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[Satire] Nationaler Notstand

Soso. Friedrich Merz ist also Kanzlerkandidat. Jetzt muss er sich ja nur noch entscheiden, für welche Partei er antreten möchte. Übrigens: Morgen (20.9.24) ist Klimastreik.

\#Merz #Kaenguru #Klimastreik #MarcUweKling

Mbin instances
  • I am part of the mbin team and I am really tired of hearing shittalking about us without any reason. Nobody has any reason to call us anything but passionate.

    When melroy started the fork, really weird accusations were thrown around without being based on anything...

  • The two most upvoted comments on any Lemmy instance are on, but you won't see them on your own instance
  • AP has a tool for that called inbox forwarding and mastodon uses it for sharing the comments under posts. It works like this: you send a reply to a user with their follower collection as the recipient. You of course cannot know who is following that user, however they than just forward this reply to the follower collection, because the server knows that it has authority over that collection.

  • The two most upvoted comments on any Lemmy instance are on, but you won't see them on your own instance
  • Its not really a "not playing well" with each other, it is just the mastodon works. That is the reason why most toots in my mastodon timeline have 0 favourites (upvotes) and only a few boosts... I don't know why they do it, because at the minimum the followers of that user should be notified about that like...

  • Firefish is entering maintenance mode
  • I promise that I will never just suddenly vanish unless I actually die 😅

  • Firefish is entering maintenance mode
  • I actually have a LiberaPay, Patreon and Kofi page and only 3 people have donated so far. And those accounts are also used to take donations for my 2 mbin servers and my mid sized mastodon server (>100 "real" MAU)...

  • Firefish is entering maintenance mode
  • Your already helping a lot by helping other admins ❤️

  • Firefish is entering maintenance mode
  • I think we are getting there. Currently the biggest problem I see is that melroy and I are currently the main contributors with other experienced contributors gone or at least not regularly active (which is of course their right, but its just how it is). I do have a whole lot of ideas and plans for features and I am working on a lot simultaneously, though I wouldn't say that it is a burden, more like a fun hobby. Admittedly this hobby takes a lot of time though 😅

    I am very happy that new contributors are currently dipping their toe in the water and I hope they do stick around. Also a lot of the server admins are active in the matrix chat to help others out. So in this regard we are not alone.

    I was honestly shocked that debounced left so suddenly and basically completely vanished... I didn't think that anyone would do that... So honestly we cannot promise anything, but I think melroy will stay around and I certainly will as well 😇

  • Germany, dyndns and port forwarding
  • I had the exact same problem and the solution was to ask my ISP who then either just gave me a public IP (Vodafone) or asked for money so my network could be reached from the outside (Primerocom). So check whether there is an option with you ISP to get a "public" IP.

  • Imminence - Heaven Shall Burn [Official Video]

    Just listened to this banger, love imminence ❤️

    Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?
  • We can look at PeerTube for an example of a system that could be shaped into what I meant: when you look at a post (video) from peertube it links lists for likes, dislikes and shares (so basically upvotes, downvotes and boosts). These collections contain a totalItems property, but also list the peoples identities, but just imagine that it wouldn't be there. When a user now likes the video, the creator of the video now sends out an Update acitivity to all subscribers. Now all subscribers can update the counts for likes, dislikes and shares. Only the "home instance" of the creator account knows about all votes, nobody else does, but nevertheless everybody else can now how many likes, dislikes and shares there are.

    If we compare that to mastodon the first part of the statement is still true:

    Only the "home instance" of the creator account knows about all votes, nobody else does

    But that means that most instances just show 0 likes for most of the posts, because your instance only knows about likes originating from your instance...

    As for your proposition: I couldn't follow for some of it. However I think the risk of an actor abusing the creation of fake accounts and fake upvoters is not really a risk, that is what defederation is for... I would argue very much agains a lemmy specific protocol and some judge instances simply because then big instances would just have pretty much all the data again and it would definitely hurt interoperability because lemmy devs can then just take the easier route instead of implementing something according to AP spec

  • Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?
  • You cannot make votes completely private, one instance has to have the authority over which votes do exist. This instance should be the origin of a post or comment.

    At the moment it works like this: you upvote a post, this upvote gets send to the author of said post AND the magazine and that magazine then broadcasts your upvote to all subscribers of said magazine.

