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Do you have any smell you like/dislike even though most people don't?
  • Like: Chlorinated water smell, so yes bleach, there was a chlorinated water fountain in a building I used to work in and I would just go sit by it and smell it, so relaxing. Pot and tobacco both smell so good before they are burning, too, but the smoke, no, yuck.

    Dislikes: I have trouble with rose, lavender.

  • Any funny/interesting misheard lyrics in songs?
  • I was almost 25, in the 1990s, singing along in my car to Elton John, confidently belting out ""Love, I feel it in my hands, I can tell by the things I would do with another man"" when I suddenly realized that it was unlikely a guy would have a hit song about what he'd do with a guy in the 60s or 70s. Even as a little kid I'd known Elton John was gay, and hadn't really been brought up to think that was weird (thank you, mom and dad and your theater friends) .

    I looked up the lyrics and it's love lies bleeding in my hands, it kills me to think of you with another man and the name of the fucking song is love lies bleeding, I didn't know that either.

  • Anyone have luck with a hair growth *inhibitor*? Especially my fellow gentledudes who could be mistaken for sasquatch after skipping a day of shaving.
  • The places I waxed had very coarse and curly deep rooted hair in sensitive areas and yes it sure hurts, but shaving always caused ingrown hairs and razor burn, it doesn't really anymore. So like an acute pain instead of a chronic pain I guess.

    Lasering probably does the same more efficiently but maybe too efficiently if you want to keep your options open. And it hurts too.

  • Anyone have luck with a hair growth *inhibitor*? Especially my fellow gentledudes who could be mistaken for sasquatch after skipping a day of shaving.
  • I'm a lady but waxing has certainly changed my experience with shaving lower body. Apparently every time you pull out the hairs, a few give up (as evidenced by all the skinny eyebrows of anyone who survived the 1990s). Over time there are fewer, and the growback is not nearly as itchy as shaving. I have no idea if it's offered for beards but if so it might get you to the point you could shave comfortably, it did that for me at the other end of my body, it still grows as fast but is not so thick, individual hairs are finer and there are fewer of them.

  • What's something you've been called in life that isn't generally something bad, but made you feel awful
  • More likely she didn't see you at all, only saw what she wanted to.

    ETA: something like this happened to one of my daughters, her boss wanted her to marry his son (who she did not even like) basically because they liked her and wanted her in their family, and thought she'd be good for him, without even considering how bad he'd be for her!

  • What's the most popular activity you could never get into?
  • Ha! I like drinks so much (obviously) but as part of food culture more than drinking culture - I make delicious drinks, not awful ones, and hate being drunk so usually just have one and enjoy it. I think it's like coffee or complicated food flavors, not immediately enjoyable like cake might be, but once you appreciate the complexity, it is so very enjoyable.

  • What's something you've been called in life that isn't generally something bad, but made you feel awful
  • A good wife for someone, or for the person speaking? If the former, I probably agree with you. If the latter, I would mention that not all people have that image of a wife as someone defined by being housewife and executive assistant. Husband considers me a good wife because we love each other and I can handle the budget and hold down a job and cook so much better than he can (not a high bar to reach) but we are both adults, he cleans way more than I do, does the shopping at least half the time, we work together. He'd not consider a stereotype of traditional wife a good wife. I don't know many people who do, come to think of it.

  • What's something you've been called in life that isn't generally something bad, but made you feel awful
  • I don't mind people calling me nerdy. Once overhead someone telling someone else at work that I was "so funny" when generally I keep it in check at work, and that felt complimentary as well.

    But one time a yoga teacher told us in a class "you are bigger than you think" and I don't even know what she meant, my stomach dropped, I felt absolutely awful. And while I am womanly as fuck, absolutely delight in being a woman, I dislike being seen as feminine. I don't like being complimented on looking curvy, softness and squish freaks me out much more than it should. I know people mean those as compliments but they make me want to cry.

  • If you were home and had five minutes to hide from foreign agents who were coming to hunt you down, where would you hide?
  • Can I trust my friends, my work, my family? And these agents can't be everywhere at once? Then I put on running gear, sunglasses, hair in a ponytail, jog like I'm just white lady exercising, to the house of my family member and ask for help, get a car borrowed from their neighbor and get on the train north to where I have more family, hoping I can stay one step ahead until I figure out what the heck is going on and handle it somehow.

  • Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?
  • It's been 8-5 or 8:30-5:30 or 9-6 everywhere I've worked an office job. But I had a friend move to NYC and she said there everyone worked hard but came in at 9, took an hour lunch and left at 5.

