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Third Intifada?
  • May our guerilla allies put Israel where it belongs, the dustbin of history! The Western imperialist scum supporting this neo colonist terrorist organization shall be next!

  • How to reduce mass shootings without disarming the proletariat
  • The issue is mass shootings have become a part of American culture. Americans not only like killing brown people in other countries, but also themselves. I'm obviously overgeneralizing but it does hold true to at least some degree. The only real solution is a mass reeducation of Americans and that can only happen once the US itself is thrown into the dustbin of history.

  • no rest for the wicked
  • I'm convinced that those dumbass three letter agencies are actively deploying troll farms and bots to spread Ukrainian propaganda while censoring and/or downvoting posts that oppose their fascist narrative. This is happening on Reddit and other Western controlled social media.

  • A year of lying about Nordstream by Seymour Hersh
  • This was by far the biggest terrorist attack in recent history and it's pretty obvious that the insects of a certain terrorist cell (CIA) associated with the so called "United States of America" terrorist organization were involved.

  • The West is on the brink of collapse

    Think about it.

    First of all, it had to resort to supporting Nazis to overthrow the Ukrainian government in 2014. While Western collaboration with Nazis is nothing new, it still goes to show how far they're willing to go to terrorize the world. When the Russian majority in Crimea overwhelmingly voted to join Russia, instead of praising the outcome of a democratically held election on the basis of self determination, it condemned Russia and yelled "fake referendum". So much for their ideals of "freedom and democracy".

    Now compare that to the situation regarding the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Armenia invaded Azerbaijan in the 1990s to support its ethnic minority in Karabakh. Unlike Crimea, that was not done via referendum and was extremely bloody, with the Azeri population around Karabakh displaced from their homes. Now Azerbaijan is taking it back. If the West applied its own logic to this conflict, they'd be praising Azerbaijan similar to how they're praising Ukraine. Instead Westerners think this a conflict between Christians and Muslims and default to at least verbally supporting Armenia, even though it has nothing to do with religion whatsoever.

    The geopolitics are different with Armenia being part of CSTO so we didn't see the West sending arms to Armenia but the point is you either support the rights of ethnic minorities or you support the "territorial integrity" of a country. You can't have it both ways.

    Then there's Syria. The West has been accusing Assad of using chemical weapons, even though the UN has confirmed that Syria destroyed its stockpile in 2013 after the first round of accusations came. The West however was apparently too lazy to come up with another lie and kept insisting that Assad uses chemical weapons. Meanwhile the US has actually used chemical weapons against entire cities in Syria in their so called fight against ISIS (not to mention other conflicts like Vietnam) which was actually just a pretense to occupy Syria's oilfields and stop Iranian support by blocking Syria's main border crossing with Iraq.

    Iraq of course. WMDs!!! 9/11!!! Saddam supports al-Qaeda!!! All just lies and they've killed hundreds of thousands of people over them.

    The list goes on. There will never be peace on this planet with these insects being able to do whatever they want.

    Now Ukraine's army has lost all its offensive capabilities and Zelensky is asking for more and more weapons. Meanwhile Ukraine's manpower is getting more and more depleted to the point where they feel the need to kidnap random civilians and force recruit them into their pathetic army.

    Imagine the shitstorm that will happen after Ukraine is forced to surrender. It'll be the second major defeat for the US after it lost in Afghanistan.

    Meanwhile China and third world countries are becoming more and more powerful, with many countries in Africa abandoning Western neocolonialism. BRICS is expanding and the world is becoming more multipolar.

    Remember, the wealth of the first world is a direct result of the exploitation of the third world. In a multipolar world, this won't be possible anymore. These conflicts are just the last hurray and last ditch effort for the West to remain relevant.

    Don't forget that Ukraine supplies a quarter of the world's grain and with it gone, we will see food shortages in Western countries. Which will only worsen the cost of living crisis. That mixed with the upcoming recession won't end well for the Western world.

    The US also has for decades, if not centuries created a system that ensures that its population keeps fighting each other rather than its overlords. See Democrats vs Republicans. This has now gone to such lengths that the latter has been arming for civil war and gone to fanatical lengths defending their favorite candidates that are turning more fascist by the day. It's the perfect example of why fascism is capitalism in decay. That civil war may actually come and if it does, the collapse of the US is a very real possibility. The defeat in Ukraine will only accelerate this.

    With the US gone, Europe will become more independent. I'd imagine some countries would be willing to accept this new multipolar world, while others won't. The US meanwhile will collapse similar to how the USSR collapsed, except it probably won't happen peacefully. After that, imagine 90s Russia under Yeltsin and CIS countries but applied to North America. We communists will finally have the last laugh. Too bad that it'll suck for those of us living in these places.

    Amerinazis lost in Afghanistan, can't wait to see them lose in Ukraine

    Seeing the Taliban flag on the Afghanistan entry on Wikipedia gives a smile to my face. Not because I support the Taliban in any way but because the genocidal fascist US insects were defeated there. Hopefully it won't take too long until Ukraine is next.

    UK intelligence spun 2013 Syria chemical attack, leaked docs show
  • US meanwhile: Please just ignore all the chemical weapons we've used not just in Vietnam but in that very same conflict in Syria when we used white phosphorus against entire populations of cities to fight ISIS occupy Syria's oilfields.

  • How to support Russia's fight against Ukraine?

    As a communist, I think it goes without saying that I'm not a big fan of the current Russian government. That being said, I don't think there's any doubt that they are the lesser evil especially when compared to the Ukranazis and NATO scum. I've been seeing a couple of charities in the US that are either directly or indirectly supporting Ukraine's war effort. Are there any that either directly or indirectly support Russia?

    What would you say to a Ukrainian?

    There's this cultural exchange program going on at my university where I'm supposed to do a zoom call with people living in Kiev, Ukraine. The war will be mentioned as part of the meeting. Should I bs them or should I tell them that I don't support their Nazi military and government?

    Edit: I know someone from Donetsk who's now fighting for the Donetsk People's Republic. Should I mention him?

    Games that let you kill Amerinazis

    Does anyone know any good games where you kill fascist CIA and US army scum? Ideally as a Marxist-Leninist freedom fighter or as a soldier of a socialist country. Otherwise, games where you fight US puppets like Israel as say a Palestinian freedom fighter are also more than welcome.

    Why doesn't China get involved more?

    China could easily just declare that they'd be willing to support Niger against the ecowas terrorists and then those dogs wouldn't dare to invade the country. I understand how China delivering arms to Russian forces in Ukraine might be too risky (although even then I seriously doubt the West would be stubborn enough to crash the entire world economy and cripple themselves just for their fascist puppet state) but what does China have to loose in Africa?

    What can I do at my university?

    I'm an international student at a US university and was wondering what I can do to advance the Marxist-Leninist cause here?

    I was thinking about creating a communist youth league on campus or something of the sort? Maybe an anti-fascist action? Any other ideas?

    Is it possible for me to join any nation-wide socialist/communist organization?

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