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misandry vs misogyny
  • or I could just hit the block button, debate nerd

    like literally what are you even on "name one form" like, again, what, I need a catalogue of misandric events to satisfy you, because otherwise you cannot conceive of anyone being a bigot who just hates men? debate nerdmaxxing

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • someone hating men for the fact of their male nature, the literal definition of the word? saying "this can exist" doesn't mean, like half this website seems to take it to mean, that that statement is an endorsement of the idea that it is widespread or "just as bad as [whatever]" or whatever other projections seem to be getting made on me when I get called "a repugnant troll" for saying this

    what am I supposed to have a catalogue of Acts of Misandry for you like it's something i keep track of?

    I'll never understand why some people want to just play pretend that nobody can just be a bigot that hates men without there being some Misandry Pope or cadre of Misandry Police backing them up or what purpose they think is being served by going like "Systemic misandry is misandry and if it's not systemic it cannot exist" like that's actually helpful in some way. yes we're going to defeat institutionalized misogyny by telling people it's impossible to be sexist against men, ever, under any circumstances

    and I'll never understand why it's impossible to talk about this without nerds projecting shit onto me like I'm some mens' rights activist dipshit instead of some nerd who's mad about words, like god forbid someone just be bothered by the fact that they consider it fucking moronic to not distinguish at all between systemic and non systemic forms of bigotry

    if misandry requires institutional backing to exist then literally what do you call it when a person hates men for being men? it's absurd to believe that the number of people worldwide that fall under that is 0, so, what do you call them if not misandrists?

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • cool story, but "misandry" isn't "the oppression of men"

    literally half this website just making up definitions for shit for the other half to get mad about and going HUH WHY'S THERE 100 COMMENTS every time it happens

    because you don't need a constitution enshrining bigotry for the concept of bigotry to be real (this comes off as very lib parliamentarian rules type shit to me honestly) but I guess you disagree so my comments get removed and I get called a racist reactionary divorce dad or wtf ever

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • "If you disagree with my arbitrary inclusion of a systemic, institutionalized backing as being integral to the definition of a word, you're now a racist reactionary dipshit" WOOP THERE IT IS

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • "Misandry isn't real because there's no systemic backing" my god will hexbear stop generating dumbass takes

    In before I get called a reactionary and some user pretends I'm some "misandry is JUST AS BAD" moron like the Divorce Guy in the OP just because I think it's fucking stupid to tie in "has a systemic and institutionalized backing" to the definition of a fucking word, like the very concept of misandry is unreal and cannot exist unless you're living in the Feminist Femocracy of Manhatea

  • It's a beautiful day outside, I have no work and no plans for the first time in ages, there's stuff going on around me, and I'm too fucking exhausted to get out of the house
  • If you try adderall it will be very different, focalin is dexmethylphenidate which means it's the right handed isomer of ritalin. In my experience, which admittedly was brief, ritalin was more similar to modafinil in terms of just being awake. Adderall usually also gives a bit of euphoria and just sense of enjoyment in whatever you're doing (but that's been variable for me lately since the shit made by Lannett hasn't really been doing that). But either way i think with treating adhd it's kinda similar to psychedelics in how set and setting affect what happens. If you take it and set yourself up to focus on something productive, it'll help, but if you just take it and see where it goes idk you'll spend 6 hours arguing on the internet about some stupid shit and/or jerking off

  • Deleted
    Is $2K for this car fucking dumb?
  • the timing belt (unless it has a timing chain, which you can check online) has been replaced on schedule. Usually the water pump, pulleys, etc are replaced at the same time

    oh.... am i supposed to be doing this stuff?? lol why do people own cars

  • It's a beautiful day outside, I have no work and no plans for the first time in ages, there's stuff going on around me, and I'm too fucking exhausted to get out of the house
  • this is the main reason i feel like i'm jonesing for adderall, even though this lannett shit hasn't been giving me any euphoric feeling. I'm off work for the next month and I wanna play videogames but I get like an hour into anything and i just don't feel like i have the energy to pay attention, I wanna lay down and nap

  • Deleted
    Is $2K for this car fucking dumb?
  • I would be hesitant to spend 1k on this car. I have a 2005 kia spectra that is just about to hit 150k miles and it is MAYBE worth 2k. Blue book says 2.5k but it has all kinds of random fucking problems coming up.

