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In order to save democracy you must vote for Biden which will probably result in Kamala Harris becoming president. A person nobody voted for.
  • Biden just needs to start World War III and win the election and he'll get the FDR achievement.

  • One of the dumbest tropes i have ever seen
  • ... Person B then takes Person C hostage. Person B proceeds to monologe about how stupid both A and C are. Cue armor piercing lens flair and person B falls away, stricken. Person A: Just As Planned.

  • Embracer group studio shutdowns cancelled a red faction game
  • It's the Embracer, Extender, Extinguisher pattern

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Community

    Almost always there is a chat feature, and many successful streamers interact with that community live. For an old-folks reference, it's not very different from MTV's Total Request Live where part of the appeal was interacting with the hosts.

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • I bet this person does not knock on doors for Biden. Half of the electorate does not vote, outnumbering all voters of any persuasion combined. But doorknocking means actually listening to other people's issues and being persuasive, not a judgemental prick blasting yet another moral screed.

  • Chinese M16 clone in 7.62x39mm
  • Proof that wood makes every gun look better.

  • Biden administration moving towards allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine
  • I remember the chud barracks incident, but it's hard to dig up actual links from so long ago. reddit-logo search being slopping piles of manure doesn't help.

  • Biden administration moving towards allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine
  • Do y'all remember what happened when US vets fought in Ukraine? These goons are toast against a real military.

    I have bits and pieces of news (ironically) but I don't have a whole picture of their fate.

  • Kenyan protesters dead, parliament on fire as thousands storm compound
  • Ambassadors and high commissioners from countries including Britain, the U.S. and Germany said in a joint statement they were deeply concerned by violence they had witnessed during recent anti-tax protests and called for restraint on all sides.

    Americans shut the fuck up about Tax Protests.

  • the struggle
  • geordi-no Digital library oppressing with lists only you can see

    geordi-yes Physical Library where your unreads (make you) look cool and sophisticated

  • Something I think everyone here should internalize 🤗
  • B - Is it beanis

    A - Is it anarchy-a-white

    S - Is it specter

    E - Is it ecoterrorism

    D - Is it dead-motherfucker

  • Caption this.
  • Nobody expects the Los Muertos Inquisition!

  • In KKKapitaliSSt KKKanada, KKKopSS have banned watching the sun set.
  • "I didn't think anti-loitering laws would apply to my loitering!" doug-point-cry

  • NPR journalist experiencing ai heresy
  • I plug my ideas into an AI and the garbage it generates makes me feel way better about my own writing skills.

    Fuck it, I'm going to give AI the W here. You read it here first folks! Making people feel better by being terrible is the first legitimate good use of AI I have heard yet.

  • Clown to Clown Communication
  • "...and that's how Ash picking Pikachu started the second Pokecclesiastes Schism."

  • Is hexbear organizing?

    I know you're doing your best, and you should keep it up! !meow-hug

    Tell Chapo: /r/TrueAnon subreddit is public again TrueAnon • r/TrueAnon

    This subreddit is for fans of the TrueAnon Podcast.

    TrueAnon • r/TrueAnon

    Looks like they had the !hexbear-logo experience of wanting [fresh !LIB meat]( during the lockdown.

    Good? Bad? The true alignment of growing Hexbear's user-base is Chaos!

    For all the Good Hexbears, the Bad Hexbears, and all Hexbears that lie betwixt!

    Embrace Chaotic Materialism, the Immortal Irrational Science! You have nothing to lose but your minds! !sicko-hexbear

    Every Epoch Times "advertisement" I see increases my support for the CCP takeover of Taiwan.

    Their latest "advertisement" was some bullshit anti-trans shit and I instantly went !xi-plz

    Normally I have my full adblockers engaged, but I'm babysitting my parents' dogs and some propaganda got through !comrade-doggo

    Maybe this is the mod of Hexbear?

    I was digging through the ditches,

    and ants are in my britches,

    but now from the back

    I bring a Mod you like.

    Your :reddit-logo: Data Takeout Request includes *all* comments, including banned subreddits like r/chapotraphouse.

    Your effortposts are not in vain! Your old r/chapotraphouse posts can be recovered if you still have your old !reddit-logo accounts.


    • Go to !reddit-logo's Data Request page and log in. (
    • Submit a request. I selected the GDPR option.
    • Select 'I want data from my full time at Reddit'
    • Submit and wait. Mine took about 10 minutes, but yours might be different.
    • Check your !reddit-logo's Unread Messages ( and you should see a message like this.


    • Download the ZIP archive. Your effortposts are in posts.csv and comments.csv and can be opened within a spreadsheet program.
    ChaosMaterialist ChaosMaterialist [he/him]



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