  • What is it about the text messages and emails sent by older people that make me feel like I'm having a stroke?
  • What? Who are you communicating with, and what shortcuts are you talking about? I text with my kids and they use more shortcuts and abbreviations than I do.

    In work emails, I try to think of the recipient when writing them. Some people are chattier and prefer a nice introduction and thorough explanation, but my boss likes to just see messages like:

    Posted on 13-May, thanks.

    So if that's what you are talking about maybe you just have a more social communication style.

    Though I will say my husband uses the ominous ellipses too often, like...

  • What's the most popular activity you could never get into?
  • I am not good at watching TV. I like it once a week or so but reading is so much more enjoyable for me than videos.

    I'm not antisocial but quite socially lazy, I have never lived alone and grew up in a large family so not good at going out and partying, getting together, keeping up with friends. Reasonably good at hosting parties but that's different, it's like a puzzle to solve and is fun.

  • NSFW
    What are the best comebacks for common insults?
  • Excuse me, did you mean to say that out loud?


    Insecure much?

    I think in general, sometimes a glittering beautiful so sharp it cuts to the bone comeback just comes to mind, and sometimes it doesn't, so it's good to remember that what people say, says more about them personally than the person they are talking about.

  • Anon gets unwanted attention
  • I would think this false but my ex MIL (my kids grandma) does do that to my husband (who doesn't care). I can't imagine touching anyone at work without explicit permission and probably not even then. It seems so messed up.

  • What are the minimum things you need to be willing to live for eternity?
  • Would choose 45 as the age to stay. I would need an option to be able to die, in case the world I was on exploded or something, and some immortal companions. That's the main requirements. I think in terms of getting bored, it would take a really long time if we could go all around this world and watch it changing, and eventually if it's possible to get bored we would, it seems unavoidable.

    In practice, I wouldn't take this option since I already had kids. I think you have to choose one or the other, immortal beings can't procreate, that's the rules, it can only be one in, one out, not an increasing population and also it would be too sad to see my kids get old and die.

  • I’m 43 but everyone at the workplace thinks I’m 25. Is this something I need to change?
  • I don't understand why you have to answer at all when someone asks your age, but find it hilarious that you just keep resetting to 25 every year. How do they keep believing it? Do you change jobs every year? Why do you care if someone judges your lifestyle if it's what you want?

    You aren't going to break doing heavy lifting at 43. If you feel it's damaging you, that's separate from your age.

    This whole question is so funny - I do think people see what they expect, not what is. I had 2 kids when young then 2 more when older, and it was so funny - people who only saw me with my younger set thought I was much younger than I am. People who knew me from the first set thought I was about my age. People who saw me with all of them thought I was a grandma and older than I am.

  • What Seasonal Things Should be Available Year Round?
  • Figs. Fresh figs are only occasionally available here and I never remember when so miss them half the years. I also wish my citrus trees had fruit all year, that would be awesome.

    And the afternoon thunderstorms. It's so hot already and they haven't started yet, and last year failed entirely because of el Nino. I wouldn't mind them being all year.

  • What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • Well, I can still do a cartwheel, it's good for surprising children. Thumbs bend backwards.

    I can also reach all of me, which my husband seems to think odd, can put sunscreen on my own back so I don't think it's useless.

  • Work lunch

    Roast beef & cheddar with onion, homegrown arugula, and horseradish on homemade rye sourdough with olives. Potato chips are my junk food downfall. Iced water (not shown) to drink with this.

    The bread obviously went sideways not up when I baked it but it's lovely, dense and springy, great sandwich bread.


    Our wine & cheese course at Thanksgiving. There were also baguettes, out of frame. Wine is 2015 Baron de Brane, it was good! I don't always like wine but this one was delicious. The big wedge of cheese with a line through it is my beloved Humboldt Fog.

    Scavengers Reign

    I am enjoying this series so much. We are only 2 episodes in and it's just so creative. Only watching one a week as I understand it's sort of depressing but it is gorgeous.

    New Pokemon

    In my news feed today. Apparently Google has a sense of humor after all.

    Friday Synch thread - Smoking Section 4-August 2023

    Join us in a smoky cocktail! Mezcal, or Islay, or smoked salt...Or if you are having a smoke today, whatever you like to accompany it!

    It's Friday 28 July, Gin & Ginger Day

    Last of my dry Fridays so I'm out but having a ginger beer (not homemade, Reed's,). Diabetic coma in a glass. I will have to make some home fermented ginger beer soon, it's so much better.

