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Nearly 6 months later, Palworld devs confirm Nintendo never drew so much as an inch of its legal sword over bootleg Pokémon allegations
  • At its own formula? I thought Palworld had a whole like crafting and base building/management side. That's not really what I wanted out of a pokemon type game, and so I didn't get Palworld. I can understand it being a better game for somebody who likes that, but I don't know if that qualifies as Pokemon's formula.

  • Elden Ring Publisher Addresses Difficulty Criticism of Shadow of the Erdtree, Offers Tips for DLC
  • I wanna say this is a possible symptom of people who beat the game ages ago, put it down for a year or so, returned for the DLC completely not warmed up, and then perceiving it as insane difficulty off the bat

  • Dr Disrespect's Own Game Studio Cuts Ties With Him After Investigating New Twitch Ban Allegations
  • That's how it seems to me due to his twitch ban as well. The guy is fairly popular and brings money in, I couldn't see Twitch banning him and losing the shared revenue unless the claim had damning evidence

  • Who is a fictional character that is loved you find either overrated or you don't get the appeal ?
  • He's whiny in just barely enough lines to establish that he's still a bit naive, but I would not consider him an overall whiny character, even in the vacuum of episode 4, he is not constantly bitching and dodging his responsibility once its importance is established.

    Its probably the best way they could've utilized whininess

  • Who is a fictional character that is loved you find either overrated or you don't get the appeal ?
  • I'm curious, I feel like I haven't seen mickey in anything flagship Disney in an extremely long time, what's his latest work?

  • Elden Ring DLC launches to "Mixed" reviews as players bemoan difficulty, PC performance in Shadow of the Erdtree: "There's a big problem with balancing"
  • Difficulty isn't black or white. There's a real difference between Monster Hunter and I Wanna Be the Guy

  • NSFW
    Female-to-male rape, (how) does it happen without roofies?
  • From my viewpoint, it's usually more of a coercive thing. Something you're not necessarily entirely opposed to, but you might rather not, and in order to avoid a situation you might perceive as bad in a different way, you relent and allow it to happen, leading to years of questioning whether it even was rape or not, even though what it does to you mentally is irrefutable.

  • Nicknames for Sentret/Furret?
  • Look at a world of Warcraft database and steal all the cool NPC names

  • Am i the ass hole here
  • If you're host you get the final say on extracting. If they try to extract without any body else there and they're not paying attention to comms, especially text comms, then that's on them

  • Will AI fully replace human friendship/companionship someday?
  • Ahh, so once the AI can develop smarmy humor that doesn't add anything to your discussion with it, THEN it'll be like real people

  • Monster Hunter Wilds director aims to push hardware 'to the max' to bring the world to life: 'Any Monster Hunter game where I'm director is always going to be focusing on the ecosystem'
  • I am glad that others are noticing that change, too. I do believe it was a change necessitated by the Switch, but was also half ideological. In World, the Ancient Forest showed where they could go too far with the map design.

    Even today after how much I played that game, if it weren't for the guidance bugs I would get lost in that forest because of how mazelike it is. I do actually prefer Rise's maps that have no loading zones, but are not as gigantic and mazelike, instead more vertical. though I do wish there were more of them, but remember that Rise is made by a different team than World, so not committing to all of World's design decisions doesn't necessarily mean they're gone, as we move back into a new game developed by the World team once again.

    I also feel that there is more to the transition from hunter to killer than the maps. The speeding up of gathering animations, the removal of most gathering and miscellaneous quests in World and Rise means that instead of having a lot more pacing variety in what you could be doing, it's pretty much constant back to back large monster hunting, and if you want to change pace you have to play a different game instead of tackling some backlog gathering and transport quests.

    I do know that I'm likely in the minority as someone who wants more non-hunting quests back in the games, and who didn't like that gathering continually gets more and more streamlined out of the game as the series goes on, but I think that the monotony of being constantly railroaded into hunting and more hunting may eventually hit a breaking point.

  • Monster Hunter Wilds director aims to push hardware 'to the max' to bring the world to life: 'Any Monster Hunter game where I'm director is always going to be focusing on the ecosystem'
  • What World did to Monster Hunter's environmental design and interactivity between its monsters did so much for the immersiveness of the game and the expression and scope of its titular boss monsters.

    I think seeing how much that can add to the game experience is worth seeing before they get diminishing returns.

  • For the dudes here... What "girl" song you secretly love?
  • Pretty Girl Rock by Keri Hilson is a fucking jam

  • The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit
  • Yeah, I hope people don't mistake bad comedy for letting the games down. The games probably got a laugh out of me once every 75 jokes.

  • Have you got any weird questions for the opposite gender?
  • This is probably more of an individual's question than a gender-based question. I would support the transition, but I'd be lying to myself if I said I'd want to be with a trans guy. I am vanilla-ass hetero.

