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Otters are super cute
  • AFAIK lower than both of those.

  • Mommy, why is the Apple Pie so spicy?
  • That's just your butthole talking.

  • Otters are super cute
    Looking for new Site Admins
  • After spending 1.4 minutes thinking about it. Nope. I am out. Good luck. Fuck nuts.

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    Looking for new Site Admins
  • I believe you.

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  • Sounds a lot like my current job. Working for a non profit, ingest shit and spew rainbows. I have nothing to encourage you to consider me.

  • which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why??
  • I never want kids. I don't know how they're going to take the news.

  • which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why??
  • What are you talking about, nephew... ;)

  • The numbers 0–99 sorted alphabetically in different languages
  • I will accede to your request but only under one condition which is that I come.

  • Get scattered
  • How do you know it doesn't? Science.

  • too soon?
  • Lol

  • How do you get people to wash their vegetables when you're at their house and you don't wanna seem rude?
  • Thank you. I had not seen that before. Love his stuff, and it makes so much sense.

  • People who go into back yards for a living - what's the coolest or most beautiful thing you've seen?
  • Thank you for telling me that story. Made my day better. I hope your day is uplifted as well. Also thank you for being consent focused and not posting pictures without permission. You're a good person.

  • fruit
  • Is there another way?

  • A video of a crazy norwegian in the forest to make your day better.

    He passed away a couple years ago, but his legacy lives on in his videos. Enjoy!

    I adopted a very sweet and lovable very old cat.

    However, despite her 14 years, I am certain her only mission in her remaining years is to make me question my sanity.

    I got a new phone, with all the same accounts, but cannot restore my previous lifetime purchases from sync. I'm not sure how to rectify it.

    Edit: I'm pretty sure that I made a mistake here, in that I tried to use my main credentials to sign in and transfer, but I actually bought the lifetime on a different account. The likelihood that I confused myself with my paranoia is likely high.

    I actually appreciate some details of Star Trek: Discovery

    At first, when I watched it, I thought it was absolutely ridiculous that Starfleet engineers built spark and flame generators into the Discovery's bridge, but thinking about it, given that you have inertial dampers and other things that minimize or completely eliminate the physical feeling you would receive from the ship receiving damage, having visceral feedback mechanisms that are not themselves all that inherently dangerous to give more physical cues to the ship taking damage actually makes sense. At least, that's my head canon I'm choosing to go with.

    I finally watched Battleship (2012).

    Is it now a Hollywood tradition to make really shitty movies set in Oahu?

    Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy watching this movie but holy fuck is it bad. The premise is nonsensical, the jingoism is super over the top. Is this meant to be a satire?

    Simmerstats - Technology Connections
    Are we the "Cold Ones" to our dogs?

    Dogs run about 10 degrees hotter than humans, so do you think they regard us as the giant cold ones?

    Crackhappy Crackhappy

    Developer for 30+ years, father of four.

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