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Why doesn't Biden go 100% on the electoral blackmail?
  • Me, a black, trans communist if Biden said this:

  • Why aren't all the people Biden has killed and hurt real to them? What the hell is happening in their minds?
  • On top of that, can someone explain to me why I'm a trans person in Florida who has been negatively impacted by DeSantis' shitty regulations to trans healthcare and Biden did jack and shit about that? These libs will say shit like "Well, at least Biden cares about trans rights!" to pathetically compensate for him funding a genocide among other things, but I'm not seeing it.

  • I didnt see him on the debate stage tonight
  • Thanks for reminding me of Oxford comma discourse


  • #Debate 2024 - brain as smooth as 3000 grit sandpaper
  • Judging by current discourse, we're gonna have to replace the "De" in "Debate 2024" with "Mastur"

  • Is this a good analysis of liberals and their views on Trump and voting in the upcoming election?
  • It's also useful to know that liberals aren't actually anti-racist, but they love to refer to how mask-off racist Trump is to gaslight BIPOC leftists into thinking that liberals actually care about them. Thankfully, it doesn't work on many of us. Liberals literally see marginalized groups like women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ people as pawns they can use to get ahead politically and nothing more.

  • There's some new icons in the world of adult animated comedy
  • Geez, Lois, this is worse than that time I faded into obscurity because of right-wing cartoons taking my place!

  • Hey Elon
  • I like it, I'm not gonna crack

  • The Peace Corps released this warning for black people volunteering in Ukraine
  • Honkies in America legitimately believe that because it's socially unacceptable to shout a slur at a black person that all racism has been alleviated from society, we are now systemically equal, and no white person has racial biases anymore because if they do, they'll get called out by "anti-racist" liberals. Right?

  • First Fragment - La Veuve et Le Martyr [Technical Death Metal]

    The whole album is gold actually...

    Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • Baby made a video message for me, among other things, where she uplifts me and expresses strongly how much she loves me as her black and trans partner. She has been comforting me a lot as my internalized bigotry has been cranked to 11 lately.

    As far as "work" goes, I relate. I'm getting more done, and I'm racking up a lot of funds to move out of my current residence with racist and queerphobic roommates soon. Last week alone, I made over double of what I'd normally make with my typical work routine. It's amazing how wanting to move very far away from awful people can make you so determined.

  • Rush Fans When
  • Hatchet...


    AND SAW!

  • Rush Fans When
  • Neil kind of did, though. He was more into the Randian shit early on, but he definitely admitted to getting far more iffy about it.

    Rolling Stone asked Peart, “Do [Ayn Rand's] words still speak to you?” He responded:

    Oh, no. That was 40 years ago. But it was important to me at the time in a transition of finding myself and having faith that what I believed was worthwhile. I had come up about that moral attitude about music, and then in my late teens I moved to England to seek fame and fortune and all that, and I was kind of stunned by the cynicism and the factory-like atmosphere of the music world over there and it shook me. I’m thinking, “Am I wrong? Am I stupid and naïve? This is the way that everybody does everything and, had I better get with the program?”

  • Rush Fans When
  • -.-- -.-- --..

  • Rush Fans When

    And the meek shall inherit the Earth...

    Metallica - To Live Is to Die (Orchestral Remake by Luke Houdini) [Thrash Metal] (10:47)

    Shit's so good that you'd expect it to revive Cliff... !

    Opeth - Windowpane [Prog] (7:45)
    Dream Theater - Learning to Live [Progressive Metal] (11:35)

    As cliché as it is to say these kinds of things, this is one of those songs that lifted me up through all my struggles.

    I can't visit my uncle, and I don't know how to break it to him.

    Advice possibly appreciated, but I'm gonna talk to my uncle about a concern I have.

    He wants me to visit him on July 4, and whenever a discussion like family gatherings comes up, my uncle can sound very forceful in the way he goes about it. He'll say stuff like "You ARE going! It's not optional!", even though I'm a grown-ass adult living by myself in a totally different state.

    There are multiple reasons why I'm opposed to going:

    1. My time and money: I have been working a lot more to make funds to get the hell out of my current living space. This is crucial because I literally have flat-out racist and evil roommates in my vicinity, and the discomfort they cause me is so much that it's a grand motivator to make me slave away. Getting on a plane to visit my uncle in a very distant state will cost me the flight and deprive me of time I could spend working. Such an endeavor is not more important than me prioritizing getting the hell out of here. I will have time to visit my uncle later. For now, it's just not appropriate.
    2. COVID-19: A lot of people stopped giving a damn, but I'm not going to assume that getting on a plane will be safe for me with COVID-19 considered.
    3. Awkward encounters: There will likely be other family members there that I haven't talked to in a long time. I'm non-binary, transfeminine, and I've been on estrogen for quite some time, alongside going by a completely different name now. Although I'm out to my uncle, chatting with other family members that I'm still closeted to could still potentially be uncomfortable at best and distressing at worst.
    4. Being there for my partner: I can't devote time to my partner at all if I'm focused on ensuring a visit to my uncle. My partner and I are both great supports for each other in times of distress, but we're also just very in love (gay) and have a ton of happy moments too. Due to her recent streak of more depressive and anxious moments, I want to be as accessible to her in this current moment that I can, as she would want to be the same for me.