  • Patch Preview From Twinbeard
  • Level 6 is still working for it, if you think it's not you are very sweaty. I still like playing on 7 to a degree, but 6 is not a night and day difference, you still have to be on your shit to not die

  • Removed
    Why do transgenders (F-M) want to sport a trucker male look?
  • To try and answer the question, I think this is really about cultural history and fashion. The real question is "how did the male trucker look come about, historically?"

    Then, "what parts of this fashion look represent traditional masculinity, did the look come to symbolize it, or did parts of the look already come derived from traditional masculinity?"

    Then you can make an assumption that F to M trans that like this look find it to reflect the parts of their inner masculinity, because of the historical symbolism of masculinity held within the look. I'm not gonna do all the historical research, though.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 2nd
  • Just beat Catherine Full Body last night. There are a lot of things I like about the game, and some things I both like and dislike. It's really more of a "this is the main character's story and you're mostly along for the ride" than it is a narrative experience where you choose every move the protagonist makes.

    Because of that, I think how you feel about the story will be determined by your own stance on relationships and the morality of them, hedonism, marriage, and things like that. For me, I felt familiarity with my experience watching Breaking Bad in its painful spectation of characters who make questionable decisions and their creation of damning consequences.

    Easy mode treated the puzzles well, just takes away the time pressure of the blocks falling away (save for the boss battles where you're being chased). I ended up quite enjoying the puzzles! In the end, I don't know if I'd recommend the game. If you're interested in games doing something neat and novel with the topic of relationships then I think you'll find value in it.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 2nd
  • I did that with the first KoTOR a year ago! It was more difficult than using a saber for sure, you really get the impression they didn't really think anyone would want to main blasters. How is it in the second one?

  • Account Linking FAQ from the Helldivers 2 discord

    The following is a paste of the "account linking FAQ they've posted on their discord containing time-frames for when the change kicks in. Particularly funny is the subtle "make an account in a different country" of point #3:

    "Here are the questions and answers that we have received regarding mandatory account linking so far. We will update this thread with any additional info if we receive it!

    **1. What’s the benefit of having a PlayStation Network Account? I don’t have a PlayStation. ** Account linking provides a consistent and reliable means of reporting, moderation, actioning and appeal for ALL Helldivers 2 players. We take online safety seriously and this is our main way to protect players from griefing and abuse: by enabling the banning and suspension of players that engage in that type of behaviour.

    By linking accounts, you have the benefit of our extensive support team infrastructure for reporting these bad actors (and our appeals process if you are banned/suspended). This all helps us to make Helldivers 2 a safer and more enjoyable space for everyone.

    **2. Why do I need a PlayStation Network account now? I didn’t when the game launched on Steam. ** Due to technical issues at the launch of HELLDIVERS™ 2, account linking was temporarily made optional. Now that the issue has been resolved, this grace period is expiring and we are reinstating the requirement to link accounts.

    **3. I am currently in a country or territory that is not PSN-enabled. Can I still sign in and link an account? ** PSN requires users to register in their country or territory of residence. Individuals who are traveling, working, or studying abroad may create an account in a country or territory different from the one in which they are currently located.

    **4. When is this happening? And how do I connect my PSN account to my Steam account? ** Current players on Steam: Current players on Steam will start to see the mandatory login from May 30th and will be required to have linked a Steam and PlayStation Network account by June 4th. New players on Steam: You will begin to see the account linking option appear when booting up Helldivers 2 from May 6th. To connect your accounts follow the prompts on screen. You will be required to link a Steam and PlayStation Network account from May 6th.

    **5. How will my data for account creation be used? Is it safe? ** However you choose to play, we strive to make gaming welcoming, secure, and inclusive for everyone. We’ve created easy-to-use tools to help you take control of who you interact with, how we use your personal information, and how it is displayed and shared.

    You can find more information on our privacy and safety features here:

    For more details about how we use your personal information, check the “Information Sharing and Transfers” section of our Privacy Policy:

    **6. I already have Helldivers 2 on PS5 and Steam, do I have to make a new account for the Steam version? ** No, you do not need to make a new PlayStation Network account. You can connect your current PlayStation Network account to your Steam account.

    **7. If I own Helldivers 2 on PS5 and Steam, will my progress be shared between platforms? ** No, progress on the PS5 and Steam version of Helldivers 2 remains separate at this time.

    **8. How do I sign up for a PlayStation Network account? ** You can create an account online via your phone/PC browser before you launch Helldivers 2, or you can create an account online when prompted to upon launching Helldivers 2.

    Support page:

    Direct account creation page:"

    all-knight-party all-knight-party

    i type way too much about video games and sometimes music

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