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Zelenskyy accuses Brazil of being pro-Russia, slams peace proposal
  • I wish. Min wage in some parts of China provides a similar purchasing power as I have making more than 4x the min wage in the US. I would actually be able to afford a house in my lifetime if that were true.

  • Sunday Was Gaming Day: What Are You Playing Weekly Thread
  • Still on that Wukong grind. On NG+, but I only play a couple hours a week so it’ll prolly take me a while to get through it again. Wifey has been sucked into Dave The Diver the last few days, it looks fun and the music is peaceful enough that I don’t have her put on her headphones when I go to bed because it makes for a good lullaby.

  • Zelenskyy accuses Brazil of being pro-Russia, slams peace proposal
  • In fact, when losing a war miserably, one should expect to make concessions to the winning side. This delusional belief that losers can dictate term terms will result in the death of every Ukrainian man of fighting age.

  • Zelenskyy accuses Brazil of being pro-Russia, slams peace proposal
  • You don’t ask the loser what they want to stop the war. You go to the side that’s winning and say, “what would it take to get you to stop?”. Either Zelensky is a fool or he’s so posturing for more western money, because he has really no leverage and so his insistence on continuing the war is costing hundreds of thousands of lives. Support domestically for the war has collapsed, tens of thousands have fled the country, tens of thousands more dodge the draft. Everyone willing to fight in this war has already done so, they’re literally arresting people for draft dodging and telling them go to prison or join the military and we’ll absolve you of the “crime” of not wanting to fight a losing war. Is this just a collapse in western understanding of war after so long without a major one? Or is it just selfishness on the part of the west who cares more about “hurting Russia” than it does about irradiating Ukraine and destroying an entire generation of people? Or is it just idiocy on the part of Ukrainian leadership, who keep getting removed for not wanting to continue sending their men to die?

  • American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it?
  • I was driving this weekend, a truck turned onto the road ahead of me, stayed stopped in the right hand lane until I got near to them, then slammed on the gas spewing a massive cloud of filth that entirely enveloped my car. Thankfully my wife and I noticed it beforehand and rolled our windows up.

  • I never heard nor read anything good about this game
  • Without it we’d still have server browsers as the primary avenue for game finding, and you’d just find a community of people that you jived with and have fun, building community bonds and having fun without worrying about your ELO or whatever.

  • Black Myth Wukong: China SLAMS diversity claims
  • It’s been a hugely popular story for 500 years though? A show didn’t popularize it. I haven’t seen many women, for sure, but I don’t recall many in the book/oral story either, but I could just be forgetting some.

  • Anyone watch The Man in the High Castle
  • It so thoroughly destroyed what made the book good that I couldn’t get through it. And it’s not like the book is some masterpiece of fiction, either. They just didn’t give a damn about it at all.

  • Maduro Announces 10 Day Twitter Ban
  • You can browse Weibo from anywhere. I’m not certain about making accounts though, some of the Chinese sites I use require mainland China phone numbers, so I never even tried with Weibo.

  • 我非常爱吃红烧牛肉


    Myth: The End of History (Hyper-Imperialism) w/ Mikaela Nhondo Erskog The Black Myths Podcast: Myth: The End of History (Hyper-Imperialism) w/ Mikaela Nhondo Erskog

    In this episode, we explore the myth of "The End of History". The End of History is the idea that Western civilization in the form of capitalism and liberal democracy has solved the question of civilization. This claim was asserted after the fall of the Soviet Union. This belief was that the United ...

    The Black Myths Podcast: Myth: The End of History (Hyper-Imperialism) w/ Mikaela Nhondo Erskog

    Another great podcast from the Black Myths Pod, this time on Hyper-Imperialism, global blocs, and development. If you don’t already follow these dudes, you should.

