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Tucker Time: Mon 10 Jun 2024
  • Grilled Sea Bass, Brussel Sprouts n Bacon, Arborio and parm. A bottle of pinot noir split among friends

  • Instagram Confirms Testing Unskippable Ads for Some Users: Report
  • already got my Insta Obit written. Kinda excited, like when I left reddit.

  • When did a movie or a show misrepresent the country or city you live in?
  • The SciFi channel show "Resident Alien" is supposed to take place in Colorado. It is clearly shot in Canada.

  • still working
  • they spelled "Hello World!" wrong

  • Mandela effect?
  • colorblind people are like, "yeah, totally."

  • Online Privacy and Overfishing
  • the over fishing parallel is a stretch, but yeah, we have been tucked into believing that everything is a service. That our privacy is the first payment for those services. All this data hording will always be terrible no matter how generational it becomes. Under the guise of "industry standard" as if there is no other option.

  • Floor Time
  • oh man. maximum gravity submission is the shit.

  • Removed
  • something something Ai powered something

  • Farmboy's lament
  • Already here. It's called repossession.

  • Low effort potato rule
  • I prefer Potato Platinum XL

  • Water crises
  • I'm sure they're out by now in your area, but 5 gallon jugs (office cooler style) are at Home Depot/Lowes under normal circumstances. or install an undersink Reverse Osmosis system with a UV filter.

  • 'Insult to Wales' - former Labour MP slams Starmer for imposing candidates on Welsh constituencies
  • Obviously I have no idea of context and I am a publicly educated american...buuuuut, I don't envision anyone ever being actually "slammed". A mere series of words strung together is never enough to equate being slammed. Even when it is high-stakes political intrigue. If you ever played full-contact sports or been in a car accident, you might agree. Being slammed or slamming someone bodily is completely visceral, primal, and unforgettable. Comparing political arguements and hypocrisies is like describing FPS video games as actual war. There is no reality in that. And, it's lazy fucking writing.

  • NSFW
    What are the best comebacks for common insults?
  • ignore entirely the context and the insult,"I need you to do two things: Shut up and go away."

  • I just posted Gowron for the glory of the empire!
  • I just ate a double cheeseburger for the glory of the empire!

  • The difference that proper air/fuel mixture makes.
  • could be a spider nest/eggsack. I had to take my whole grill apart and found one right at the end of a burner tube

  • I need you to love it too
  • I went to a midnight showing in LA and Harrison Ford was there with his kid. Just to re-enforce that Harrison Ford is cooler than your family.

  • Ruler
  • their window sticker makes me feel threatened

  • AI products like ChatGPT much hyped but not much used, study says
  • I have more than 80% of my credits on two different imaging Ai products. Prompts and crossing your fingers hoping you get what you want got pretty stale quick. Chat GPT never appealed to me. It seemed less about output than what it could gain from user input. The whole thing seems adversarial to the end user, like "if you don't like it, your not doing it right" kind of attitude. I think the push to get us to adopt it in everyday use is to lower the responsibility and liability of those pushing it. It's a bubble like all tech fads, but it will leave some sort of scar on our day to day.

    there is a great episode of Silicon Valley where this shitty billionaire uses a Siri like voice bot to control his son. that way he doesn't have to be the bad guy when he wants his son to do something. this is exactly the power of Ai our corporate masters crave.

    (Scarlet Johansson voice) Sorry you were denied an extension on you emergency medical loan. How would you like to pay? Don't forget to take our survey at the end of the transaction! -Medical Credit Authority Assistant powered by Medi-Ai

  • Thought we lost this mighty void today.

    Nope! Just decided to be a disappearing asshole for 36 hours and come back like nothing happened.

    edit: thanks to all for the different perspectives. he is fixed, has all of his shots, and has his own temperature contolled kitty condo (aka the laundry room) that we put him into every night. we have a pretty good network of neighbors and pieced together his activities via security cameras. he's a mouser for sure and that is his job until he decides to retire.



    Moonrise in a River Valley

    21x9 Syd Mead style moonrise in a river valley with giant trees

    Just pushing the Narrative to the Zombie Masses

    Clipdrop prompt (zombie watching tv post apocalypse), comicbook filter, PS for the TV Title and Zombie quote

    DestroyerOfWorlds Destroyer of Worlds 3000

    The End is Nigh(tly updated, don't worry)

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