    I could imagine that the process looks a lot different: you upvote a post, this upvote gets send to the author of said post, the author of the post then sends an update to the magazine saying how many people have now upvoted their post and the magazine then broadcasts this info to every subscriber of the magazine.

    With that you would of course have new limitations concerning moderation and maybe there are trust issues regarding the correct reporting of that upvote count, but only the author of the post (and their instance ofc) could technically know who upvoted their post. As in everything here this is a compromise and whether the gained privacy is worth the other limitations, I don't know

  • Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?
  • Upvotes were already implemented when we did the fork. I guess we just never really thought about it. I honestly just have no opinion on whether upvotes should be public or not, so I don't mind them being public, but I basically never check who upvoted my posts anyway, so might as well be removed... If people care about this I'd say it is just up for discussion...

  • Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?
  • I was actually the one removing it. I implemented the support for incoming downvotes and because I and others had concerns to keep showing remote users downvotes publicly we / I removed it.

  • Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?
  • There was and is not anymore

  • Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?
  • On mbin users can only see who upvoted a post. An admin can of course still go into the db and look there, but for users and mods there is no way to see who downvoted a post

  • Test from Gehirneimer
  • Just to test if lemmy gets it when I answer (on the old comment)

  • Test BentiGorlich
    Test from Gehirneimer

    This is just a test thread :)

  • I think that's is called a "temporary" solution 😁

  • [Instance] down
  • Thanks man. I can completely understand frustration in that regard though (even if you didn't mean it that way) :)

  • [Instance] down
  • Absolutely 😁

  • [Instance] down
  • I can absolutely understand that. I was very surprised as well as I stated often 😅 I can only tell you that I've been running my mastodon server a little longer and I commit to the mastodon server covenant (I think that is what its called). But if you have any doubts you should join Jerry has been a reliable admin for years and years (of all kinds of services)

  • Spreading of the 100 biggest Lemmy communities


    The biggest surprise for me was the count, an instance I hardly interact with.

    | | Community Count | Community Subscriber Count | |-------------------|-----------------|----------------------------| | | 6 | 133450 | | | 33 | 663204 | | | 1 | 17052 | | | 1 | 15907 | | | 1 | 53006 | | | 14 | 356460 | | | 1 | 16257 | | | 39 | 851950 | | | 2 | 33586 | | | 1 | 16006 | | | 1 | 14093 |

    The data this is based on comes from where you can just download a full json of the data they have (I excluded all communities marked as "suspicious")

    EDIT: The data if you sort by active users last month:

    | | Community Count | Community Active Month Count | |-------------------|-----------------|------------------------------| | | 1 | 2616 | | | 2 | 7363 | | | 2 | 5289 | | | 1 | 2952 | | | 1 | 2898 | | | 3 | 8898 | | | 1 | 11422 | | | 3 | 14910 | | | 3 | 13752 | | | 10 | 54949 | | | 57 | 338384 | | | 1 | 3602 | | | 3 | 12020 | | | 1 | 11469 | | | 5 | 37365 | | | 3 | 10897 | | | 2 | 10070 | | | 1 | 4107 |

    Community Count:


    Community Users:


    test BentiGorlich
    Testing Photo from mbin
    [Help] Music album cover art - permission problem

    Hello everyone, I noticed that a lot of my music does not get any album art even though they correctly identified with MusicBrainz and the albums do have a cover on them there. Jellyfin does not have write permissions in the data directly where the music is, only read permissions. Though I would have expected that jellyfin uses the metadata folder for cover images not already present there. The reason Jellyfin doesn't have write permissions is that the folder is managed by nextcloud and that creates files with 750 so only read access for the group and jellyfin uses the group Does anyone know how I could solve the issue?

