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  • Clueless drivers with zero self-awareness leaving a path of almost accidents wherever they go because everyone has to entirely re-route about the perimeter of their fucking car.

    Where I live we have crazy wide streets in the right lane so if you’re making a right turn there’s all the space in the world to scoot over and make your turn without slowing down traffic, but these monsters have the IQ of a rock and decide to slam their brakes (no signal of course) then take six years to slowly turn into whatever parking lot they’re headed toward.

  • having very sensitive feet (ticklish) and having a fire-ant bites on the bottom of your foot. you have to scratch it. you can't not scratch it. when you scratch it your foot goes nuts.

    intelligent design my ass

  • Two+ people talking at the same time.

    • This is my biggest annoyance also. Wtf, can't they even wait for the other person to finish talking before they talk themselves?

    • The inverse is people who take forever to cough up a sentence. I tend to interrupt people like this. I really try not to interrupt but damn just what you’ve got to say.

    • For me it’s having a TV or stereo cranked up but then everyone’s screaming over it. Just turn it down bro