AngryCommieKender @ AngryCommieKender Posts 7Comments 6,883Joined 2 yr. ago
Install the app "5 calls." It gives you a script and the relevant representatives and senators phone numbers to call. You don't need to look anything up, and it will remind you to call them at whatever intervals you set. I call weekly.
It is free and I have never seen an ad or request for donations
Oh yeah, I was only speaking French out of courtesy to the other poster. I just figured that would be a "French response" to the removed comment.
According to this, avoid her magic rings, and jump on her head three times.
Someone's been playing All Will Fall
Absolutely, copyright or patent, not both. Though if, and only if, they function identically in duration, I wouldn't see the downside of having both other than additional expenses actually filing for both
The destruction of the island of Selini was one of the greatest things Londo ever did as Emperor. I get the feeling, it's also one of the only times he felt remorse at anything he had done, since he had to ask many Centauri to knowingly die to keep the illusion up. I'd like to believe that he gave Vir what Vir told Mr. Morden that he wanted from Mr. Morden as a form of penance.
Copyright is a good idea. It was just stretched beyond all reasonable expectations. Copyright should work like Patents. 15 years. You get one, and only one, 15 year extension. At either the 15 or 30 year mark, the work enters the public domain.
Shit, save your $$$ and get some GPUs since the market would crash.
Or relative to the galactic center. That would put you even further off.
Je ne comprends pas l'anglais grossier
Vice President Drumpf can suck the leopard's cock while President Musk's and President Putin's leopard eats his entire head.
Believe me, if you meant in the wild, that's not a sadly situation, that's a you're dead situation. If you meant in a zoo, then, most probably it is a sadly situation, just not for you.
The holy numbers of the current "chosen Abrahamic faith of God," are 9 and 19.
Said every ancient Greek ever. We've got a true conservative here, at least in the realm of sexuality between two consenting adults.
Well I guess that last clause would cause you to be anethema to the modern conservative causes.
Wasn't Abbott the straight man? I'd expect the funny man, Costello, to be the source of this level of chaos.
Est-ce qu'on distribue les baguettes, les cigarettes et les bérets obligatoires à la frontière française, ou est-ce plutôt une chose parisienne ?
Fruitcake is actually really nice, provided you make it yourself. Those bricks they sell in stores are nothing like the real thing. I think the store sold stuff is intended as replacements for structural support walls.
"The 1%" a documentary made by one of the Johnson & Johnson heirs. Made over a decade ago, but even more relevant today.
"The 1%" a documentary made by one of the Johnson & Johnson heirs. Made over a decade ago, but even more relevant today.