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Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?

Ever since I graduated, everywhere I've worked has been 8-5. My current company is going to soon start expecting us to be in 7-5.

How many of you here work a 9-5 with a paid lunch?

Productivity keeps going up but so do working hours.

  • Most high-skill jobs (e.g. software dev, engineering, research, higher education) are usually flexible with time. No one really cares when you come or go as long as you get the work done. People (read, good-for-nothing management people) are trying to make some of these more time-bound, but it's usually counter-productive. Turns out when you want creativity from someone, you need to give them some freedom.

  • I have never been 9-5 with paid lunch and I’ve been in corporate world since 1998. 8-5 with an unpaid hour.

  • Sure, just depends on the business. Self-employed and small business are often much more flexible. I pretty much work 9:30 to 4:30.

  • Officially I work 8 hours of my choice between 7am and 7pm with 30 minutes lunch.

    In practice I work at least 8 hours (most often about 8.5), usually get a lunch, have to be at my desk at 8:30 for standup, and am always on call to some degree. If any of our infrastructure isn't working then I am, but after hours stuff isn't all that common.

  • I just signed an offer for a 8am-4pm job, so I guess they do but it’s been a long while since I’ve had a job with those hours.

  • I work 8:00 to 4:30 with a half-hour lunch break. Frequently I’ll put in a few extra hours in a week for some overtime ‘cause the job isn’t hard at all.

  • I thought 9-5 was an old trope. I’ve never heard of anywhere that offered 9-5 working hours. I don’t know anyone with them.

  • Yes, they still exist. I am both salaried and clock my hours. I have to clock 80/2 weeks and I need approval to clock more than that. If I do, I get comp time or overtime if pre-approved. Including for traveling for work. I don't clock my actual times, just hours worked per day. So no annoying 15min accountability that I've heard of from other companies. I think I technically have to take a 30min lunch but I haven't heard noises about that for like, a decade. We've got hours we need to be available technically as well (9-3). I'm also 80% telework and I despise that 1 day a week I sit on the same Teams calls in the office.