    Tasting Table - tonic syrup for frozen G&T The Key Ingredient Swap For Velvety Frozen Gin And Tonic Cocktails - Tasting Table

    Gin and tonic is a classic drink, and freezing it makes it ideal for hot days, but there's a key ingredient swap you need to give it a velvety mouthfeel.

    The Key Ingredient Swap For Velvety Frozen Gin And Tonic Cocktails - Tasting Table

    I have honestly never heard of a slushy gin & tonic, but this is a good idea in general. If you are going to dilute with blender and ice you don't want as much water in the mix.

    Are you a recipe person, or experimental?

    Do you always follow a recipe for a cocktail, or do you mix freeform, or just have an idea of what works for your taste? For me, I like recipes but about 75% of the time I just use a 'formula' - I learned that I LOVE a paper plane but only with 2x bourbon. That led me to a better understanding of proportion. Almost everything I've made with 2 parts of a booze I like, 1 part a fruity or sweet liqueur, 1 part an Amaro and 1 part lemon or lime (using judgement to match the flavors) works. And because a margarita is great, taking those proportions and subbing other things can also work.

    Now with food, I would say the only things I use recipes for are baked goods, I am very much in the wing it camp. Use recipes for inspiration not as a rulebook. So not a shock that's the way I drink.

    How do you use recipes?

    What are you drinking? Second half of July edition!

    Might make these threads monthly until we are more populated. What are you drinking today?

    Friday Synch thread 14 July - New World day

    Well as I am still in Dry July I'm synchronizing tomorrow with some berry lemonade, whatever berries look good at the store tomorrow (it's still Thursday here), probably mixed with tonic syrup & Topo Chico for a little edge. Hopefully some of y'all have more interesting drinks!

    Hey Mockarena! Cocktail of the week: John deBary’s Ay Mockarena – recipe | The good mixer

    Olive oil brine, which is usually reserved for dirty martinis and the like, takes this zingy, fruity mocktail to another level

    Cocktail of the week: John deBary’s Ay Mockarena – recipe | The good mixer

    I'd try it. Might sub jalapeno brine because I save it so have it on hand.

    Layered cocktails - Lifehacker The Easiest Way to Layer a Cocktail Without a Bar Spoon

    Adding a float to cocktails adds drama to the presentation, and you can do it without a specialty spoon.

    The Easiest Way to Layer a Cocktail Without a Bar Spoon

    I think the only layered cocktail I've ever made is Tequila Sunrise for my ex-mother-outlaw (is her favorite), just poured carefully and it always worked, I didn't think of it as quite as fussy as this, but maybe it's the nature of those particular ingredients. Do you make layered drinks? Do you use a barspoon or special technique?

    Cocktail recipe cards Cocktail Business Cards, Explained

    When and where to use this quirky accessory for a better drinking experience.

    Cocktail Business Cards, Explained

    If you have an ad blocker turn it on before clicking. That site is very adful.

    I don't think I would dare hand a card to a bartender, though I did in desperation ask for a margarita recently by saying "tequila, orange liqueur and lime juice" because the first one I got involved margarita mix and, oddly, Sprite?

    What are you drinking? First week of July edition

    For me it's lemonade, kicking off a Dry July. Maybe with some bitters. Welcome to the second half of 2023!

    What are you drinking this week?

    Cima Summer cocktail via Imbibe Cima Summer Special: A Spicy, Tropical Cocktail

    Celebrate the heat of summer with Bar Cima's spicy, tropical cocktail made with pineapple juice, passion fruit liqueur, and a bit of fire.

    This is what I am making 1st of August - it needs several special ingredients but I have time to make passion fruit liqueur and there are habaneros ripening in the garden right now.

    Absolutely beautiful looking as well.

    Viva Cuba! Essential Cuban cocktails from Punch Master the Cuban Classics

    Our best recipes for the country’s homegrown drinks, Canchánchara to Cuba Libre.

    More good summer drinks.

    Canchánchara, a honeyed key lime-ade sounds like a great drink for a party, put rum on the side.

    Bow & Arrow from Scott Teague Bow & Arrow

    Serve this mezcal and bourbon drink with a flaming presentation, or leave the pyrotechnics to the professionals.

    Bow & Arrow

    A very tepache-esque flavor profile with the pineapple and cinnamon. I've made a non-intoxicating analogue of this by brewing tepache with smoked dried hot peppers (Chiles de Oaxaca ) and I found it interesting, more than delicious, but certainly drinkable. Grilled smoky pineapple is ridiculously delicious. And bourbon is my favorite liquor to mix with, so everything about this speaks to me.

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