    Log when trying to identify an album which should have edited the image: > [WRN] Unable to delete "/{{REDACTED}}/files/Musik/Everglow/Last Melody [Single]/Folder.jpg" System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/{{REDACTED}}/Musik/Everglow/Last Melody [Single]/Folder.jpg' is denied. ---> System.IO.IOException: Permission denied --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.IO.FileSystem.DeleteFile(String fullPath) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ItemImageProvider.PruneImages(BaseItem item, IReadOnlyList`1 images)

    I tried giving Jellyfin write permissions on the folder and when identifying an album and it just decided to delete all tracks...

    from the log after giving write permissions:

    > [INF] Removing item, Type: "Audio", Name: "RATATATA", Path: "/{{REDACTED}}/Musik/Babymetal/RATATATA/1 - RATATATA.mp3", Id: 72e62d6b-7afd-842e-8a72-b9142c53cdaf [INF] Setting provider id's to item ae9bfd0c-30e7-8943-c552-5f89475b4116-"RATATATA": [("MusicBrainzAlbum": "4a762493-80fe-4a52-b11a-ad6ecfcc8a59"), ("MusicBrainzReleaseGroup": "d61d121b-8952-40de-bef9-208b9ea870ec")] [INF] Setting provider id's to item ae9bfd0c-30e7-8943-c552-5f89475b4116-"RATATATA": [("MusicBrainzAlbum": "4a762493-80fe-4a52-b11a-ad6ecfcc8a59"), ("MusicBrainzReleaseGroup": "d61d121b-8952-40de-bef9-208b9ea870ec")] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Audio", Name: "STΦMP! (STΦMP!)", Path: "/{{REDACTED}}/Musik/Dreamcatcher/[VirtuouS]/3 - STΦMP! (STΦMP!).mp3", Id: 32dfa172-442f-af4d-9d6e-0ad4d9a736c6 [INF] Removing item, Type: "Audio", Name: "Intro : 7' Dreamcatcher (Intro : 7' Dreamcatcher)", Path: "/{{REDACTED}}/Musik/Dreamcatcher/[VirtuouS]/1 - Intro : 7' Dreamcatcher (Intro : 7' Dreamcatcher).mp3", Id: e83079d4-9c51-7f8b-1b55-c54d1df3787b [INF] Removing item, Type: "Audio", Name: "JUSTICE (JUSTICE)", Path: "/{{REDACTED}}/Musik/Dreamcatcher/[VirtuouS]/2 - JUSTICE (JUSTICE).mp3", Id: 8d977ec0-6f53-cbd9-65d2-45ddcc1b78d0 [INF] Removing item, Type: "Audio", Name: "2 Rings (2 Rings)", Path: "/{{REDACTED}}/Musik/Dreamcatcher/[VirtuouS]/4 - 2 Rings (2 Rings).mp3", Id: 987a8bdc-8c73-1a74-16ab-341dacf035c3 [INF] Removing item, Type: "Audio", Name: "Fireflies (Fireflies)", Path: "/{{REDACTED}}/Musik/Dreamcatcher/[VirtuouS]/5 - Fireflies (Fireflies).mp3", Id: fe1a2125-ad68-3b2f-fddf-7f3cabf43ccd

    Any help is greately appreciated :)

    How to save "meta" information in a scene

    I am coming from a Unity background and there I just had a component of some custom class in the scene which I could then easily get by calling FindInScene<CustomComponent> or something like that. Not in Godot this doesn't work, because I didn't find a way to get the actual class of an attached script. I always just get GDScript as the class name even though I did specify a custom one.

    The information I want to save are things like: where to spawn players, how many laps will this race have, maybe save references to the spawned players, etc.

    So how would I save this "meta" information to get by another script in Godot?

    EDIT: here is an example: I have a main scene which can load different levels. When loading a level I need to get some information about that level, like: the available spawn points. Inside each level I have a node with a script attached to it that defined class_name LevelMeta and holds the meta information that I need when loading the level. How do I detect this script and the associated meta information?

    Firefox BentiGorlich
    Fennec and push notifications Fennec and push notifications - Firefox - GehirnEimer

    I recently tried to implement push notifications, but it does not seem like fennec is supporting them. The same code works fine on vanilla firefox on mobile, Librewolf and Firefox on desktop....

    Fennec and push notifications - Firefox - GehirnEimer

    I recently tried to implement push notifications, but it does not seem like fennec is supporting them. The same code works fine on vanilla firefox on mobile, Librewolf and Firefox on desktop.

    Does anyone know whether Fennec should support push notifications?

