I follow some Brazilian skateboarder on insta, motherfucker they talk so fucking fast. I thought Spanish speakers spoke fast. It does sound like "KKKKKKK" sometimes.
There are many accents in Brazil, and they are very different from the other. I still think Chilean Spanish is way harder to understand than Brazilian Portuguese (Portuguese does sounds like Russian mixed with Spanish sometimes lol). Some Brazilians also laugh using "rsrsrs" (which I believe it means Risos = Laughter).
Brazilian skateboarder
When Tony Hawk games were popular on the PS1, I remember always playing as Bob Burnquist.
At peak Maoism, you turn into a hive creature that communicates by a morse-code of Ks said in different intervalls and you go live in Destiny's walls until a slammer meme activates your programming and you carry him off to feed to your queen
Zines, pamphlets, polisci journals, and angry letters sent from a 7 person org named like People's Communist Restoration Movement to another org with an identical name and 9 members fighting over a bookstore in Seattle