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What happened to Louis Rossman's live yesterday?
  • The thing is, some need to publicly complain/call out shitty behaviour of our corporate masters. Now paired with someone who has quite the reach makes this even better so that unaware peeps notice this as well.

  • another feature forced really hard on users, with Konsole this time: the color preview
  • Off-Topic: this is truly beautiful. I'm reading this thread in jerboa, which is a Lemmy Client for android, and yet it seems that it's actually a thread on Mastodon. I love this interoperability of the fediverse!

  • Sesselmann in Sonneberg – Erster und einziger AfD-Landkreis fast pleite? Was dahinter steckt
  • Der Grund? Wahrscheinlich Brutale Killerspiele die bösen Ausländer und Linksgrünversiften liegts daran, dass die AfD bis auf heiße Luft und Hetze nichts kann.

  • What is your favourite shell to use
  • Uh. Whatever my distro comes with per default.

  • ‘AI is reliant on mass surveillance’ and we should be cautious, warns head of messaging app
  • I mean you could also write your grocery list per hand.

  • EU member states remain divided on controversial CSAM-scanning plan — but for how long?
  • Except csam always just was a pretended reason to implement this mass surveillance anti privacy and anti encryption bill.

  • A Rant about Front-end Development
  • Every browser released since 2020 supports this (custom elements that is), so I don't see an issue with browser support.

    You mean the Html template Element? I've never really got that to work, but I also never seriously tried.

  • A Rant about Front-end Development
  • Vanilla JS is perfectly fine to do basic interactive stuff. Data Binding is a bit trickier but can be achieved neatly with Web Components. I like it.

  • NATO Member Sweden Says Russia Disrupting Its Satellite Networks
  • Disruption of communication can only mean one thing...

  • Shortest license agreement ever.
  • And it's frequency of usage is proportional to the amount of code to be reviewed.

  • Firefox 127.0.1 Release Notes
  • Don't forget the N variants. In those you don't have any media codecs or DRM plugins.

  • Firefox 127.0.1 Release Notes
  • A Home Edition implies the existence of a Pro Edition.

  • Firefox 127.0.1 Release Notes
  • Introducing Firefox Localhost edition.

  • The four horsemen of online profile pictures
  • Where is JC Denton?

  • IDF spokesman says Hamas can’t be destroyed, drawing retort from PM: ‘That’s war’s goal’
  • Why is a rear admiral the spokesperson in this matter? Does the IDF uses naval combat in this scenario as well?

  • I like to spread knowledge
  • I really don't like those diamond blocks that you need to stick a rod into it ^to keep it stable^.

  • [tw:dysphoria; self-harm] Coming out to my parents was probably not a good idea

    So last week I came out to my Parents and my Grandma.

    I already knew beforehand that this will not end well, as my parents are (super)conservative and self-absorbed. But I had to do it anyway, right?

    I met with my grandma (mid-eighties) first alone, she was a bit shocked but was quite understanding of the situation, and she tried real hard to use my proper pronouns. I really love her trying and being open.

    Then my parents arrived and I laid it all down to them. They were shocked of course. Interestingly, I was not the first who happened to be trans in my family, my mother said in a tone like that being trans is some freak accident that happen and can't be helped. They told me her deadname and her new name, but from then on out they constantly deadnamed her whenever they referred to her. Great start...

    She also once said, probably with good intention, that I would always be her deadname. Which stung even more, especially since she said that after I tried to correct her on my pronouns and my name. Like she totally disregarded what i was saying all along.

    To my father, he is a quite right-leaning and buys into the idea that the rainbow flag and trans movement is communistic. As in, we as a minority, want to dictate the majority how to speak, act and think. (Imaging that novel idea, that inclusivity and respect is communistic)

    In the end I could bear it any longer and found a somewhat graceful exit to leave this toxic coming out.

    But ever since then, and the text messages I received from my mother don't help at all, thoughts are gnawing on my self. Text messages like: that she doesn't think that I am trans and that the journey I am on is the right one. Because she read up on literature (she didn't mention what literature), she hadn't seen any signs during my youth, and she insists that she always knows best.

    So yeah, thoughts like am I really trans? is this just really only just a phase? Do I only really want attention? Am I just faking it?

    But why, on the other hand, do I feel the shot of euphoria whenever a colleague calls me by my name and uses my given pronouns?

    Why not just end this charade once and for all? Who would care in the end?

