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Every horrible lib affect in one tweet
  • If your disability actually impairs your ability to fulfill a responsibility, it's not ableist to say you shouldn't be given that responsibility.

    It wouldn't be ableist of me to say a blind person should be made a bus driver.

  • Why doesn't Biden go 100% on the electoral blackmail?
  • Hot Take: Yeah kinda. One issue with modern surveillance is it gives you TOO MUCH data, to the point it gets hard to analyze.

  • Great Patriotic War Memorial Park in the Soviet Republic of Steve
  • From left to right: food factory, distillery, art museum, communist party headquarter, secret police station, small hotel

  • Great Patriotic War Memorial Park in the Soviet Republic of Steve
  • This was what I got to in the tutorial mode

  • Great Patriotic War Memorial Park in the Soviet Republic of Steve
  • Overall, kinda just a boring grid. I'm still struggling with certain aspects of the game, for one I can't fucking get busses to work which is making industry a chore.

    I may just start a new city soon.

  • Great Patriotic War Memorial Park in the Soviet Republic of Steve
  • The Comrade Lenin Memorial Park in the center of the capital's main residential district. The Republic surveyor did a bit of a better job with this one.

  • Great Patriotic War Memorial Park in the Soviet Republic of Steve

    Sadly the Republic of Steve has issues training surveyors, so getting things perfectly symmetrical is a challenge.

    Workers & Resources: why do buildings cost money?
  • I think the premise is you're a tiny as fuck micro-nation in the Eastern Bloc that was literally just a few villages before WWII, so yeah you're improving a lot from the rest of the USSR.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • r/neolib posted this

    It's Joever

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • uncultured swine with nothing but guns and cheeseburgers on their mind.

    Well they're not WRONG

  • #Debate 2024 - brain as smooth as 3000 grit sandpaper
  • It's more like the Riddler is running Gotham, but people keep refusing to oppose him because they're worried the Joker will take over.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Nah way man, I'm gonna keep rocking forever, forever, forever...

  • How long has Stephanie sterling been good at making fun of GamersTm?
  • I enjoy their content but fyi they are a massive lib.

  • Nice Try CIA!

    Thought you could pull off a coup while the posters at HexBear were offline.

    You underestimate our sheer posting power!

    Posting is the ultimate Praxis!

    Seeing old geezers (millennials) on Reddit codgering around, posting unsolicited lectures on /r/genz and falling in the same self-aggrandizing apathy of previous generations.
  • Nah I think it was the silver spoon of the late-80s, early-90s economy being shoved up their ass.

    The few based Boomers that exist are mostly early Boomers, the Boomers we got today are late Boomers who came up when it looked like the American dream was paying off.

  • Seeing old geezers (millennials) on Reddit codgering around, posting unsolicited lectures on /r/genz and falling in the same self-aggrandizing apathy of previous generations.
  • No Boomers are actually worse, like they were even worse when they WERE the new generation. Reagan won the youth vote, in terms of economics Boomers are actually more conservative than their parents. Generational politics is mostly bullshit, but for a variety of socio-economic reasons Boomers turned out to be shit at a somewhat higher rate than most other generations.

  • The mythologizing of Killdozer continues
  • From what I gathered, his buddy talked him into opening another muffler shop in Granby (he already had one in Boulder, but he had handed off the day to day operations to some guy so he could grill (well actually snowmobile, he was really into snowmobiling apparently)), and he bought the land for it at auction. The land had belonged to some local guy but the guy had defaulted on a government small business loan or something, and that guy had managed to find some dude last minute to front him the money to re-buy it back at auction, but Marvin showed up and dropped way more cash on it than anyone was expecting. So, technically Marvin didn't do anything wrong, he showed up at an auction and out bidding some dude, but that apparently pissed some locals off who felt the original owner was being screwed. Other locals tho apparently thought the original owner was a dick and liked Marvin better shrug-outta-hecks

    Oh yeah and apparently Marvin's buddy backed out of the new muffler shop deal last minute so Marvin had to run the whole thing himself which was more than he agreed to.

  • I increasingly feel like in the west everyone is ideologically "locked in"

    This is just a vibe, so take it for what it's worth.

    But personally I feel like I've been experiencing, witnessing, or hearing less stories about people managing to "deprogram"/"convert"/"change" people in terms of their political ideology. Actually I've been hearing more of the opposite, accounts of people regressing: "A year ago I talked my racist uncle into being a Bernie bro but in the last 3 months he's gone all the way back to QAnon." That sort of thing.