    Canvas 2024 BentiGorlich
    Die Briten überrennen unsere Flagge :O

    Die Australier schlafen jetzt und die Briten haben unsere Flagge fast komplett ausgelöscht :O

    Canvas 2024 BentiGorlich
    Abmachung mit den Australiern

    Hallo zusammen, ich hatte ne Abmachung mit den Australiern dass wir die Flaggen vereinen. Ich find die Idee nach wie vor super und wollte euch das auch mitgeteilt haben :D

    Have you played Manor Lords and what are your opinions? Save 25% on Manor Lords on Steam

    Manor Lords is a medieval strategy game featuring in-depth city building, large-scale tactical battles, and complex economic and social simulations. Rule your lands as a medieval lord – the seasons pass, the weather changes, and cities rise and fall.

    Save 25% on Manor Lords on Steam

    I've been thinking of getting that game, though I am not sure on the development pace and state it is currently in.

    Generally I love city builders of any kind and the game looks super interesting to me (and it is currently on sale :D ). What are your thoughts?

    Did Fedora 40 break something for you?

    I am running Fedora 39 right now and the last time I did a distro upgrade my graphics drivers were a huge PITA. Did your upgrade to 40 went smooth?

    [Fixed] Mouse Cursor jumps around

    Hello everyone, I have a weird problem with my mouse: when I switch the window focus, e.g. by alt tabbing to another window, or by closing a window, and the newly focused window is on my other monitor my mouse will jump to that monitor without me doing anything. It is not a deal breaker or something, but it is very annoying...

    I am using Fedora 39 with Gnome 45 with xorg, nvidia 2070 super, running the nvidia drivers and a Ryzen 3600.

    I looked in my control center for mouse options, but they are very much limited

    Firefox BentiGorlich
    Finally! Mozilla Firefox is Bringing in Tab Grouping Feature Finally! Mozilla Firefox is Bringing in Tab Grouping Feature

    Mozilla Firefox should gear up as an excellent option for power users and productivity enthusiasts with this feature.

    Finally! Mozilla Firefox is Bringing in Tab Grouping Feature

    > > > Mozilla Firefox should gear up as an excellent option for power users and productivity enthusiasts with this feature. > >

    I would be so happy if this feature makes it into Firefox this year

    Software vs Hardware RAID

    I am thinking of extending my storage and I don't know if I should buy a JBOD (my current solution) or a RAID capable enclosure.

    My "server" is just a small intel nuc with an 8th gen i3. I am happy with the performance, but that might be impacted by a bigger software RAID setup. My current storage setup is a 4-bay JBOD with 4TB drives in RAID 5. And I am thinking of going to 6 x 8TB drives with RAID 6 which will probably be more work for my little CPU

    Spreading of the 100 biggest fediverse account BentiGorlich (

    Angehängt: 1 Bild I just saw, that fedidb now has data for the biggest fediverse accounts, so I did a little plotting with it. Here is a graphic of the scattering of the 100 biggest accounts by the instance they are on. 38 of them are on

    BentiGorlich (

    > > > I just saw, that fedidb now has data for the biggest fediverse accounts, so I did a little plotting with it. Here is a graphic of the scattering of the 100 biggest accounts by the instance they are on. 38 of them are on (the data is in the alt text) #mastodon #chart #fedidb #fediverse > >

    Remmina not working with Windows 10 RDP anymore

    Hi guys, Remmina won't connect to a windows 10 PC via RDP anymore. It worked until I upgraded to Fedora 39 (I think, maybe its something different though). I cannot see anything in the logs indicating what the error might be. I tried messing with the settings, particularly the TLS and Gateway ransport type settings, but that didn't change anything. It is not timing out eigher, the disconnect is nearly instant.


