I always hear people say this as a 'gotcha' but it doesn't make any sense.
I have travelled while homeless.
People will be renting an apartment in a developed city, owning a car, going out to pubs/nightclubs, and then telling dirty backpackers, "God must be nice to have the money to travel!"
travel vs sedentism, neither one is necessarily more cheap/expensive than the other
Don't sneer at hungry people you absolute Westoid.
It's not even true: North Korea is far wealthier than Haïti (where hotdogs are eaten all the time)
Art isn't supposed to be symmetrical
It's anti-woke
You can easily specify 'matte', 'low-contrast', etc.
What model do you use to generate the descriptions?
You could have posted this as a top-level reply to the question..
(i looked for /c/shittyaskhistory and it doesn't seem to exist)
That was not the first film adapatation
Science-fiction comedy