    Big oof on this guy Trump suggests Chinese migrants are in the US to build an ‘army.’ The migrants tell another story

    The daily struggle to find work for Chinese immigrants living illegally in a borough of New York is a far cry from the picture Donald Trump and other Republicans have sought to paint. The former pr…

    Trump suggests Chinese migrants are in the US to build an ‘army.’ The migrants tell another story

    > Thirty-six-year-old Chen Wang, from southeastern China, said he decided to come to the U.S. in late 2021 after he posted comments critical of the ruling party on Twitter. He was admonished by local police and feared that he could be imprisoned. > > More than two years later, he is still unemployed and lives in a tent in the woods that he has made into a home. Chen described his fellow Chinese on the journey as simply people “chasing a better life.”

    Big oof there buddy. Came to the wrong place.

    Where do y'all get your books? What ya reading right now?

    I stopped using Amazon a while back, but it was where I got all my books for a long time. I do thriftbooks mostly now, and try to buy directly from publishers when it’s a newer book, but I’m always interested in finding new spots to cop some sweet books.

    He deleted the comment before the archiver could snag it, but I got the screenshot still

    This whole thread is hilarious though. So many fearful fools just parroting propaganda and doubling down when called on it.

    Lmao coming back to the us from China...

    Is just such a shock from being in China. Just got harassed and essentially threatened for being a socialist. They searched my bags and commented on my China flag and my little red books and my copy of Blackshirts and Reds. Fucking police state. The security in China is strict, but they don’t give a fuck about your thoughts, whereas this guy was very aggressive about “consequences” for being a socialist.

    The East is Still Red, and I'm up at 4am because of jetlag

    God damn I fucking love China. It is so nice here. Little things, like sidewalks being wider, make such a huge difference. Tomorrow I’m going to the tomb of the second Khan of the Jing Dynasty and first emperor of the Qing dynasty. It’s literally just chilling in a public park, and you pay like ¥5 to go inside and check it out. So much history just bursting at the seams, and yet it still feels so much more modern than my home state in many ways.

    eBay Deleted Support for Unions From Its Website After Its Workers Unionized eBay Deleted Support for Unions From Its Website After Its Workers Unionized

    New York City and State comptrollers have called on the company to explain why it no longer explicitly supports workers’ rights to unionize.

    eBay Deleted Support for Unions From Its Website After Its Workers Unionized

    They’ve also been sandbagging negotiations for the last 9 months, the union today is on a march, no strike action yet.

    Why so war-brained, my fellow americans?

    It’s so frustrating trying to talk to Americans about foreign policy. Most recently, we have all these stories about China stopping western warplanes from entering Chinese territory being spun as Chinese aggression. As if flying armed jets less than 100 miles off the coast of a country you threaten on a near-daily basis isn’t threatening them. No one even questions why these jets are flying so near Chinese airspace. What business does a Canadian jet have off the coast of China, other than to threaten and intimidate? I mean, the most recent one was literally on a mission to intimidate North Korea. Fucking frustrating.

    indieheads - For fans of indie and alternative music. Bartsbigbugbag
    福禄寿Floruitshow - 如何(How To) - Live @ 2020 Strawberry Music Festival

    I just found this band and I am in love with every song they do. It’s so elegant, and the composition is really on point.

    God this dude is just so damn articulate

    Was going through my notes and came across this quote I saved from somewhere, might have been here honestly. Funny how we’re still dealing with this same conversation one and three quarters centuries later.

    Excerpt of Condition of the Working Class in England, by Engels, 1845

    from the section titled "The Attitude of the Bourgeoisie Towards the Proletariat"

