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Why aren't all the people Biden has killed and hurt real to them? What the hell is happening in their minds?
  • Because making a public display of “caring” is what matters for them. It’s politics as personal branding, so as long as the image of pro-trans rights is there, that works for their particular “personal brand.” They want you to interpret their support of the Democrats as meaning they’re a trans ally.

  • how did the debate go
  • Usually what I see is this sense of noble, aloof resignation; a lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth gets out of the starting block, woe is me for having the burden of recognizing the truth from the lies.

    What libs fail to recognize is that lies are not dished out arbitrarily, they’re done for a conviction, a value, to signify to a base that its needs are seen and being addressed. It doesn’t matter if Trump overstates the number of annual illegal border crossings because the point isn’t the specifics, it’s communicating to people anxious about foreigners, “I am looking out for you.” Libs fail at this because they think the abstract concept of “Truth” is a value unto itself and that conviction/base bit is icky politics. So it gets treated like getting a question right on a current events quiz.

  • Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
  • God I hope they jack him up on so many stimulants for the next one, his heart will pop out of his chest like an Alien.

  • A Tesla driver says he crashed his brand new Cybertruck after the brakes stopped working
  • The tires may suddenly deflate at highway speeds if you don’t have a blue check mark on Twitter

  • A Tesla driver says he crashed his brand new Cybertruck after the brakes stopped working
  • He said a Tesla manager told him that due to the terrain, the accelerator may or may not disengage

    Love my six-figure car with a schrodinger’s cat for an accelerator.

  • Oklahoma orders schools to teach the Bible 'immediately'
  • Especially in the culture of the time, taking in travelers was considered an essential part of society.

  • Oklahoma orders schools to teach the Bible 'immediately'
  • Oh there’s gonna be some malicious compliance surrounding this:

    “Now class, why do you think that after the death of his wife, Lot’s daughters decided to have sex with him?”

  • The tech bros truly inhabit different world
  • Technically he said that AI could understand all of physics which is a slightly different thing. Still silly as practically that just means “AI gonna do better physics modeling” which is more an incremental improvement on current systems than reinventing the wheel.

  • What is the communist position on the definition of fascism?
  • I ask, because you see a lot of libs and liblefts calling America fascist, but then being asked how, and not being able to respond.

    Completely anecdotal, but my memory of being taught about both fascism and communism in high school (and I was in the more advanced social studies classes mind you) was, they’re very very bad, no good, but no real explanation of what either was structurally. We were taught they did bad things, but the theory/ideology behind it was reduced to “here be dragons.” So I’m not surprised that a lot of people have trouble defining fascism even if their heart is in the right place in opposing it.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • I can’t say if it was a Zoomer or not because I just saw the car itself not the driver, but the worst example of that I saw was a car I walked by with a ton of anime stickers on the back. A few were innocuous but most of them were lewd but not outright nude/pornographic. However, they were all explicitly related to a particular kink/fetish:

    sex stuff


    And not just in the imagery, lots of euphemistic word play/puns on the kink. The kicker though was in the middle of all that, was one bumper sticker that just said “sorry mom.”

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • For me it depends a lot on what it’s a tutorial for. Like, I hate music lesson tutorials, always feels like it’s moving on before I absorb what I need. Home repair tutorials, on the other hand, those are boss because often the written instructions are vague or not optimal, and seeing exactly what physical movement the instructions meant is helpful.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Good to see that usage is good, although I think we’d need to see some data of young people from 20-30 years ago to get a full comparison. Also, the older generations are most likely reporting lower condoms use because they’re more likely to be in long term, monogamous relationships than the younger ones, thus more concerned with the reproductive control aspect than the disease control aspect. So they’re more likely to be using hormonal or surgical birth control. If you look at the breakdown by relationship type, it show long term relationships have way, way lower condom usage rates than hookups or casual relationships.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Not sure how widespread it is but I see a lot of younger women complain about this so I assume there’s a shift: young people being way more lackadaisical about using condoms these days, especially for casual hookups. Obviously HIV isn’t the death sentence it once was, but it’s still there and it’s not the only STD with long term consequences. Yet there seems like an attitude of “Well she is (or I am) on hormonal birth control so there’s no concern then.”

  • Looking into it.
  • "Our main goal in supporting Kenya is to help it overcome the difficult economic challenges it faces and improve its economic prospects and the well-being of its people," it said in a statement, before bursting out in laughter

    Fixed it.

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • Oh libs absolutely love it when their party is out of power because then they get to pretend their party would fix all these problems if they just were in power. When they’re actually in power, then they have to make excuses for their impotency and that’s no fun.

  • Splatoon world champs Jackpot caught having heated gamer moments (CW: racism, homophobia)

    I always thought the Splatoon community was relatively better when it comes to marginalized people but even it’s not immune to the !freeze-gamer mindset

    Another W for Gen Z At NYPD, exodus eases but number of cops at generational low - The Chief

    Fewer officers left the NYPD in the first quarter this year than the record number of departures clocked in recent years but retirements and resignations remain above recent norms, leaving the …

    At NYPD, exodus eases but number of cops at generational low - The Chief
    Bit idea: Mashing up aughts Jesus Freak aesthetics with Yas Slay Queen tropes

    T-shirt that say “Jesus is my Girlboss” with a picture of Christ in a business dress.

    Seeking advice regarding transitioning family member

    Long story short, I’ve always been supportive of the trans community and individuals, trans rights are human rights, all that good stuff. However, I’ve never had someone in my personal life transition, until now; my FIL told my wife that they’re now a MIL. So there’s two sides to this request:

    First, any general advice, resources, etc., on how to be supportive/helpful for her during the transition, and advice that would be more specific to someone that’s transitioning as a senior and as a trans woman that wouldn’t respond well to overtly left wing resources on the matter. Yep, she’s a lifelong Republican, was optimistic about Trump although I have no clue how she stands on him now (as an aside though, oh boy were the rants about drag queen story times ironic in hindsight).

    Which leads into the second side: while she has started on HRT, she’s still not publicly presenting as feminine, and we haven’t told our son/her grandson yet. We’ve discussed the general concept of people who are transgender with him, but that’s not the same thing as him processing grandpa becoming grandma, and he’s at an age where I have no clue how he’s going to take it. So I’m looking for any recommendations as to how to discuss what’s happening with him, maybe some books (like third/fourth grade level) that do a good job of presenting the concept for a younger mind.

    PKMKII PKMKII [none/use name]

    Bio? You expect me to fill out a bio? Nice try, FBI.

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