    ``` (DEBUG) - (rcw_map_event) - Mapping: RemminaConnectionWindow (DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_map_event) - Calling plugin mapping function (DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Opening connection (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_init) - Disable smooth scrolling is set to 1 (DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Have SSH (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - RDP data path is /home/benni/.var/app/org.remmina.Remmina/data/remmina/RDP (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Not using system proxy settings (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - Tunnel init (DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - SSH tunnel initialization… (DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port (DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port (tunnel) (DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - server:, port: 3389 (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - protocol_plugin_start_direct_tunnel() returned []:3389 (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - Tunnel has been optionally initialized. Now connecting to (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - gfx_h264_available: 1 (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Resolution set by the user: 588x620 (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Resolution set after workarounds: 644x620 (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_type: (null) (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_username: (null) (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_password: (null) (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_hostname: (null) (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_port: 80 (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - rdp_keyboard_remapping_list: (null) (DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Log level set to to INFO (DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnect signal received on RemminaProtocolWidget (DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Saving profile (DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0 (DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_store_password) - Password “password” saved for file /home/benni/.var/app/org.remmina.Remmina/data/remmina/group_rdp_ps_192-168-43-170.remmina

    (DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0 (DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_password” deleted for file /home/benni/.var/app/org.remmina.Remmina/data/remmina/group_rdp_ps_192-168-43-170.remmina (DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0 (DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “gateway_password” deleted for file /home/benni/.var/app/org.remmina.Remmina/data/remmina/group_rdp_ps_192-168-43-170.remmina (DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - We have a secret and disablepasswordstoring=0 (DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_glibsecret_delete_password) - password “ssh_tunnel_passphrase” deleted for file /home/benni/.var/app/org.remmina.Remmina/data/remmina/group_rdp_ps_192-168-43-170.remmina (DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Profile saved (DEBUG) - (remmina_file_save) - Connection profile states saved (DEBUG) - (remmina_network_monitor_status) - G_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_FULL (DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Could not disconnect ```

    Cannot read files from SD card which works fine under windows

    I have a SanDisk 256GB extreme pro SD card for my camera. It works perfectly fine with the camera and with windows, but when I instert it into the card reader on linux (fedora 38) I can't copy any files from it:

    > > > cp: Fehler beim Lesen von '.../DCIM/112\_FUJI/DSCF2001.RAF': Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler > >

    Loosely translated:

    > > > cp: error while reading from '.../DCIM//112\_FUJI/DSCF2001.RAF': input/output error > >

    the card is automatically mounted and shows up in the file explorer.

    The fdisk command return this:

    ``` Festplatte /dev/sdg1: 238,27 GiB, 255835766784 Bytes, 499679232 Sektoren Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes Festplattenbezeichnungstyp: dos Festplattenbezeichner: 0xf4f4f4f4

    Gerät Boot Anfang Ende Sektoren Größe Kn Typ /dev/sdg1p1 4109694196 8219388391 4109694196 1,9T f4 SpeedStor /dev/sdg1p2 4109694196 8219388391 4109694196 1,9T f4 SpeedStor /dev/sdg1p3 4109694196 8219388391 4109694196 1,9T f4 SpeedStor /dev/sdg1p4 4109694196 8219388391 4109694196 1,9T f4 SpeedStor


    I tried following this:\_pi/comments/habv0q/fixing\_linux\_sd\_card\_reader\_issues\_inputoutput/ but it didn't change anything

    Does anyone have any idea?

    EDIT: I used the wrong fdisk command. I used /dev/sdg1 as opposed to /dev/sdg which is the actual drive. Here is the output of fdisk -l /dev/sdg:

    ``` Festplatte /dev/sdg: 238,3 GiB, 255869321216 Bytes, 499744768 Sektoren Festplattenmodell: STORAGE DEVICE Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes Festplattenbezeichnungstyp: dos Festplattenbezeichner: 0x00000000

    Gerät Boot Anfang Ende Sektoren Größe Kn Typ /dev/sdg1 * 65536 499744767 499679232 238,3G 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT


    Witcher 3 not launching at all

    Hi everybody, A few months back I bought the Wichter III complete edition in a steam sale. I finally have time to play it and now it won't launch. Not on my steam deck and not on my Fedora PC. On PC it is just stuck saying "is beeing started" right next to the play button. On my steam deck it is stuck on a blackscreen with a steam loading symbol...

    Has anyone else had these problems?

    BentiGorlich BentiGorlich

    Beruflich Web-Entwickler, privat ein Ober Nerd und Links-Grün versifft... Musik Liebhaber, von #kpop bis #metal alles dabei Ansonsten bin ich auch gerne mit der Kamera unterwegs. Entwickler und Maintainer für #mbin

    ich bin auch auf mastodon: @BentiGorlich

    Ich betreibe, und

    Posts 22
    Comments 267