Kim Jong-un bans hotdogs for North Koreans, cooking them an act of treason
Kim Jong-un bans hotdogs for North Koreans, cooking them an act of treason Act of treason: Kim Jong-un's bizarre new ban for North Koreans
It's one of the most popular items around the world. Now it's banned in North Korea.
Not the hotdogs!
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lol. like they could afford hot dogs. only one person over there has ever scarfed down hot dogs.
7 8 ReplyDon't sneer at hungry people you absolute Westoid.
It's not even true: North Korea is far wealthier than Haïti (where hotdogs are eaten all the time)
7 7 ReplyDamn straight. Im the ABSOLUTE! The westoid of westoids. All the westoids wanna be me!
7 3 Replythe fuck is a westiod dufus?
5 3 ReplyI looked at the GDP, both nominal and per capita, for both countries. North Korea's is nowhere near Haiti's. North Korea is not wealthier.
5 4 Reply
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