    There is probably another reason I could dump out of my brain if I think for 5 more minutes, but I'm sure you get the point by now. Due to the very forceful nature of his language in discussing this gathering, I'd feel really bad telling him that I cannot see him for the day that celebrates this horrendous country's independence.

    My uncle is in his late 50's, but despite this, he will sometimes guilt trip and say things like "I have to reunite with you all before I die," especially since he has not seen me and some other family, such as my brother and cousins, in a while. It's just very concerning, and because I'm aware that he has had struggles with depression himself, it makes me feel bad to give him the "No, I'm not going," but I simply am unable to go.

    Animals as Leaders - Private Visions of the World [Instrumental Progressive Metal/Djent]

    This song is a sandwich because it goes like:

    1. Clean and melodic section
    2. Brutal, distorted, and thumpy 9-string guitar breakdown that takes your virginity multiple times just by listening to it once
    3. Clean and melodic section
    Catholic Priest Drummer Plays Drum Break in Ectogenesis by Animals as Leaders [Instrumental Progressive Metal/Drums] Watch Video-548 | Streamable

    Watch "Video-548" on Streamable.

    Watch Video-548 | Streamable

    You can hear the section in context here.

    As someone who is a massive Animals as Leaders fan, this gets a thumbs up from me.


    As a queer person who is ex-Catholic and lost my family over them choosing bigotry over accepting me, it feels a bit awkward for me to see a Catholic priest do something this neat.

    I found this because Tosin himself actually shared it.

    Weezer - Only in Dreams [Alternative Rock]

    When Rivers said:


    I felt that

    Vanguard - Defeatist [Vegan Metallic Hardcore]

    cross-posted from:

    > Vanguard is unapologetically a vegan leftist band, and actively supports and promotes a host of critical social and political causes, both lyrically and through the direct action and activism of its members. The band is ideologically tied to the animal liberation movement, endorses socialist political theory, is vehemently anti-fascist, and believes and fights for the political, legal, educational, and economic equality of all people, regardless of race, gender, orientation, or class.

    Tosin Abasi of Animals as Leaders - Monomyth (Guitar Playthrough) [Instrumental Progressive Metal/Djent]

    Everybody gangsta till Tosin starts selective pickin'

    Rings of Saturn - The Heavens Have Fallen [Instrumental Deathcore]

    Billions must fly 👼👼👼

    I hope this isn't too hot of a take, but I don't like the "No True Scotsman" approach to TERFs.

    I see a lot of people say things like "TERFs aren't real feminists" or "We should call TERFs something besides feminists," and I understand where this viewpoint comes from, but as a transfeminine person, I honestly don't like this approach.

    I feel like when people utilize this approach, they're trying to see TERFs as a problem from the outside rather than a problem within. We cannot build a better, more inclusive, and more intersectional flavor of feminism if we assume that problematic tendencies such as transphobia are inherently beyond feminist thought.

    Is TERF ideology flawed and misguided? Absolutely, 100%. Is it not feminist? On some level, I see why some would say it isn't, but at the very least, it's in the name of feminism. Although TERFs are incredibly sus with their hyperfocus on trans people, especially transfeminine people, and very minimal focus on actually advocating for women's rights, TERFs are not exactly stemming their transphobia from a viewpoint that conservative Christians, for instance, might stem their transphobia. Their viewpoint is tied to a certain interpretation of feminism, even if that interpretation sucks major doodoo ass.

    We have to remember that even mainstream, liberal feminists are not exempt from some problems that TERFs embody. These kinds of feminists can often have transphobic and bioessentialist ideas as well. The difference? They are often more implicit and mask-on with these problematic tendencies. If they're not outright transphobic in their thinking, they, at the very least, tend to be very erasing of trans struggles, as they usually are with all other kinds of intersectionality. Their major issue with failing to grasp intersectionality is painfully obvious with how much they focus on white cishet women, failing to demonstrate that they don't even have a single place in their mind concerned about black women, trans women, and other more marginalized groups of women. I see these feminists as a problem obviously (because libs suck), but I certainly wouldn't say they're not feminists.

    I'm functionally at a point where I can only trust feminists that are truly intersectional and communists, but unfortunately, I wouldn't say that outlook comprises most self-identified feminists. However, I wouldn't say that any feminist that deviates from the most helpful outlook on patriarchy isn't a feminist. They're just, in some way, a failed one in desperate need of education.

    Angel Angel [any]

    not a man but definitely a political animal

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