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Imagine being a Warren stan in 2024. Even more pathetic than still being a Bernie supporter
  • Glad to know every non-black person living south of the Mason-Dixon line is doing blackface for using a pronoun you don't like.

  • The tech bros truly inhabit different world
  • The preferred bit idea is also giving that scientist a gun and one free presidential pardon at any time of their choosing, then letting nature take its course.

  • The tech bros truly inhabit different world
  • At what point does this count as defrauding investors and gets Altman the one form of justice that rich people ever suffer under capitalism? This is so thoroughly bullshit that even investment bankers should be starting to see it.

  • Lee-Enfield rifles - No. 1, No. 4, No. 4 Mk I (T) sniper rifle, & No. 5 Mk I "Jungle Carbine"
  • I imagine they're a bitch for usability, but the slanted mag bottom looks so good.

  • Short selling spice derivatives based on future forcast retirement community being built in order to afford the $5/bottle surge after the petrochemical train devalued its load into the aqueducts.
  • "What, this? This is my emotional support RF jammer. It's very important to me, so I will be wearing it while perusing your store."

  • For some reason I really like Piccolo from DBZ
  • He's not the stepdad, he's just the dad that stepped up.

  • Shadows of the Erdtree First Impressions Post
  • Legally distinct Twin Trees of Valinor.

  • Shadows of the Erdtree First Impressions Post
  • As stupid as the name was, she's so goddamn cool I'm willing to forgive it.

    Crashing moons go brrrrr

  • Shadows of the Erdtree First Impressions Post
  • Loving it so far. I'm still only in the first area, but it's much denser on legacy dungeons than the base game was. Parade Lion kicked my ass until I pulled out Freja, and had my ego soothed to see that it drops a Rememberance. Easily Maliketh-level difficulty.

    The new NPCs seem really likeable; I love when Fromsoft actually has some real, tangible characters you can interact with.

  • The Politics of Ulysses | Connor W Goode
  • Ulysses' speech about the White Legs trying to emulate his dreads out of respect only to insult him beyond measure is one of the coolest details in lore building I've ever heard. His warring emotions over not wanting to alienate them because he needs them to do the Legion's bidding, beginning to truly despise the Legion for what it did to his tribe and how destructively obsessive Caesar is with a new Rome, and his overwhelming revulsion at seeing his own trauma come to life before his eyes all culminating in him breaking down into nihilism is just chefs-kiss

    "It's said war - war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road... has reached its end."

  • NSFW
    Representation [CW: meat]
  • The general consensus of the Hexbear vegan community is that animal products come from exploitation that is wholly unethical. The wider site has mixed feelings on this, and after many a struggle session the peace was made by the mods having people mark pictures of meat NSFW and telling everyone to stop fighting about veganism in general.

  • We need a larger one. Yes, for the last time. Pleeeeeeeeeease!
  • A gaggle of particle physicists standing in a circle chanting "RING! WORLD! RING! WORLD!"

  • Chinese cars are pouring into Mexico — and the U.S. is worried - Autoblog
  • You won't be able to drive them on the road unless the DoT has done safety testing on that specific model of car. You can own one, you're just not going to be able to put plates on it or get it insured.

  • Stethoscope theory
  • It's fitting the meme reads "whatever the fuck tankies are doing" because no one who posts this meme would ever be able to explain anything actually happening in any given AES state. Instead, they'll screech for three hours about genocides that even the State Department admits were made up or one-off events that happened before 95% of the posters involved were born.

  • Guess
  • Bagels are boiled before they're baked, which gives them a chewier texture that toasts really well. It's an entirely different thing to just regular toast or bread.


  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Presumably there are enough sane Ukrainian officials left to not want to wake up to nuclear hellfire.

  • Texas Secessionsts Win GOP Backing for Independence Vote: 'Major Step'
  • Yankees screeching about the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, except this time it's Mexico and Canada figuring out which field in Kansas represents the dividing line for their chunks of the US.

  • If fan art not woke.
  • Capcom "accidentally" making yet another awooga waifu featured prominently in their advertising so Rule 34 will take over the hard work of making people aware their newest game exists.

    She's so goddamn pretty though cri

  • Changed my server's IP and now I can't access my website over VPN
  • It's probably some automated block on the VPN provider's part, but there is the ever so small chance that they have a misconfigured DNS server that ignored the TTL on the A record and is still trying to ping the old IP.

  • Sky Pirate Girlfriends

    The best version of Skies of Arcadia, including having the villain be a mirror universe TERF.

    Just remember, we are thousands of feet in the air.

    Can't Ever Violate Capital's Safe Spaces

    I had this pop up in a news feed and just laughed at how tone-deaf the whole thing was:

    >In 2021, the Body Shop gathered a group of Gen Zers who are passionate about the climate to critique the company and provide insight into how to be a force for good at the United Nations’ COP26—what could go wrong?

    >“The activists that were working with us were pretty critical of commerce,” Davis says, adding that there’s a cohort of extremists who think that all businesses are bad from an environmental standpoint. “We live in a world of trying to balance profit and principles. It’s not so straightforward.”

    >Although the conversation was colorful, he quickly learned that in order for criticisms from a board comprising bright young minds to actually be constructive, they’d need to be less radical.

    >“It wasn’t just a question of getting young people who are interested, who are smart, who care about the world, who want to make a difference—that’s actually not enough. On top of those things, you’ve got to bring people in who are on the side of wanting business to succeed,” he says, with the caveat, “but succeed on sustainable terms.”

    >With a vested interest in the company’s success, Davis imagined their feedback would err on the side of constructive criticism, rather than the company just being “slammed.”

    "Sure, we could have a moment of introspection when even the labor aristocracy we surround ourselves with as underlings want our heads for lighting the planet on fire for profit, or we could just ignore that and find sycophants to keep telling us we're doing great."

    Still a good sign that the kids are at least a little alright.
