu keinen relevanten Content finde. Aktuell sind bei mir so zum Beispiel 14 von 20 Posts auf der ersten Seite von /all Memes.

    Gibt es da eine Möglichkeit, das irgendwie einzudämmen? Ich würde ungerne anfangen, die ganzen Communities zu blockieren. Wäre schön wenn es da eine Option gäbe, z.B. jeder Community nur einen Beitrag pro Seite unter /all zu haben.

    Can't sort by All anymore: Several pages filled with Memes only

    I love me a meme or two a day, but I can't sort by "all" anymore. What can I do about that? I already unsubbed from c/memes because otherwise my subscribed filter would be filled as well.

    Fender moves into retail with opening of flagship store in Tokyo Fender moves into retail with opening of flagship store in Tokyo

    Fender Flagship Tokyo is the US brand’s first-ever retail store, carrying a full range of instruments and a brand-new fashion line, and it is home to a coffee shop and events space too

    Fender moves into retail with opening of flagship store in Tokyo

    What I like the most is that they keep stock of their full production line. Would you pay a visit if you were in Japan?

    Bassment: New week, new ambitions! W. 2

    Great news! We just surpassed the 75 Subscribers mark and are slowly growing bigger!

    Let’s celebrate our achievement and welcome all the new and old bass heads with a weekly thread:

    So are you ready for a weekly dive into the depths of the ‘Bassment’? Introduce yourself, how did you find your way to Lemmy? What got you into playing the Bass? Share your groovy stories, ask for tips, and join the bass community as we rock the low end together. What were the standout moments this week? Did anyone uncover a new killer groove or need help nailing a tricky riff?

    Let’s keep it going and share where our mind’s at!

    My „Partinez“ - some kind of partscaster

    Hey everyone!

    I recently finished my partscaster made from an old RG421 body and 90s Harper neck. What do you think? Painted it black with a pearl golden finish.

    There was quite some work to be done, but just to name a few things I did: Fixed the trussrod, complete fret job, fixed body damage, chizeled new pickup cavities, modified neck shape, installed fluorescent side dots, complete new paint job and so on..

    It certainly has some flaws like the scratches on the front that doesn’t seem to polish out and a few nicks here and there, but I‘m absolutely satisfied with the overall result!

    I Learned quite a thing or two throughout the process and already began working on another guitar, but this time with a body built from scratch. Hopefully this time without messing up the paint job, lol.

    Hope you like it!

    ZZ Top Announces New Album Featuring the Late Dusty Hill

    „This will be the first album since 2012’s 'La Futura' and also the 2021 passing of founding member Dusty Hill“

    Bassment: New week, new ambitions!

    Great news! We just surpassed the 50 Subscribers mark and are slowly growing bigger!

    Let’s celebrate our achievement and welcome all the new and old bass heads with a weekly thread:

    So are you ready for a weekly dive into the depths of the 'Bassment'? Introduce yourself, how did you find your way to Lemmy? What got you into playing the Bass? Share your groovy stories, ask for tips, and join the bass community as we rock the low end together. What were the standout moments this week? Did anyone uncover a new killer groove or need help nailing a tricky riff?

    Let's keep it going and share where our mind’s at!

    What is something you wish you knew when you first started playing bass?

    I wish I knew sooner that while fun, no piece of fancy new gear is gonna make me a better player in any way. What advice would you give to your younger self?

    AbyssalChord Manu

    Enthusiastic Bass player over at !

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