    I would not spend the money you got on this

  • does buying a cybertruck come with a contract dictating you do stupid shit with it

    why are these people even here, how did this even happen?? I would be less confused if the truck were facing the water but they like backed up to it?????

    The Man Who Killed Google Search The Man Who Killed Google Search

    This is the story of how Google Search died, and the people responsible for killing it. The story begins on February 5th 2019, when Ben Gomes, Google’s head of search, had a problem. Jerry Dischler, then the VP and General Manager of Ads at Google, and Shiv Venkataraman, then

    The Man Who Killed Google Search

    My brother sent me this today, I only skimmed it but i guess the reason google REALLY sucks now is the guy who built their search engine got replaced by a managerial ratfucker whose previous experience was being head of yahoo search (lol)

    lol the vanguardist Red Army is the sole component of the "Great Liberal Party"

    fucking liberals

    p.s. if you're wondering Who's That Flag I'm Venezuela and I just enacted council republic, cookin' up cooperative ownership r/n

    all who resist us are... idolatrous demons, and we kill them without sparing

    this is some like NATOpedia shit on the Taipin rebellion so like 1000000 grains of salt for everything, but man that quote goes hard

    it's wild actually thinking about the articles about increased costs for flood insurance

    because it's like SO much attention drawn to such a small increase in cost of living compared to what the average renter deals with. I think the article posted on here quoted something like an increase from $400ish PER YEAR to $2000ish for flood insurance? Which is like, a lot, but that's a $50/month to $166/month increase, which is like, yeah, again, a lot, but that is still way less than the average rent increase due to landlords just being like "well the market rates!!" and charging you more every year. My rent has gone up way more than that. It's been like $70 every fucking year. And I'm not dealing with some fucking coastal flood bullshit either.

    idk what the point of this post is because I do still have sympathy for proletarian home owners who are being fucked by climate change. It's just wack seeing the numbers, like, "This increase is SERIOUS" when it's so much more than the increases I've seen EVERY FUCKING YEAR FOR NO FUCKING REASON OTHER THAN LANDLORD OWN PLACE

    shoutout to America's finest!!! (CW: still from the self-immolation video)

    Don't forget to point your gun at the smoldering body in front of you, it might jump up and idk make you ingest fentanyl

    big ups to the like 20 solid seconds of shouting "ON THE GROUND. ON THE GROUND. ON THE GROUND!" at a man who is currently burning to death

    TIL there's some fucked up rich people secret society in St Louis

    Never heard of this before but learned about it when reading about zoroastrianism on wikipedia (i followed a link to read about diadems)

    wow so there's a staircase in a main quest in RDR2 where it just crashes your game?

    and it's been like this for over 2 years? without being fixed? a main quest??? lmaoooo

    my gf is like really unhappy because she's put 60 hours into the game and now it's like woops stairs break your computer

    USians BTFO

    I am heavily abusing naval invasion mechanics and how they absolutely brainfuck the AI. I still almost lost this last war (liberating New Africa and taking Pennsylvania) because Great Britain's idiot fleets were set to "defend naval invasions" and wouldn't help me

    liberals and petite bourgeoisie about to :vote: the shogun out of power🤮

    I got an agitator for the intelligentsia set on enacting homesteading. That's cool little guy !yea but the shogun won't like that. But then an agitator for the petite bourgeoisie joined up whose combined radicalism gave the law a 100% chance of passing!! Eat a dick shogun!!!! !porky-scared

    with an illegitimate government! only the buddhist monks are in power, with a legitimacy of 18! but the law's gonna pass! wild

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
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