    It doesn't seem to be just me, I've seen a lot of "Debate Bros" start to have increasingly strict rules about who they debate, or just abandon the whole protect of debating all together to just stream to their existing fans. Some (one in particular !funny-clown-hammer ) openly say it's because they fell like their opponents have consolidated their base and there's nobody reachable anymore.

    And that's what it feels like, consolidation. Echo chambers have become more effective, it almost fells like people have scripted retorts to whatever talking point might get thrown at them. Fuck, "Israel" just straight up as academies on how to do this shit. It's like the internet has just perfected rhetoric so much that once you pull someone in they're just locked into it forever.

    Idk, I just feel like everyone who is a Chud/turbo-lib/Succ/Tankie RN is probably gonna die one at this point. Every ideology is just a Skinner box now.

    Edit: And another thought, it is a bit ironic, I recall us Commies were the first ones to be saying "one-on-one debate is a often worthless performance, and most people who get too deep into Far Right ideology are probably a lost cause and not worth wasting energy to reach," and everyone giving us shit for it and acting all noble about how the market place of ideas could fix everything. Now post-Trump everyone seems to be realizing we were right and Libs and Chuds alike are abandoning the whole affair.

    Edit 2: I wrote this while drinking box wine and listening to Post-Punk, sorry. What provoked this was learning that "Why should we bother to reply to Kautsky?" quote by Lenin we all love is probs fake. Made me think about what truth there may be in it even if it isn't actually real.

    Edit 3: just woke up and Jesus I made some big ass grammatical errors in this post. Fucking box wine!

    I don't get this attitude some people have, where they think they can dictate the precise direction any discussion under a post they make

    "I didn't post this to start a debate about..."

    You posted on a public forum, the other users are going to engage with it how they will within the rules of the forum. You don't have to engage them back but you don't really get to dictate how they engage initially.

    If you just want a public digital space to post your thoughts without any feedback you can just start a Twitter and mute replies, or a blog.

    Saw an older dude wearing a red shirt with a hammer and sickle printed on the back standing in front of the Costco tire center this morning

    He was talking to two dudes who liked like tire mechanics. I saw him right when I was entering the building so I didn't really get a chance to check it out. Idk if it was a shirt for an org or what, as far away as I was it may have been an anti-communist shirt for all I know. I was hoping I'd see him again when I left but sadly he was gone.

    Anyway I just thought that was weird.

    Enjoying things I don't enjoy is reactionary and toxic

    It is not simply enough for me to not do those things, seeing others do could influence me into reconsidering my dislike for it and trying it again only to realize I still hate it, so it must banned entirely. If you disagree with me you are a white person.

    Sorry I don't make the rules (actually I do)

    VMWare running ridiculously slow

    I'm in a class that requires I use VMWare virtual machines, however it's running very slow. I had a meeting with my professor to try and trouble shoot why but we both can't seem to find a reason.

    I got plenty of ram, I shut down a few programs that seemed to be causing my computer to run slow and made sure the VMs were in my actual drive not the cloud but is still very sluggish.

    The more I read about the 20s-50s, the more I'm convinced Looney Toons wasn't exaggerating that much. How Prohibition Gave Birth to NASCAR | HISTORY

    It wasn’t gasoline—but moonshine—that fueled the growth of stock car racing in Appalachia and led to the rise of NASCAR.

    How Prohibition Gave Birth to NASCAR | HISTORY

    > To further elude revenue agents and the police, bootleggers tricked out their cars with features that seem to be straight out of a spy movie or a Looney Tunes cartoon—devices that with a press of the button could release smoke screens, oil slicks and even bucket loads of tacks to puncture the tires of their pursuers.

    Motherfuckers were just dropping anvils on each other and places big crates labeled "TNT" to blow shit up back then

    Hahahahahahaha!!! Zelenskiy accuses China of deterring countries from going to peace summit

    Ukrainian president says Beijing is supporting efforts by Moscow to warn leaders off attending Swiss meeting

    Zelenskiy accuses China of deterring countries from going to peace summit

    Imaging suggesting China is doing the exact thing Boris Johnson ACTUALLY DID! Fucking Cuckelesky.

    I'm really embarrassed because I just realized my coworker who I thought was Hispanic is actually Brazilian...

    I said something Spanish to him and he started laughing cuz he was like "Lol I speak Portuguese".

    Motherfucker how was I supposed to know!