    Dysphoria, fueled by conservatives who don't accept you, is really tormenting at times.

    My first Appointment went really well

    So some other girls in this community mentioned that they had their first appointments regarding transgender questions and such, and so did I.

    To preface this, I'm from Germany, so don't take any advice from this post please as every journey is different and is dependent on where you life, what healthcare options you have and such.

    So, I went to an independent, donation based, center which deals about everything LGBTQ+. First it was pretty easy, going up to the door looking for the ringer, and then I suddenly stop in my motion. I hesitated and asked myself: "Am I really ready for this, to question everything?" My finger pressed the ringer and the Door swung open.

    A super cheery woman was waiting for me and showed me the room where we would get to know each other and had to leave me alone for a bit as she had to deal with something else first (it was also 10 minutes before the actual appointment, I like being too early than being too late).

    Then we talked. About all of my immediate concerns regarding transitioning, not only socially and medically, but political and work related as well.

    I didn't know that public healthcare in Germany can cover so many things (when you have a diagnosed ICD-10 F64.0 that is). From HRT, to surgery to hair removal, vocal-chord surgery...

    Pretty amazing. Buuuuut, getting that diagnose is a pain in the butt, even though I'm in the third-biggest city. There are just too few specialized therapists and the queue times can be years long. But that's not where it ends, I have to go through at least 5 sessions, 50 minutes each. And then I can get the diagnosis to get my medical journey started. Firstly, I want to go on HRT, getting those hormones and the body changes; they sound super promising. I'm not certain yet about the steps after that. But changing my legal name will, currently as a new law is in the making, take legal council, examination and some months to think it over, and then an appointment at court. WTF? The new law can't come soon enough.

    So yeah. It has been good talking to a sister regarding those questions and my concerns, as the political climate isn't looking spiffy right now, and it only gets worse.

    In any case, if you have questions or need help regarding trans* please seek out your local community as they can be really helpful and supportive!

    I just had my first dysphoria attack [CW: Dysphoria]

    So I became fairly recent aware and confident enough to accept my inner self being a woman instead of a man, like my body. All of my friends are super affirming and supportive, and I totally love them for having them!

    But thats the good side of it all. There is the bad side as well.

    Just randomly, during a quite boring company online meeting, I scrolled through some toots, listend to some music and to their presentation, I got such a severe anxiety attack. I don't know why, or what I could do. I was just bawling my eyes out. All those negative emotions of just being different, that there are groups in our society that dont accept us or even worse attack us hit me all at once.

    It was utterly horrible. I sat there in my chair for atleast 10 minutes, unable to do anything but cry and destroy my mind.

    Then I got a smidge of courage and joined my friends (who also happen to be colleagues from the same team) discords voice chat. Just expressing that I'm fricking awful and telling them about it. How I feel and all, but unable to determine a trigger. Sure they couldn't really "help" me, giving me advice or whatever. But that they were just listening, and understanding was already enough to get me out of that awful hole.

    I am so lucky that I have them, just one click away.

    Sorry for the ramblings, but I just had to somewhat write all of that shit down.

    GitHub 2FA enrollment

    I just received an email from Github that they are now ofically begin to require users who contribute code need to have 2FA enabled.

    Why isn't password + email already sufficient? Why do I need to use a third FA to satisfy their requirements? Is it reasonable to feel stumped or angry about it?

    Would like to hear your thoughts about this.

    The Expanse macniel
    [Season 2x08] [potential spoiler] regarding the belter

    Its my first run and I'm currently in the middle of Season 2 (episode 8: Pyre) so if the situation changes after that please don't spoiler me.


    Am I wrong that I really don't like the Belter?

    They are so unorganized and aggressive and only out for themselves.

    After Fred Johnson acquired the 30 Nukes as a contingency to defend the Belt against Mars and Earth, why are the leaders of the belt so daft and actually want to use them against the inner planets? Then that stupid mutiny against him after they kidnapped the remaining doctor.

    And then that atrocity after Ganymede, where the Freighter simply ejected people from the inner planets when they were told to move to a different freighter. That was truly gut-wrenching.

    Also, I'm quite sad but also happy that Miller sacrificed himself in Eros and be with Julie Mao for their final journey to Venus.

    Besides that I would say that I fell in love with the series, the setting, the people and everything.

    What's the most satisfying ship you fly/drive?

    Every Ship and or Ground Vehicle has its quirks and flight/drive characteristics. What's your favorite and why?