    >Let no one believe, however, that the "cultivated" Englishman openly brags with his egotism. On the contrary, he conceals it under the vilest hypocrisy. What? The wealthy English fail to remember the poor? They who have founded philanthropic institutions, such as no other country can boast of! Philanthropic institutions forsooth! As though you rendered the proletarians a service in first sucking out their very life-blood and then practising your self-complacent, Pharisaic philanthropy upon them, placing yourselves before the world as mighty benefactors of humanity when you give back to the plundered victims the hundredth part of what belongs to them! Charity which degrades him who gives more than him who takes; charity which treads the downtrodden still deeper in the dust, which demands that the degraded, the pariah cast out by society, shall first surrender the last that remains to him, his very claim to manhood, shall first beg for mercy before your mercy deigns to press, in the shape of an alms, the brand of degradation upon his brow. But let us hear the English bourgeoisie's own words. It is not yet a year since I read in the Manchester Guardian the following letter to the editor, which was published without comment as a perfectly natural, reasonable thing: > >>"MR. EDITOR,– For some time past our main streets are haunted by swarms of beggars, who try to awaken the pity of the passers-by in a most shameless and annoying manner, by exposing their tattered clothing, sickly aspect, and disgusting wounds and deformities. I should think that when one not only pays the poor-rate, but also contributes largely to the charitable institutions, one had done enough to earn a right to be spared such disagreeable and impertinent molestations. And why else do we pay such high rates for the maintenance of the municipal police, if they do not even protect us so far as to make it possible to go to or out of town in peace? I hope the publication of these lines in your widely- circulated paper may induce the authorities to remove this nuisance; and I remain,– Your obedient servant, "A Lady." > >There you have it! The English bourgeoisie is charitable out of self-interest; it gives nothing outright, but regards its gifts as a business matter, makes a bargain with the poor, saying: "If I spend this much upon benevolent institutions, I thereby purchase the right not to be troubled any further, and you are bound thereby to stay in your dusky holes and not to irritate my tender nerves by exposing your misery. You shall despair as before, but you shall despair unseen, this I require, this I purchase with my subscription of twenty pounds for the infirmary!" It is infamous, this charity of a Christian bourgeois! And so writes "A Lady"; she does well to sign herself such, well that she has lost the courage to call herself a woman! But if the "Ladies" are such as this, what must the "Gentlemen" be? It will be said that this is a single case; but no, the foregoing letter expresses the temper of the great majority of the English bourgeoisie, or the editor would not have accepted it, and some reply would have been made to it, which I watched for in vain in the succeeding numbers. And as to the efficiency of this philanthropy, Canon Parkinson himself says that the poor are relieved much more by the poor than by the bourgeoisie; and such relief given by an honest proletarian who knows himself what it is to be hungry, for whom sharing his scanty meal is really a sacrifice, but a sacrifice borne with pleasure, such help has a wholly different ring to it from the carelessly-tossed alms of the luxurious bourgeois.

    Any comrades who speak chinese here? 这里有人说汉语吗

    I’m learning Chinese, and would love to have some people to chat with. I’m not good, for sure, but I really enjoy it a lot!


    Random Parenti Quote I transcribed at work while listening to the Michael Parenti collection podcast

    …I think that reveals something about the hidden class dimensions of our public policy; our grocery bills are determined, the policies, determined by people, who themselves never go to supermarkets.

    Our health policy is written out y people who never have to sit for 2 hours in a clinic or an hour in a doctors office.

    Our transportation policy is made by people who never have to wait for a bus or look for a parking space, they’ve got helicopters and linos to hurry them away.

    Our education policy is made by people who never have to send their children to public school, they send them to private schools(cough polis cough).

    Our daycare system, or lack of, determined by people who use private governesses and Nannies, and then go off to Smith College as Barbara Bush did, and lectured to the students there about not being so concerned about accomplishing in your careers and understand that the real joy and satisfaction is in the working and nurturing of children…

    … occupational safety laws are made by people who never have to work in a factory or mine. The Supreme Court has ruled that wildcat strikes are illegal, a “violation of contract.” In coal mines , wildcat strikes are the workers only defense against occupational hazards that can be disastrous in a day. You’re going down a mine and you see a foreman detach an alarm wire, that rings the alarm if there’s too much smoke buildup, because he’s got a quota to meet that day and he doesn’t want to stop for smoke buildup, so you stop and go on wildcat strike.

    Well, the Supreme Court, none of whom have been NEAR a factory in their lives, or NEAR a mine, and wouldn’t know one end of a mine from another, legislate and say, “as long as there’s a grievance procedure (grievances take a week, two weeks, a month….)That wildcat actions are a “violation of contract and the union must be fined.”

    You see? The policy is being made by people who don’t experience the thing.

    -Michael Parenti, transcribed by hand from a random speech

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