    Be it the fastest, the most maneuverable, the most responsive or just the most easy-going ship.

    Oddly enough for me it's the MISC Freelancer, it may not be the fastest out of the bunch but the turnrates in atmosphere just feel really right.

    So apparently youtube, or its comment system, is against the fediverse

    Over the time new youtube videos crop up talking about reddit, twitch and twitter issues. And in those comment sections I always like to spread the word of alternatives (like the fediverse). But whenever I do, those comments get quietly removed even though they seem to be posted in the first place.

    Whenever I try to add further details, for example name dropping lemmy/bin pixelfeed peertube and mastodon, to previously posted comments those error out and gets deleted entirely.

    Anyone else made that observation?

    Roadmap Roundup - 28th June, 2023 Roadmap Roundup - June 28, 2023 - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

    Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.

    Roadmap Roundup - June 28, 2023 - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

    Added to 3.20:

    • New Missions - Salvage Contracts: Coverup

    Marked as Committed for 3.20:

    • Arena Commander: Frontend Update
    • Arena Commander: New Racetracks
    • Arena Commander: New Horizon Speedway Rework
    • Arena Commander: New Dogfighting Map - Jericho Station
    • Arena Commander: New Elimination Map - Echo11
    • Arena Commander: New Dogfighting Map - Winner's Circle
    • Arena Commander: New Map - Security Post Kareah

    Removed from 3.20:

    • Ship Trespass

    Link to the full Roadmap Update:

    Link to the Release View:

    Link to Spectrum Discussion:

    Laser Shipweapons

    Ever since 3.14, the great equalizer, all Laser Repeater and Laser Cannons (and also all other Weapons for that matter) have been baselined in damage, rate of fire and capacity usage except styling.

    Which guns do you prefer for their aesthetics?

    I love my purple/blue pew pews I get from the MaxOx NN and MaxOx NDB weapons, but those Quarreler Shots sound super beefy and satisfying as well.

    Also I wonder when those weapons get their distinctiveness back e.g. HD Attritions yielding higher DPS the hotter they get.

    Inside Star Citizen: SAN'tALK.YāLL

    Talking about the San'tok.yāi and the Hull C with its upcoming Cargo changes.

    Aopoa Khartu'al appreciation post

    I always wanted to ride in a hamster cage and thanks to the Alien Week 2953 offering I now can do exactly that. But in style!

    I totally love the Paintjobs for the Alien ships, and Harmony is just the best for the Aopoa Khartu'al!

    The gimballed thrusters I loved from the Mirai Fury actually started with this ship and it makes so much fun steering in with it. from 0 to top speed in space in no time, and some very nice weapon hardpoints to boot with (2xs4!) and that transformation sequence. Just sheer awesome.

    What do you like about the Aopoa Khartu'al?

    Tofu und andere Fleischersatzprodukte?

    Moin Hamburg,

    sagt mal wisst ihr wo man Tofu hier in unserer wunderschönen Hansestadt (Komme aus Hammerbrook) herbekommt? Ich hab richtig lust mal etwas mit Tofu zu machen.

    Und wie kann man das am besten dann auch Würzen? Kenne mich nicht wirklich aus und bin auch einer ein Anfänger was die Küche anbelangt :D

    Pathfinder 2e General Discussion macniel
    How do you prep your Homebrew/APs?

    I am a new GM of Pathfinder 2e and my Group and I voted Kingmaker P2 to be our first Adventure Path to play through after we finish the Beginner Box (exquisite material!).

    Now I have my vault set up with tons of plugins for managing encounters, creatures and rules and pull the content out of the Kingmaker P2 Adventure Path while trying to keep it structural sound (each chapter on its own, with cross linking between Quests and Characters etc.)

    How do you guys do it if you prep a campaign, adventure paths or even just your worldbuilding? What tools do you use and how detailed do you write your notes?

    *On a side note: If this post isn't in the correct place, so I apologise as this community is the only one I can see from my instance (coming from on your instance ( also I am pretty new to lemmy all together. *

    DmMacniel macniel

    ✍️ Hobbyist Writer, 🎲 Role player, 🧩 Game master, 🚀 Sci-Fi enthusiast, 💫 Star Citizen 🇪🇺 EU Citizen, 🐧 Linux user, 🧑‍💻 Professional Software Developer, 🏳️‍⚧️ Woman

    Posts 13
    Comments 2.5K